I saw a lot of people criticizing someone who is certainly not my boy, on Wednesday. My first reaction was to pile on. But that wasn’t the right reaction and I knew it.
I’m talking about Green Bay Packers coach Mike McCarthy here. Fat Mike. The Buffoon.
Those are names I call him. They have been earned.
But here I am coming to the defense of Fat Mike, today.
You may have heard. The Packers tried to sign quarterback Brian Hoyer, this week. This came after McCarthy was adamant that Brett Hundley was his guy. That how dare you suggest the Packers might look at Colin Kaepernick!?
Let’s just boil this down to the root for a second.
Fat Mike does not make personnel decisions. Ted Thompson, Big Ted, does.
And while Fat Mike has not shown much confidence in his quarterback, his guy, Brett Hundley, that does not mean he’s a hypocrite because the Packers did not sign Kaepernick.
It isn’t his decision. Yeah, I’m talking directly to you Ryan Clark and all the other useless, shitdick talking heads like you.
Now, does Fat Mike have some input on what Big Ted does? I’m sure that is the case.
Is it possible that Fat Mike went to Big Ted and said, hey, I’m not totally comfortable with Brett Hundley running this offense?
Sure is!
And therein lies the fault, if you’re looking for one to put on The Buffoon. Maybe you’re not such a hot play caller if Aaron Rodgers isn’t running the plays, huh?
That is a completely different issue, however.
Personally, I am not opposed to the Packers bringing Colin Kaepernick in. That guy has some tools. There is no way he shouldn’t be on an NFL team. Collusion, it’s alive and well among old, rich white men.
And that’s exactly why I wouldn’t expect the Packers to sign him. It would upset the status quo and we all know the Packers’ leadership is ultimately only about the status quo.
So Ryan Clark and other shitheels want to blame McCarthy for trying to sign Hoyer and not signing Kaepernick? Can we just posit, for a moment, that it wasn’t Fat Mike’s call?
“Well, I’ll just say this about veteran free agency,” McCarthy said. “First off, I can’t confirm (the report) because from the time Aaron (Rodgers) has been injured, I’ve never once been involved in a conversation about bringing in a veteran quarterback. So from my perspective, from the time of the Minnesota game, the Monday after the Minnesota game to here today, … I know you think I’m talking to you guys (in the media), but I’m really talking to our football team and our fans. The direction that we’re going with the quarterbacks is Brett Hundley and the guys that we have here. So that was really clearly the vision from the time we had to address it there in Minnesota.”
And for once, Fat Mike was not pissed off. He was not demeaning to the questioners. He didn’t talk down to fans, as he often does. He made a simple statement and that statement spoke volumes.
Big Ted is the guy in charge of personnel decisions. Fat Mike is the guy in charge of coaching up the players on his football team. Fat Mike is (supposedly) going to coach up Brett Hundley.
We’d love to see that happen. It hasn’t gone so well thus far, but we believe Brett Hundley can be the guy. Not entirely sold on the fact that Fat Mike is the guy to coach him up, but we’ll soon see about that, won’t we?
Fat Mike should not be on the hook for personnel decisions. He should only be on the hook if he isn’t much of a football coach without Aaron Rodgers.
Technically, you are correct, the ultimate personnel decisions fall on the shoulders of big Ted, as it should.
I don’t have a problem with Fat Mike saying Hundley and Callahan are his QB’s and he likes his QB room the way it is. Although kind of being a dick about it. Nonetheless, no issue there.
But herein lies the only issue…..the only question is, is Fat Mike lying (now) about saying he hasn’t been involved in any conversation about player acquisitions, namely bringing in a veteran QB (Hoyer)
Either A) Fat Mike is lying. B) Circus master Ted took it upon himself trying to obtain Hoyer (without Mikes knowledge)
Both of those scenarios are a huge problem. Either MM is lying to everyone’s face. Or…even though Ted know’s what Mike said about him being happy with what he’s got at QB, he took it upon himself to try to acquire a QB, without discussing it with him and getting his thoughts. If the latter is true, it show’s the level of dysfunction going on there. What GM doesn’t, or wouldn’t discuss bringing in a new QB in this situation?
I don’t know, but i sway towards Ted doing it on his own.
But what i do know is, a GM and a head coach working together for 11 years or so, should have better communication than that. If this is the kind of non communicating working relationship Ted has with Mike, and Dom about player acquisitions, that in itself would answer a lot of questions we’ve all had over the years.
Now, as far as being a cheerleader for Kaepernick……C’MON MAN!!!!
Well, damn. I hate to agree with Monty (mostly). TT has the final say on personnel decisions and MM has the final say on coaching decisions. With that said, both work in the same building and undoubtedly have some influence on each other. There will be plenty of blame across the board if the Packers tank.
The othe issue is an unemployed quarterback that started a firestorm, and here is where I disagree with Monty. That guy can go away – Canadian Football League, Arena Football League, any soccer league, but not the Legends Football League (Lingerie Football League). He can’t go there because all players in the ladies league will stand for the national anthem!
It is November and the NFL is doing their Salute to Service. This year however is different. There is no big headline or fanfare on their web site. It is buried under communications as a simple press release.
Here is what I suggest. Fans in the stadium should sit on their hands during player introductions, no applause, no cheering, and no boos. The cheering and applause should happen during and after the nation’s colors are presented and again after the national anthem. Fans at home should not watch games during the Veteran’s Day weekend, and yeah, that is the Packers at the Bears and it will be difficult to not watch that game. Finally, all fans should not buy any Salute to Sevice merchandise this year.
You can blame McCarthy for not being a very good judge of talent when it comes to guys running “his” offense. Whether RB, QB, TE, WR, none of them matter. Whatever he thinks he sees as a QB whisperer, this is twice now where he has gone uber conservative and won’t admit he is second guessing himself. Once his meal ticket is unavailable, the guys he personally had eyes on for years don’t seem to pan out as he faces the realization he is coaching as a mere mortal instead of the self proclaimed highly successful NFL head coach he wishes he was. (There is more to being successful than a won-loss record, Mikey. Don’t hold your breath thinking they are going to name any trophies in your honor.) That guy is like raking nails across a chalkboard and makes me wanna go kick some puppies.
lol yea….If this guy wasn’t so pompous and arrogant, and sometimes just a big fat prick, you could give him a pass on some things, but his personality doesn’t let you. In big games, where his team has more often than not fucked the pooch in embarrassing fashion you’d think would initiate some humility. I guess not, not when you have Rodgers.
Now….could be time to pay the Piper.
Look at that photo above. For as much as he has castrated this offense, he could get easily get by with a post-it note to call plays rather than his ever present BK menu.
Fat Mike is about to show all you fools what pad level & process is all about. WHOOOOOO!