The family feud is alive and well. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has been estranged from his family for some time. His brother Jordan seems to like to point that out.
Jordan Rodgers took Aaron’s $1 million wildfire donation as an opportunity to take a shot at his brother.
That’s tough, man.
We really have no idea what Rodgers’ issue with his family is at this point. Not sure we care anymore either. Maybe it will get worked out one day.
It’s an unfortunate situation. That said, it’s still kind of shitty for Jordan to take this shot when Aaron is trying to do something for his hometown community.
Last updated on January 24th, 2019 at 03:43 am
Family sound like a bunch of bitches the way they go public with everything. Keep it in the family bro.
Wade2 hours ago
Rodgers has never said a negative word about his family in the media. Whatever their issue is and no matter who is wrong or right family matters are FAMILY matters. Keep it out of the press little brother . Show some class and stop embarrassing yourself and your parents. Also stop hating on your older brother . Jealousy amongst siblings is such an ugly thing. Honestly just from the way he has conducted himself in regards to whatever the issue is it seems to me that you and the rest of your family may be the issue. Just a hunch.
Jordan Rodgers tags Jojo whos actually hotter than Danica and its still not enough. That’s the stupidity of this guy. Dude you took Butte Community College to a national title and got lucky meeting one of the hottest chicks on one of Americas stupidest shows. What more do you want? Id be getting up every day doin the texas two step if was in your shoes.
Jordan nailed it.
Couldn’t be more right.
Why should he sit on the status quo when it is so cruddy?
It’s not like Aaron will take his calls or whatever. If Jordan wants to communicate this is pretty much his only option. Trying to get Aaron to get his priorities right is important communication. Hey, I’m not saying it will actually work but, hey, at least Jordan is TRYING. Unlike, you know, Aaron… at all… even with his Mom… even in a matter of life and death….
If his own brother can’t try to straighten out Aaron (no pun intended) then who can? Of course, as Packer fans and Aaron worshippers you probably think Aaron is beyond the law, beyond the rules (or at least change them to better suit him AMIRITE? ;-/ ), and beyond humanity.
Wait, you might be right about that last one….
You know nothing about their situation so stop acting like you do. You don’t know if this is Jordan’s only way to communicate or if Aaron avoids all of his calls. Who says it’s Jordan’s job to get Aarons priorities straight? I’m pretty sure Aaron can do that himself. And if that was Jordan’s intent, I don’t think publicly insulting someone over private matters is the best way to sway someone to your point of view.
I decided to reply to his dumbest post of the day in the previous article, this was his 2nd dumbest but it was almost a tie.
Just to keep things real…..
Jordan is an analyst on the SEC network. If he wasn’t Aaron’s brother, he’d be just another College QB who couldn’t make the roster of an NFL team. He’d also most likely be asking you what flavor sauce you wanted with your chicken nuggets.
Guys. Stop feeding the troll. I almost typed out a response but decided it wasn’t worth the time.
Trolls have to be fed too. You can’t expect him to live on his food card alone can you?
Yes Joseph…it’s getting to the point we don’t care anymore. But caring, was your first mistake. I never did care because it’s….A) a family issue. B) i don’t have to, or want to know anything about it, because…C) It’s none of my business.
justin2 hours ago
I have 2 brothers a sister and my mom all 10 minutes drive from me, haven’t spoke to any of them in over 6 years? Why? none of your business.
Trust us, we know why.
Who is “us”?
You and your mommy?
Jordan Rodgers
“But when your own Mom is home alone during the fires……”
Ok Jordan, if your so worried about your Mom being alone….where were you? Where was her husband? Where was your older brother Luke? Why are you such a pussy?
Take a remedial reading course, dude. He was not saying Aaron should have been there, he was saying he should have called to make sure she was all right. He did not care where Aaron was nor does it matter where everyone else was. It’s a phone call. A phone call. Press 10 numbers and send. Just check. Geez, not even curious if Mom and Dad are in harms way? WTF?
Fresh news: Sprint was going to have Rodgers endorse their product in a series of commercials and appearances that would have netted him over 15 million dollars. Once made aware of his cold hostility towards family and inability to call they thought better having him represent them. They are sticking with Paul Marcarelli.
He’s whining she was “alone”. I simply asked, where were you and your close family members. I guess they didn’t care enough for anyone to be with her.
Reading a post is one thing, understanding it is another.
Please try to do better.
This little bitch still trying to piggy back on number Arods fame. Pathetic.
Nothing hates like family.
In my lifetime and in my neighborhood I have seen one brother shoot another to death over something probably as similarly inconsequential on the grievance scale the Rodgers family issue. I have seen other mature brothers and sisters sue each other and take each other to court time again over stuff that most rational people would simply walk away from. But it’s the principle dammit!
I have adult friends who have not spoken to one parent or another for now decades. One of those parents one time was shit-talking his son to me knowing that we were friends. I said to him, “You wanna get some good revenge?” He answered affirmatively and enthusiastically, “Yes!”. I told him to just go live a happy life and not let that bullshit bother him so much. He never spoke to me again.
Again. Repeat after me. Nothing hates like family.
Now re-read some of those other posts that accurately point out. This is none of our damn business.
Want to engage in a good conversation about California wild fires? Talk about how liberal environmental policy so totally screwed this situation up and made the fire danger so much more worse for the last several years. Policies that have now lead to these high body counts.
But hey, million bucks is a good donation. Not JJ Watt level but good for you Aaron.
For accuracy’s sake, JJ Watt started a fundraiser for Hurricane Harvey, with a donation of $100,00, with a goal of $200,000…then it grew from outside donations.
MITCH ANTHONY, regarding the “wildfires” caused by liberal environmental policy, that is more bogus right-wing fake news. The “burn-offs” that used to be practiced were halted through BI-PARTISAN policy . NOT just liberal policy (btw, many times these ALSO led to runaway fires). Furthermore, the Federal Gov’t. has been cutting the forestry services budget since Trump came into office (not withstanding Ryan and McConnell’s own budget policies of removing important monies from NEEDED project budgets, to offset the right-wing giveaways’ to the rich and corporate . . . the monies have to come from somewhere right? Right?) What pulls my chain, is that most of the people on the right are clueless about the real reasons why the right wants to get rid of monies for certain things! They need to cover up for the simple loss of revenue for their giveaway’s . . . how do they do that? THEY CUT DOWN THE BUDGETS FROM MANY PROJECTS! that’s how . . . Happy Thanksgiving.
lol…i knew you weren’t going to let that slide….peace brother.
Give it an objective read. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
Thanks MITCH, Btw, I did read it, The Hoover Institute is a right-wing think tank. They are NOT objective and tend to use hyperbole to enable the readers confirmation bias. This article was an exercise in sophomoric debate. A totally biased and rigged op-ed. Even the subtle climate change dig was amusing . . . not withstanding the use of hypotheticals in their “less than empirically based” prose.
NEPA was signed into law by Nixon (a Republican). The brilliant Trump signed an executive order that basically attempted to cut the legs out from under NEPA and the CEQ.
On August 15, 2017, President Trump issued Executive Order (E.O.) 13807, “Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects.”[32] This executive order directs CEQ to use its “authority to interpret NEPA to simplify and accelerate the NEPA review process”, requires agencies to “establish procedures for a regular review and update of categorical exclusions”, and revokes President Obama’s Executive Order 13690 that increased Flood Risk Management to include the science on climate change. Consequently, CEQ published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking “Update to the Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.”
There was pushback to this ridiculousness from Trump and the right wing machine from CEQ itself:
Find reference#33 regarding NEPA; here is the link:
Do A LOT more research before you post an article from the Hoover Institution. A far right “Think Tank” that only “thinks” about how to get more Republicans to give them money to spew more garbage. Now you just sunk below the one who I will not name here. At least he keeps it to his crappy team and insulting Green Bay fans. You just insulted every person who can think for themselves. Jesus you are an idiot sheep.
Here is an objective read for you. Now shut up. See anyone can post internet links.
Good one FERRIS. Another “who’s who” regarding “WHO” is fucking us . . .
MITCH, I read the whole article. It was an op-ed piece from a right-wing think tank! The level of rhetoric and hyperbole was obvious. What this site does is to posit enough ambiguities that relate to a narrative that will enable your confirmation bias to a point where you believe that it may just fit the narrative(s) that these charlatans serve up for you. Here is a non-partisan break-down on the “Hoover Institute”
They even subtly attacked climate change! It was quite sad . . . Regarding “burn-offs”, many of these have BECOME “wildfires” after initiated! That is because of the nature of the terrain (topography) the highly unstable air movement and sometimes the inaccessibility of the area that inadvertently gets affected.
On August 15, 2017, President Trump issued Executive Order (E.O.) 13807, “Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects.”[32] This executive order directs CEQ to use its “authority to interpret NEPA to simplify and accelerate the NEPA review process”, requires agencies to “establish procedures for a regular review and update of categorical exclusions”, and revokes President Obama’s Executive Order 13690 that increased Flood Risk Management to include the science on climate change. Consequently, CEQ published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking “Update to the Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.” However, an August 10, 2018 response comment letter [33] points out
NEPA was signed into law by a Republican (Nixon). Within this time frame Nixon also strengthened the CEQ which was to put NEPA into a very functional guidline and mandated it’s IMPORTANCE in protecting our environment . . . Back in the 70’s many Republicans actually still cared about our environment . . .
It actually functioned well until the “New Republican Party” with Ryan and McConnell decided to start shaving federal budgets to OFFSET the LOSS of REVENUE soley caused by giveaways to corporations and the ultra rich. The monies must come from somewhere to cover the LOSS of revenue right? RIGHT?? So, they started removing needed funds from many Gov’t projects and their budgets. The Forestry Service has been one of them for quite some time . . . Add the latest Trump Executive Order and it just compounds the problem . . .
Regarding said problem with the Trump EO and Ryan and McConnell’s tampering(s) The head of the CEQ issued a response regarding the ridiculousness in attempting to puposefully “muck up” (my words) something that was running very efficiently . . . You can find the reference: #33 in wikipedia’s page on NEPA. Here is the link;
In essence I suppose is this feeling that if more of us stopped believing the “Right-Wing” rhetoric which is usually NEVER fact based and Mostly filled with talking points to engage your emotion’s rather than your actual cognitives, this will continue to happen and they will continue to take whatever they want from us and continue to fool many of you. Since when would you believe that an exceedingly small percentage of scientists who are nearly ALWAYS on the payrolls of the fossil fuel industry over 90% of the rest of the mostly UNBIASED scientists? That seems to qualify many aspects of the smaller percentage of scientists as to an OBVIOUS bias . . . Moreover, reading the “Hoover Institutes” Op-ed piece, I would be remiss if I did not include them in an obvious bias by referencing “Non climate change” perspectives.
The article is a fail, and by default so is your argument MITCH ANTHONY.
Brilliance in action. Run for office and I will vote for you.
Even a Vikings fan’s vote counts!
Part I
MITCH, I read the whole article. It was an op-ed piece from a right-wing think tank! The level of rhetoric and hyperbole was shameful and obvious. What this site does is to posit enough ambiguities that relate to a narrative that will enable your confirmation bias to a point where you believe that it may just fit the narrative(s) that these charlatans serve up for you. Here is a non-partisan break-down on the “Hoover Institute”
They even subtly attacked climate change! It was quite sad . . . Regarding “burn-offs”, many of these have BECOME “wildfires” after initiated! That is because of the nature of the terrain (topography) the highly unstable air movement and sometimes the inaccessibility of the area that inadvertently gets affected.
On August 15, 2017, President Trump issued Executive Order (E.O.) 13807, “Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects.”[32] This executive order directs CEQ to use its “authority to interpret NEPA to simplify and accelerate the NEPA review process”, requires agencies to “establish procedures for a regular review and update of categorical exclusions”, and revokes President Obama’s Executive Order 13690 that increased Flood Risk Management to include the science on climate change. Consequently, CEQ published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking “Update to the Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.” However, an August 10, 2018 response comment letter [33] points out
Endorse you.
Part II
NEPA was signed into law by a Republican (Nixon). Within this time frame Nixon also strengthened the CEQ which was to put NEPA into a very functional guidline and mandated it’s IMPORTANCE in protecting our environment . . . Back in the 70’s many Republicans actually still cared about our environment . . .
It actually functioned well until the “New Republican Party” with Ryan and McConnell decided to start shaving federal budgets to OFFSET the LOSS of REVENUE soley caused by giveaways to corporations and the ultra rich. The monies must come from somewhere to cover the LOSS of revenue right? RIGHT?? So, they started removing needed funds from many Gov’t projects and their budgets. The Forestry Service has been one of them for quite some time . . . Add the latest Trump Executive Order and it just compounds the problem . . .
Regarding said problem with the Trump EO and Ryan and McConnell’s tampering(s) The head of the CEQ issued a response regarding the ridiculousness in attempting to puposefully “muck up” (my words) something that was running very efficiently . . . You can find the reference: #33 in wikipedia’s page on NEPA. Here is the link;
In essence I suppose is this feeling that if more of us stopped believing the “Right-Wing” rhetoric which is usually NEVER fact based and Mostly filled with talking points to engage your emotion’s rather than your actual cognitives, this will continue to happen and they will continue to take whatever they want from us and continue to fool many of you. Since when would you believe that an exceedingly small percentage of scientists who are nearly ALWAYS on the payrolls of the fossil fuel industry over 90% of the rest of the mostly UNBIASED scientists? That seems to qualify many aspects of the smaller percentage of scientists as to an OBVIOUS bias . . . Moreover, reading the “Hoover Institutes” Op-ed piece, I would be remiss if I did not include them in an obvious bias by referencing “Non climate change” perspectives.
The article is a fail, and by default so is your argument MITCH ANTHONY.
Bravo…MITCH is just a sheep that can cut and paste. He’s watching Fox News right now.
Lol! Yep! Tucker C, Hannity and the rest of the misinformation “opinion” news asswipes . . .
I posted one of those hours ago! Finally came in . . . I figured it was “lost’ lol! . . .
How about not making this a fucking political issue like everything else. Wildfires are a natural occurrence. Droughts are a natural occurrence. The shit happens. Its fucking sad. But blaming Trump or liberal policy is bullshit
KATO, this “political issue” was not started by me, I am just correcting fiction with fact . . . While you are somewhat correct regarding the nature of wildfires, the right-wing is putting on a “blitzkrieg” of deflection so as to mitigate any blame for their POOR policies and lower budgets regarding our environment, and our Forestry Service. Which directly correlates to what is going on right now.
Right on MM squared. Mitch go watch Fox news some more you jack off. Now you’re in the same class as the idiot I won’t name. If you were my brother I’d never speak to you again. Stick to football here fool.
Thanks FERRIS.
Left wing loons are always good for a laugh.
So are inculcated lemmings like you. Please do not continue with this inane drivel . . . You may become embarrassed by the outcome . . . not a threat btw :)
Damn….i think i may have to accept the moderators job i was offered. I just don’t think it would be prudent putting that much power at my finger tips. I’d get power drunk, in a week there might only be 7 people left in here.
BAD idea :)
Aaron is not a god far from it too and he and all of us will of to answer to God for ALL our words act and deed including the neglect of (known family)
His brother? What has he done to help the devastated area? So brother? A nothing.
Cue the Godfather theme song every time Rodgers family life comes up in the news.
To me Jordan seems like a dick. A million dollars is a lot of money, even for Rodgers. How many of us have given more than a weeks salary to disaster victims?
I think the Nation now views Jordan as a dick….regardless whether Aaron donated a million dollars, or one dollar.
Piffle…aka PF4L… aka Monty….
I have a challenge for you. One I predict you are too punk to accept like a man.
We can’t bet money on the game because, lets face it, you’d never pay up. Nor could we exchange addresses.
But… we can bet “site presence”. Here is the bet that I’m pretty sure you will casually punk out of.
If Vikings win you must stay off this site (your own site) at least as per your Piffle/PF4L identity comments for one full week. Let’s make it 8 days actually. This Monday the 26th thru to midnight Monday December 3rd (so nothing all of either Monday and all days in between).
If the Packers win then it is I who must stay away for all those same 8 days.
A tie? We both do!
Violation of this bet leads to known loss of honor and banning from this site forever. Failing to accept this challenge on your part will lead to a loss of perceived honor and actual respect by the other posters and readers who visit this site.
This can be a fun bet and make the game even more interesting. You know I’ll honor my end of it as you know I’ve always been honorable and good. Heck, I’m a Vikings fan, of course I’ll honor any bet I’ve made. You? Admittedly I am rolling the dice there and will just have to find out.
This bet is on as soon as you accept. You only have less than two days to scrape together the guts to take this bet so I’m not sure if you’ll be able to scrape enough together in such a short time span.
I know you get immediate notifications of every comment on this site so you COULD respond within minutes but I doubt you’ll muster it. So I’ll check back Sunday at 6pm to see if we are on for this.
Kiljoy – You just spew garbage….
Lonely boy, you are speaking to a highly successful award winning commenter on this site.
Watch your tone.