Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers can’t get a new contract, but he still gets to do all kinds of cool stuff.
Like swimming with sharks. If you think that’s cool, rather than terrifying.
Rodgers will appear on Shark Week in July. He posted a photo of himself swimming with sharks on Instagram.
Is Rodgers taming the shark there or is he hoping it doesn’t eat him?
Not all sharks are created equal, of course. That clearly is not a great white there. Still, as I can attest, having snorkeled with some sharks once upon a time, any sort of shark is not a shark you want to piss off.
So I guess we’ll have to pay closer attention to Shark Week this year than we have in the past.
But I don’t know. Do you think the Packers were keen on this particular adventure?
Now he’s talking to sharks….and you know exactly what he is saying…..RELAX.