When the Coronavirus pandemic hit the United States earlier this year, much of the country — including the sports world — came to a screeching halt. While NASCAR, soccer, and golf have all resumed, plans are in place for the NBA and MLB to begin. What will happen with the NFL this season?
It’s not known at this point if the pandemic will claim the 2020 season as its victim with all the NFL to begin training camp at their regularly scheduled time late in July. There is, however, optimism that camps will open on time.
A memo to the league earlier this month notifying the teams that they cannot have joint practices with other teams this summer. This has becoming quite commonplace in the past several seasons.
For some teams, such as the Eagles, Jets, and Giants, this will not affect them so much since they have training camps at their team facilities. However, many teams that traditionally travel for camp include the Rams, Colts, Chiefs, Steelers, Redskins, Bills, Cowboys, Panthers, and Bears.
Practices on the field have been non-existent to this point with all workout programs done virtually, such as via chat classroom. Players will largely be responsible for working out on their own.
There’s a lot of fun speculating what may happen around the league, how well new players will fit in with their teams, which draft picks will shine, which team will come out of nowhere to contend, and which preseason favorites will falter. All of this may not matter, as Covid-19 plays no favorites. In a game of continuous contact, this goes against any precautions to control the spread of the virus that has no cure to this point.
Earlier this month Dr. Anthony Fauci noted that he has some serious doubts about whether or not the NFL can pull off a season, that it may need to “bubble” its teams to have a chance with perhaps, and seemingly increasingly likely that no fans will be in attendance.
The reality for a league that requires in upwards of three-digit personnel per team per game and to have all of those in a giant bubble seems a difficult task to pull off. Let’s suppose the season does take place, it will look entirely different from what anyone is accustomed to.
If a player tests positive for Covid-19, how much time will he likely miss? At least a couple weeks, even if the symptoms are non-existent or mild. Even after testing negative, it may not be so simple to return quickly. For Von Miller of the Denver Broncos, he was still feeling issues more than 2 ½ weeks after testing positive for the novel Coronavirus.
Who knows what will happen with the teams from day-to-day, let alone week-to-week. Numerous players and personnel could get sick at once, putting a big dent for upwards of a month during a four or five month season.
Also to take into consideration is that Covid-19 has been harder on the clinically obese, and while NFL linemen are in great physical condition, their immense size puts them in that category. The fact that football is a contact sport makes the socially distancing component impossible.
To play a football season during the middle of such a pandemic seems utterly ridiculous on many levels, yet there are plenty of guidelines put into place with frequent testing, mask wearing, hand washing, etc, that hopefully can make a season a reality.
There will likely be no fans, with rumors that TV broadcasts will feature fan noise sound tracks and perhaps video enhanced fans in the seats. It would come off like something out of The Twilight Zone.
Covid-19 has impacted a lot of lives and a lot of industries and the NFL will be no exception. From used car auctions to the U.S. dairy industry, a lot of uncertainty is still up in the air as scientists around the world work towards developing a viable vaccine.
In addition to the sports themselves, sports gambling outfits, such as nfl mvp betting are also hoping for a smoothly executed season — which may or may not include fans in attendance.
Here’s hoping the NFL can pull it off, but I wouldn’t put my money down that the season will be completed in its entirety. We can only wait and see.
This Pandemic is just half the problem.
Fans may quit going to the games just because of the divide going on in our nation. To watch these people destroying our treasures, and complaining about old racist slurs that no longer exist is just too much. I tried to help the black community most all of my adult life. I always bought a fresh bottle of Aunt Jamima’s Syrup or a box of Pancake Mix, when I went to the store, but now, can’t even do that anymore.
I used to like a bowl of Cream Of Wheat, to eat once in a while also, but the stores all been looted now, and I’m being told that these products are no longer available. These new look alike products ain’t quite as good, Cream Of White, for instance, is not the same as the Old Cream Of Wheat.
Lots of us didn’t learn how to read, back in the day, so it was nice to see the color of the person on the package, so ya know who’s ya buy-in it from. I sure wouldn’t buy anything what’s got a liberal on the box.
What a stupid comment
You really are a SAP. Keep your name idiot. And fuck off. Aren’t you late for the KKK rally anyway?
Increasingly, I equate “conservative” with “idiot”. Nasty and dumb. What a way to go through life.
Whoa whoa, whoa…..Lets all just take a breath. I understand everyone’s passion over racism and political views.
But i can’t allow this behavior. Not on my website.
I don’t see any way the NFLPA allows a season to happen unless there’s a vaccine, it’s too risky for the players. Shit it took Von down for weeks! Add in the fact that certain governors are taking it more seriously than others, and it’s just not going to happen. That’s not political by the way – it’s just the truth. The Republican governor in Ohio won’t let stadiums fill up, same with Pritzker in Illinois. Thankfully they aren’t all shit for brained buffoons like DeSantis & Abbott.
Go Pack Go – [next year]
Like how the flu vaccine eradicated the flu?
Your ignorance is showing
Let me get my calculator and use a very complex equation….multiply that… carry the one…0% chance.
NFW will there be a season. And even worse for some, no fantasy football for all you degenerates.
Regular people : well, there’s a 70% chance we have an NFL season…
Ed : wanna bet on it??
Fourth or fifth article by Ed where he mentions sports gambling. There is a way out of this, Ed… first step is acknowledging there is an issue.
Stay safe, everyone.
You as well MJ.
I’ve done almost a 180 on this thing, mostly because of the recent outbreaks in some area’s of the Country, not to mention a lot of disregard from some, as if were going to wake up one morning and the virus will magically be gone. I’m like most everyone, i want nothing more than to have a full season. Even if….the Packers are still broken, and they are.
I’m a bottom line guy. I don’t take much going through labor pains (just bring me the baby). There is huge divide right now in society, not just socially, but medically. That means some people are lost and confused.
Personally..if i don’t have a well educated understanding of something, there is only one smart play…..Refer to the people who have the most educated intellect on a subject and listen to them, even if they themselves don’t have all the answers. Those people are the medical scientist. I find it amusing to a point, when far less educated people think they know better than highly respected experts in their field.
Bottom line? My uneducated synopsis is…..
The success or failure of ANY of the 3 sports will depend on outbreaks. An outbreak here and there is expected (3 percent?). But if there are “clumps of outbreaks” (6,7 + percent), then i think you get to the point where clearer heads prevail.
I’m sure Vegas has odds, but i wouldn’t wager a dollar on a full season and i’d love to be wrong.
Sadly, all sports are in trouble because younger kids would rather play video games or watch people PLAYING video games than actually watch sports.
I have been wondering that for the last few years myself . . .
As I stated earlier in a previous article, it will take sequestering the players and staff for each team all year, plus the postseason for this to happen. Considering the age group of professional football players, that seems a daunting task, if not impossible! To make this even worse, was the concern of the spreading of the virus getting worse again (which I also stated in that other article), well it fucking did in a big way. Like NobodysBurfect said; some governors get it, while others absolutely do not! And as PF4L stated; Listen to the professionals! not that idiot snake oil salesman in DC or some YouTube conspiracy fucktard . . . it is obvious now that they were WRONG! let us trust that something good will be created that will stop this virus soon so that we can all get back to work and play and to watching our favorite sports! Stay safe! and for fuck’s sake wear a friggin’ mask!
I don’t think the sin was re-opening. Re-opening didn’t cause those outbreaks, people did, notably young people. Although it could be argued that policy makers should have anticipated it.
The problem is…they open that door and the younger generation acts like nothing ever happened and it’s party time at the bars and beaches.
Politically, both sides have shown bad examples of Leadership……On the left you have protesters across the Nation and the left is not saying anything about the dangers in doing so concerning the virus spread.
While the right side holds Rally’s and and acts like all they have to do is take people’s temperature at the door. The left side will blast the right side for doing this, which is correct…BUT, the left side is hypocritical citing there own silence about the virus during the protest. Politics is an ugly business, on both sides.
If they don’t play, I feel it may be the end of the NFL as we currently know it. I wasn’t around during WW2 to know the league handled absences, I know a couple teams joined together. I just do not see some teams sustaining those heavy mortgages on new or existing stadiums. I certainly do not advocate a bail out. As to the commenters about race. I am a conservative and live in South Carolina, And we have a lot of conservatives who are African American, our police department is well respected both County and City.
Well, if it’s any consolation to anyone. Not only do we not know how this is going to go down with the big 3 sports. Neither do they.
In other News: Bad news….Good news…..
Milwaukee’s homicides have doubled year to date (43) – (86) which is very troubling. But lets look at the glass half full if we may.
In a VERY RARE instance of somebody publicly addressing this issue……
Milwaukee activist Vaun Mayes brought good news and put my mind at ease. He “attributes” a lot of the homicide increase to Covid and people having to be in their house together. He also mentioned the down economy was to blame. It’s always nice to listen to the voice of reason.
So the good news is twofold….(A) It’s not really anyone’s fault, which personally, is a huge relief to me. I thought it was because of personal bad criminal behavior from bad people who didn’t take responsibility for their actions, but i was doing a lot of drinking at the time so it’s evident, i wasn’t thinking clearly.
(B) So once we get this virus under control, and we can rebuild the buildings burnt down, fix all the broken windows and doors, and restock the shelves of business owners so they can re-open. Then…………….we can put these homicides behind us.
I know what ya’ll are thinking ….That maybe the best post of the year and will probably win an award.
But in my humility….i know we have 1/2 the year left, and someone may do better. Plus, i’ve never won an award, i’ve been getting jobbed for 9 years, but i ain’t angry :) because i don’t live my life looking to find someone to blame for my troubles.
You’re welcome :)
Well…the worst contributor…hot oppressive humid weather…will be on tap for the next week. Add in the 4th of July holiday and its gonna be a violent week.
Also…took a spin to the city yesterday…it feels like a both a ghost town and a powder keg sf the same time.
And last but not least…
I thought about the positives for this soon to be cancelled nfl season and thought of 1. This extra time is really going to give rashan Gary the opportunity to land more clients for his agency.
Yea…..If they cancel the season, i don’t think it derails the Packers plans, but it surely throws a wrench into it. Then everything gets delayed a year.
I don’t know how it works as far as players guaranteed contract money for 2020. I would assume there are contingency’s for a season being called off, but i have no clue.
Rodgers got lucky (or has a very smart agent) in the aspect the Packers front loaded him heavy. He’s already received 81 million the last 2 years. I say good for him. Karma is real.
Not sure if Executives still get paid. I wouldn’t be surprised if they do. So Gutenkunst, and lifetime Packer employee Ted Thompson might get full salary. With Gutenkunst, that would leave him with 2 years left on a 5 year deal. With his 4th and 5th year most likely watching Jordan Love holding a clipboard. OR…as i have speculated, give cause for the Packers to extend him a couple more years to see his #1 pick take snaps as a starter. After all, it would be refreshing to see a first round draft pick in the starting line up.
To all……Have a great 4th celebrating our Country’s freedoms and independence, and staying safe while doing so.
If they cancel is the 2021 draft order the same as 2020? I was hoping 7-9 this year would give GB a better pick.
I’ve seen what they do with a high draft pick. So i can’t help but wonder if it even matters.
I think Gutenkunst has made clear it won’t matter while Rodgers is here.
The trick for me is…as a fan, how do i transition to the future. It would be easier if Rodgers wasn’t here anymore.
Right now, as the Packers gave up with Rodgers, it’s too soon, and too fresh for me to go into full on Packer fan mode.It’s been awhile since i had that mindset. I’m so far away from that.
Since 2015 i’ve been in wait mode. I think a lot of us were thinking (hoping) the waiting was coming to an end starting in early 2018. Two years later we find that the waiting has been extended.
Deep in my heart, i honesty never thought anything, anyone, could come anywhere close to testing my spirit as a Packer fan.
Washington National relief pitcher Sean Doolittle contends that….America hasn’t earned the right to have sports back.
I really can’t find a reason to disagree with the man.
On HLN Morning Express, they highlighted people partying with no regard to the pandemic. Some 20 something girl they interviewed said of the virus…”if we get it, we get it.”
The same attitude from the younger crowd when Florida initially wouldn’t close their beaches early in the pandemic.
You want to be proud of the citizens of America, but it’s hard when you hear stuff like that. Or in Atlanta where the Mayor let armed thugs take over city blocks near the Wendy’s. An 8 year old black girl was fatally shot Sunday in her mothers car by armed thugs after an argument where she could, or couldn’t park her car. On top of another shooting the same day involving a 53 year old man in the same area.
Honest to God i need to stop reading the news online. The way some of our citizens are acting, and just how weak and inept the politicians of major Cities are who enable them…just makes me ill.
The fucking cherry on top of this would be Oren Burks in mid August being the first guy on the Packers that tests positive for Covid leaving us thin at ILB again while also infecting most of the team including Rodgers. Cancel it! Cancel the 2020 season!