Perhaps he’s pissed that he had to answer questions from the media. However, Green Bay Packers linebackers and associate head coach Winston Moss is pretty much a dick in this press conference.
Uncomfortable and more or less useless. Have a look for yourself.
Could we call those answers non-illuminating?
It’s interesting that someone asked Moss essentially what his problem was. Like pretty much every other question, he didn’t really provide an answer.
It’s also interesting that the Packers even bothered to post this thing online.
Not a good look.
Thankfully, Moss isn’t a regular press conference participant.
Maybe he’s pissed about something at work, or maybe he’s sick of answering the same stupid canned questions from the media. Who gives a shit.. Belichick does this week after week and the media loves it. It’s minicamp, what do they expect him to say? Player A is working hard but could work even harder. Player B missed OTA’s and doesn’t comprehend the new playbook, and Player C is gonna be our offseason MVP!
I love it! These guys are paid to coach football players they don’t owe us or the media shit!
Well, except that they do. This is the NFL, it’s part of their job. McCarthy can’t just say he’s not doing Media any longer.
Personally i don’t really care as i’m not in football mode yet, and may not be for awhile until i actually see some improvement from this broken team. It’s the off-season, so most everyone is optimistic. I was also optimistic some years ago. Fuck that…..after watching years of regression, now they you have to actually show me something. Talk is cheap.
It seems to me he doesn’t want to be there in any way, shape or form. If that’s the case he should ask McCarthy to be excused from the media. That way you don’t have to come off as a total dick. I can’t disagree with anything Joseph wrote.
You are what they call a “fair weather fan” good to know. I am sure the “broken team” that just happens to have the 2cnd best record over the last 10 years are waiting for your blessings. Come to think of it you sound just like a Bears fan just saying.
I’m a “fair weather fan”?
Jimbo…you nailed it, you exposed me.
Nothing gets by you.
Damn you!!
Part of coach Moss’job description must be media interaction such as this, he is representing the organization, his HC, & himself. How do we think he did? We all know he looked elsewhere & within the organization for a DC job, If this part of his job, or if the job itself, is so demeaning, there are probably other career avenues he could pursue. Dale Carnegie is looking for instructors! I agree these videos should not be posted.
He knows the Vikings will win the NFC North and the Super Bowl.
I’m officially a Winston Moss fan.
Sterling Sharpe stopped talking to the media after he felt they unfairly criticized him during his rookie season.
Not sure what Moss has to be pissed about other than being passed over for DC maybe? If you listen closely, whoever the dude is asking Moss what his problem is and how they (reporters) can fix the situation, that same reporter implied Moss has been a dick since the week before prior to this coming to light. Looks like McCarthy delegated the role of media douche to his lackey assistant head coach. Probably because McCarthy has meetings with Murphy/Ball and has no time for that media bullshit.
I had watched the previous Moss press conference around the end of May. Moss was very brief in his answers about players. I took it as Moss saying I’m not going to tell you a player is doing great. I’m not going to tell you a player is doing bad. It is OTA’s and these guys are in shorts. Let’s wait till pads go on.
I will say that Moss in both press conferences had a I don’t won’t to be here attitude. All the other coaches answer the questions, and then add some player information. Moss is paid to do the same. If he is going to do the job put some enthusiasm in it, even if you tell the press it is a stupid question and then explain to them why Moss thinks it is a stupid question.
I agree with you Howard. The man was out there for a reason. This wasn’t a very good look for him from a professional standpoint. I wouldn’t be shocked if he interviewed for another position somewhere else and this gem popped up on the radar. Like how do you explain being that big of a knob?