Yes, the difficult 2018 season is finally over. It’s time to contemplate better things to come. Don’t think of this post as a backwards look at many years of oppression. Instead, consider it as a look forward at a team under new, smarter, and more inspired leadership.
The Packers are freed from a coach who:
. . . would never elect to “receive” after winning a coin flip
. . . had no appreciation for, or concept of how to utilize, speedy players (which Thompson rarely supplied)
. . . would rarely even attempt to pick up a first down in third and long situations
. . . had no idea (or forgot since Finley/2013) how to effectively employ tight ends
. . . never prepared the backup quarterback to come in when Rodgers was injured – such as by giving him a few snaps in games when the outcome was no longer in doubt, or otherwise assuring his assistant coaches had the substitute ready to play
. . . virtually never ran a sweep, or a reverse
. . . commonly put players in his “dog house,” or released them outright, as a behavior modification method when players made mistakes
. . . had little use for serious misdirection, deception, or fakery, on either side of the ball
. . . never grasped, or used to his advantage, momentum changes that occurred during a game
. . . invariably became overly conservative, both defensively and offensively, when his team would get a lead of ten points or more – resulting in numerous comebacks by opponents
. . . never saw fit to instruct, correct, or properly supervise the coaches on his staff – as opposed to scapegoating by purging groups of them following unsatisfactory seasons
. . . was always on the defensive when questioned about choices he had made during a game – never admitting to his own mistakes
. . . didn’t appreciate, and paid little attention to, any aspects of special teams play
. . . almost never tried to get the most out of players by maximizing their talents and working around their faults – in other words, putting players in positions to be successful
. . . bowed out with the league-wide reputation of running the NFL’s most predictable offense
. . . always acted in his best interests, rather than the team’s, when it came to his own job security and dealings with the front office
Not sure how your article was anything more than hyperbole. You said nothing about the new coach and just listed a bunch of crap and called it an article. Like filling three bowls with snack food and calling it dinner. Lazy and bad!
Have a link to one of your own?
Add…always ran the fullback on 3rd or 4th and goal from the 1…maybe that qualifies as a trick play. It fooled someone in 2008 one time.
…..yet somehow managed to bumble his way to some pretty meaningful and entertaining season for Packers fans whose mommy and daddy didn’t promise them the Packers would win the Super Bowl every year when they were being tucked into bed.
On the bright side, soomeday their’ll be a new corpse for the vultures to flock to.
I feel ya bro.
I been sayin all along that McCarthy is a highly successful NFL Head Coach, but nobody listens to me.
There’ll be a day when they all start listening to PF4L, you feel me bro?
At this point I would be very surprised if Mike McCarthy ever returns to an NFL head coaching job. Maybe another position, but not HC. Now I would never say never but it would be surprise. The evidence to support the obvious is just too large.
Mike McCarthy was an “ok” coach who succeeded for years in a weak division and rode the arm of a future HOF QB during his best years. When facing the better coaches and teams in the playoffs, he was often out-coached. Simple as that.
His benefit was also his misfortune. A team with a stronger upper management would have held him to higher scrutiny and accountability years before they actually did. A team with stronger upper management would have not kept a cognitively challenged GM at the helm as long as they did and possibly the coach would have had better draft picks and player acquisitions at his disposal. Not sure how much that would have mattered though as the coaching decisions would have still been his.
“When facing the better coaches and teams in the playoffs, he was often out-coached. Simple as that.”
Amen to that. There was often times when GB was the better team and they would still get out-coached, or they would just squeak out a win by the skin of their teeth because of #12’s sorcery. OR, the Pack would be leading a team that was supposed to be better than them and they would end up blowing it at the last second.
It actually wasn’t easy to win only one SB with arguably the best QB of all time (including the GOAT)
It took the combined efforts of the overated McRib and the white haired mental patient that was WAY beyond overrated. He flat out sucked (literally)
Mike McCarthy: Head coach of the ‘dynasty that never was.’