Politics and football. Gotta keep football in there, of course. But Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers isn’t giving up the social commentary.
We noted it after the game. Not many fans seemed to comply with the team’s request to lock arms in a show of unity in the stands during the national athem. And let’s be honest — unity in this country, right now? Fat fucking chance.
That’s what happens when a damn buffoon runs it. The only thing he’s been successful at thus far is misdirection. Don’t pay any attention to my terrible record of delivering things I promised… let’s spark outrage over the NFL!
Great plan.
Hell, everyone has taken it, hook, line and sinker.
It’s embarrassing. And despite the slowdown in ratings, it doesn’t sound like anything is going to change. Personally, I don’t care. I have always been an advocate for free speech.
However, when the organization that rules a Trump state releases a statement disparaging his remarks about their players, well, you know you’re in for a mound of bullshit. Because opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.
We know the NFL isn’t going anywhere. At some point, the orange buffoon will, though. I’m not here to champion the NFL. I like the Green Bay Packers and have since shortly after I was born. If you’re boycotting the team, you weren’t ever a fan to begin with.
What I will always champion is free speech. And you do realize that saying or doing what you believe in will always piss someone off? That doesn’t make it any less of a right.
Maybe the members of the Packers who asked for unity were misguided. That doesn’t exist anywhere but on a sports team anymore. But at least they respected the right.
“It was an invitation to join us,” Rodgers said. “Beauty is, it’s a free country so they can choose to do it or not. The messaging towards this unfortunately needs to continue to be redirected, I think. It’s never been about the national anthem. It’s never been about the military. We’re all patriotic in the locker room. We love our troops. This is about something bigger than that — an invitation to show unity in the face of some divineness from the top in this country and I’m proud of our guys.
“This has been a galvanizing situation for us. In the locker room there’s been — and outside the locker room if you saw Jordy’s comments — there’s been some great conversations that have been started. As much as some people want us to just shut up and play football and keep the politics to politics, sports and politics have always intersected.”
Right. Muhammad Ali, Kareem-Abdul Jabbar, Tommie Smith, Jim Brown, Colin Kaepernick, to name a few.
Oh, wait, but those are all black guys. So who gives a fuck, right?
It isn’t really about unity. It’s about equality and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Racists, rednecks and so forth. I guess on the positive side, at least they’re making themselves known.
Having your right to freedom of speech is absolute. No one can deny this. But you do NOT have the right to use the NFL as your speaking platform. The constitution, nor any other legal documentation, writes that you are to provided a platform that’s paid for by the fans and the owners. These are employees. It’s the same reason why the NFL can dictate how you celebrate touchdowns, because they work for them. Getting fired from the NFL would not violate your freedom of speech. You can still protest the National Anthem as a free agent. Point is, no one’s rights are being violated, it’s time articles and writers like Monty and Mordeica understand that.
Sorry boss. I won’t make any more trouble. I heard some of the guys are fixing to start a union.
“you do NOT have the right to use the NFL as your speaking platform” = Not everyone, just the players fool. And they have done exactly that. And I’d almost, almost, call it more of an obligation than a right. Using power for a good purpose… how dare they says Chad!
“The constitution, nor any other legal documentation, writes that you are to provided a platform that’s paid for by the fans and the owners.” = What a silly sentence. Constitution does not cover everything. You act like if it isn’t in there it can’t happen or is automatically wrong. Woah, constitution doesn’t say we can breath! Quick, chad, hold your breath! And, of course, you falsely frame the whole argument. The constitution does say you have a freedom of expression. So, ah, it actually is covered in there. You know, according to you, since the constitution does not actually say football players cannot make a point against racism then what they are doing is totally OK by you!
“Point is, no one’s rights are being violated” = Well, you are right. So you must be fine with the protests then, right? They aren’t violating anyone’s rights so I guess that is your point, it is at least OK what they are doing.
Yeah, trying to decrease racism and raise awareness against it and focus on how it is still a problem… just when Trump was making inroads bringing it back in style. Must really sting you, Chad.
09/29/2017 at 9:50 am
Shawn… you misguided soul….
Uh, no, not everyone is racist. You are racist.
09/27/2017 at 10:09 am
Pretending this free speech and these protests are unpatriotic is just a useful dodge for racists. You. Trump. The KKK. You’re all in the same boat. The illogical racist boat.
09/27/2017 at 4:15 pm
Queen….I never said the protest were unpatriotic, i consistently said there was a better time and place for it, but don’t let the truth get in your way.
09/28/2017 at 10:11 am
You make a legit point that you did not use the actual word “unpatriotic”.
09/29/2017 at 9:33 am
Insults: the last (and typical) refuge of the intellectually challenged. When logical arguments run out, the insults begin.
09/30/2017 at 12:49 am
Say something logical, not just calling people racist and then we can talk. In the meantime i’ll just wait patiently, like a queen fan waits to celebrate a Super Bowl victory.
Very selective in parts used but, even so, I don’t get you, PF4L. Not sure what you are even trying to claim here.
Very selective in parts used. For instance, you included my part where I stated “Insults: the last (and typical) refuge of the intellectually challenged. When logical arguments run out, the insults begin” but you left out your stream of abuse that led to that comment. You included where I said one thing you said was correct but you conveniently left out where I clarified all that you got wrong. Just so folks know, instead of using “unpatriotic” as an attack on the protesters, PF4L — and this almost funny — whined the real problem with the protests was the time and venue. Hilarious. Yeah, too effective for PF4Ls liking.
Even so, I don’t get you, PF4L. Not sure what you are even trying to claim here with the excerpts you posted.
Chad, you are absolutely correct.
The problem is, the people screaming freedom of speech, don’t even understand it’s context in the First Amendment. Trying to explain to them that protesting at your place of employment isn’t protected under the First Amendment is a long cause. The NFL contract has language written in it, and signed off by the NFLPA, that certain actions under the NFL umbrella, include terms for discipline and/or termination. The NFL has chosen not to discipline these players nevertheless, afraid of the public consequences to their 10 billion dollar business. Although the teams that didn’t take the field for the National Anthem is specifically against the rules of the NFL. Again, the NFL chose not to enforce their own rules.
Then you have the fans who think this type of protest can’t be anymore perfect. Beware though…when you try debating them about points they can’t/won’t/ defend, they will default into scorn mode, calling you a racist, a p o s racist, a fucking racist. lol… flexing their intellectual muscle. Although….to repair their self inflicted psycho rants, they will then look up some $20 words on the internet and use them in post to try to make some believe they speak on a higher intellectual level…lol….it’s actually comical and entertaining.
Maybe you didn’t notice that the man calling for them to be fired is the head of the executive branch of the united states, under the pretense of support of the brave soldiers yadda yadda. The irony is EVERY member of the military and indeed the POTUS himself is to uphold and protect the constitution. This puts those same vets and active service members in an awkward position as he encourages for people to IGNORE that same constitution.
Not cool.
Also, as many OWNERS have supported them as have not. Notice how the players are still doing it? Seems to me, the easiest soloution would be to just ask why people are protesting already. If you believe you understand why and still bitch you do not understand why.
Also, in the case of schools, the SCOTUS has already argued that protest against the anthem or other patriotic displays is specifically protected speech.
This is a distraction and I wish you’d pay attention to ANYTHING else.
Well stated O’REALLY.
As far as Rodgers is concerned, he personally asked Packer fans to lock arms and be united along with the team. 99.5% of the Packer fans rejected that request. Apparently, contrary to what many writers believe, most Packer fans don’t need others to do there thinking for them. Rodgers overplayed his hand and don’t believe for a second he isn’t salty about it. Rodgers usually doesn’t get over being salty quickly. I vaguely remember a former Packer QB who overplayed his hand also. From the little i remember, it didn’t end well for him. There are more things to learn from Brett Favre than to not throw interceptions.
I also believe Marcy Bennett got into Rodgers head, which shouldn’t be a problem next season.
Chad, you seem to be in lock step with everyone else on this. You claim it’s about disrespecting the flag, or not supporting the troops, or their misguided believe regarding free speech in the work place. None of the players are saying anything like this. All that crap is a distraction and a deflection from the facts. The players aren’t protesting for their 1st amendment rights, aren’t protesting against the flag, and have done nothing but reiterate their support and respect for troops. All this started to draw attention to Police Brutality towards minorities and to Racial inequality. That’s it. Period.
But all of you keep setting up these straw man arguments by changing the focus of the discussion to something else, looking produce a more winnable argument. There are several, including Martellus Bennett, who said it would be worth getting fired for standing up for what you believe in. Right there he acknowledges that he has no free speech protections as an employee. I’m sorry the issues they truly protesting aren’t as easily dismissed. Because there IS racial inequality in America, and police officers do disproportionately arrest and kill young black men more so than young white men for the exact same crimes.
It’s time people like Chad understand patriotism and the Constitution are not silver bullets in every argument over social issues, and that legality is not the same as morality.
In 1930, Gandhi’s Salt March was a violation of Brittish Colonial Law.
In 1955, Rosa Parks refusing to give up her bus seat was a violation Montgomery, Ala. city ordinances.
The 1960 Woolworth lunch counter sit-ins were a violation of that store’s policy.
The Blue Flu, work slow downs, sick ins to protest unsafe working conditions, unfair wages or to support unions violate those company’s or municipality’s employment conditions.
Apartheid was “legal”
Slavery was “legal”
Colonialism was “legal”
Legality is a construct of the powerful
Not of justice
– K. Alfred
Chris, everything you wrote is right. You just wrote it much better than I ever could. One point I would add as per institutional racism is that black people are more likely to be wrongfully convicted and much more likely to serve longer sentences or even go on death row for similar or lesser crimes than of white persons.
The straw man arguments of disrespecting the flag and not supporting the troops are just ridiculous and transparent attempts to change what is actually happening into something else. A few, including PF4L, went even more silly with wishy washy whiny claims that “there was a better time and place for it”. Better to them because no one would see and notice and thus racism can bloom and prosper more easily.
The clever, or, really, just those with a slight amount of common sense see these straw man arguments easily for what they are. Which means almost all the Trump supporters fall for them eagerly.
My 12 year old nephew could write something better than you ever could.
Spot on . . .
Spot on KILLER . . . NOT PF4L
Breathe man….breathe.
Thanks Dudeness. This is not interfering with football and is more important than football.
The Trump contrast is shocking= he defends white supremacists right to free speech even when they show up in armor and with clubs and attacks peaceful constructive awareness-raising of football players calling their mothers bitches and saying they should be fired. The contrast could not be greater.
Anyone who thinks Trump is not a racist is a fool.
Well stated KILLER
Amen Chris.
I don’t believe Chad is against the message or the cause of the protesters, but the time and venue of them. but i don’t want to speak for him.
In the meantime, how about stop making up false narratives to call someone out ok Sparky?
PF4L, I already walked you through this. Let’s try again.
The time and venue maximizes the effectiveness. It does not delay the game or hurt anyone. The time and venue is perfect. Name a more effective one. I won’t wait because it would be an infinite wait. That fighting racism is somehow unpatriotic is the false narrative, as is the idea that fighting racism does not support our troops.
If you are against the time and venue then you are against the message/cause. That’s it. That simple. You can’t be for it but against the most effective means — nothing else would come close — when that means is non-violent and helpful.
So, yes, Chad is a racist. And so are you. But I do think you and Chad can see the light and change and I invite you both to do so.
Racists do sometimes see the light and change and there are actually many examples. On the other hand non-racists do not become racists. Doesn’t that tell us something? It is a matter of wisdom. Once wisdom is learned it is rarely unlearned.
Test your absolute free speech opinions on this. Last week two Chicago uniformed cops took a knee in support of the NFL protests. They are now subject to discipline. Should they be? A fire chief in Pennsylvania was fired for a Facebook post. He used a racial slur (yes, that one) in conjunction with a post about Mike Tomlin. Personal time, personal social media, fired. Should he have been? A couple years back a man by the name of Brandon Eich was fired from Mozilla. He was one of the founding geniuses behind Mozilla and an executive within the company. He was fired because political opposition researchers found that he made a contribution, a private contribution on his own time, to a political initiative that promoted a traditional marriage proposition in California. The oppo-team wasn’t even after him, they only wanted to expose an enemies list to the public. This was never anything that effected his job or how he treated his employees. He just had a different personal viewpoint. Should he have been fired? Answer on your own and agree or disagree but those are all legal actions by employers.
As was pointed out in another thread, the First Amendment begins with the words- Congress shall make no law… That means the government cannot abridge your freedom of speech, or worship. Your employer can.
You would not find it acceptable to go to Applebees and have a server engage you in a diatribe about being pro-choice or pro-life. You would not expect your next package delivery from UPS/Fed Ex/SpeeDee to come with a political speech. Do you want to go buy clothing and get a preaching about sweat shop labor, foreign trade policies, or human rights violations in the country that exported your garment? How about next time you get your groceries the checker can lecture you on GMO foods. What freedom of speech is permissible in those examples? What as a customer would you tolerate?
Some argue that they are using the best possible stage for this, even if it is wrong. Not if it creates further division and hurts the overall brand. Lets face it, a bunch of millionaire players and guilted owners could very easily pool resources together and produce a PSA that could air like a commercial. Just like the- we don’t beat our girlfriend ads (seriously, we don’t). You don’t think the NFL Network, ESPN, and a bunch of other venues wouldn’t run it? Now that would be putting the money where their mouth is. You don’t think the league would be happy to help promote it if it got these anthem antics and distractions to go away?
You can try to explain that to people like Chris and killer, but you can’t make them smart enough to understand it.
Was going to respond but this says it all… Very well done!!!
Like i said…the weak minded won’t respond to intelligent debate, they respond by calling others racist, or just throwing in the towel, claiming others are incapable of critical thinking.
Thanks PF4L for taking the time to share your well reasoned opinion. Even if you didn’t really move the needle effort is important. Discussions like are so much better when people take the time to carefully articulate their position. That’s why I respect the heck out of Chad and Mitch for continuing the debate with a sincere, deliberative dialog. You might need a little work pal. I’d source my material someplace other than talk radio or the fellas at the pub. I use books, give ’em a try sometime. They might impress you.
I left insults and personal attacks out of my statement because I respect Chad’s right to have his own opinion and interpret the facts as he sees fit. If I disagree I will him take issue with those facts and his application of them to his argument. I don’t attack him, his intellect, his patriotism. It’s not fair or polite and it tends to be counterproductive. You see, that’s how the big boys play, meaning the courts, centralized government, corporate america, etc.
I’d be happy to help you out buddy. I took several law classes on the way to my criminology degree, including Constitutional Law. I’d be happy to loan you the book. It’s pretty thick. But after about 3-4 years to get through it (and I can loan you a dictionary, might shave a couple months off) you can join Mitch and Chad on the varsity team.
Just remember the Lil’ Engine That Could…I think I can, I think I can.
Well congratulations…Want a cookie?
Typical deflection when you are caught with NOTHING to answer with. Arguing with you (BECAUSE, let’s face it, that is really what it is) is kind of fun and allows me the opportunity to use invectives on miscreants like you. Because growing up in Wisconsin seems to infuse a bit of schadenfreude into you just by default. Enjoy your inculcated (and absolutely antithetical to a fact POV) red-necked based political ideology that you (somehow) BELIEVE you created . . . which was actually spoon-fed to you by the powers that be for the last 3+ decades my cute little buffoon. Sometimes when I read your retorts I almost wet my pants from laughing so hard! you are truly person who suffers from Dunning-Kruger effect, of which you are the poster boy for . . .
Oops! for got an a! in the last sentence . . .
Chris, I agree it is best to stay class and rational. We don’t want to sink down to PF4L’s level. It would be better to raise him up to ours.
We can only do so much though. I had an analysis done of his word usage and grammatical structure and it turns out he writes at a 4th grade level and thinks at a 1st grade mining country Kentucky hillside level.
Whoops! I think maybe he did sort of pull me down a little towards his level. Drowning man syndrome!
Yes queen, because you are the definition of class. Such a sad lonely little man you must be.
I don’t “argue they are using the best possible stage for this, even if it is wrong”. I point out they are using the best possible stage for this and there is nothing wrong with it. Fighting racism is patriotic.
Yes, the NFL owners could fire them for it. But they don’t. Because they are peaceful and have a great message. Sure, the NFL will lose a few racist “fans”. Addition by subtraction and a good thing in the long run. Also, sacrifice for the common good.
Republicans have set up most states to enable them to fire almost anyone for almost anything. “Right to work” is actually right to fire and it is a conservative/Republican initiative. That is why when an employee on their free time uses the N-word and the like they can be fired. Funny because almost all racists are Republicans.
MITCH, nice rationalizations’, well said. In essence however they are apples and oranges. Each and every situation has its’ own set of rules and regulations to abide by and consider. From face value what you stated would definitely engage some people’s confirmation bias, however these are unrelated in so many ways. While they work for a superficial argument, they cannot hold any water upon further examination. Red herrings all of them. Let us examine just one of these; Many “rich” athletes do lead by example and by their pocketbooks. You stated: “Lets face it, a bunch of millionaire players and guilted owners could very easily pool resources together and produce a PSA that could air like a commercial” Perhaps by your wording you are intentionally “precluding” them from their charitable (and political) contributions for their convictions by stating they should form a “GROUP” to offer up their Public service announcements. I would bet that many already ready DO THIS by giving charitable donations to their causes to groups and organizations that already exist . . . Which by default brings in the subtle point of your Intellectually dishonest position. This (reading your words on this thread) looks to thus preclude them from any other type of action/activity via your statement reflecting PSA’s. Just one example. Nice try . . .
There is a reason it is called practicing law. Not everyone gets it right. The generalized examples do apply because this is the simple issue of freedom of speech in the workplace. You have a constitutional right to freedom of speech/expression. You do not have a constitutional right to be employed. A quote very similar to that is attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. in 1891. A few years before he became an associate justice on the Supreme Court. Simply query freedom of speech in the workplace and you will get pretty much the same opinions across the board. Your employer can limit your speech. NFL players are employees in the workplace when they are in the game function. If the owners, or the league, wanted to do something about this, they could. They would be on solid legal foundation if they did. You can bet on this, Pete Rozell would have.
The suggestion that they should move this to a PSA format was not a slight that players don’t engage in civic minded charities. They do. It was to suggest they could be more effective in this argument and moving the message to a better format. ESPN has now said they will not televise opening ceremonies. This will avoid showing the anthem antics. If other broadcasters join in, the potential audience for this protest has significantly shrunk to just those who are at the stadium. You go from millions to the thousands and the stadium crowds are not necessarily joining in on this.
Some posters are trying real hard to equate the perceived reason for this as occupying some superior moral ground, therefore it is correct and good and should be continued and to disagree in the least makes you a racist. No. What if a player took a knee and said they were doing this to bring awareness to being pro-life and our nation not reversing Roe v Wade? Would that also be a higher moral ground? To some it would be. What if a player took a knee because of global climate change and our nation not belonging to the Paris Accord? Would that also be a higher moral ground? To them it might be, if they believed as strongly as some of those who want to promote this. To continue to let this go on you are opening the door wider for things just like this. What next in the world of virtue signalling?
I’m with the others who say they want football for the escape from the political.
There is a reason it is called practicing law. Not everyone gets it right. The generalized examples do apply because this is the simple issue of freedom of speech in the workplace. You have a constitutional right to freedom of speech/expression. You do not have a constitutional right to be employed. A quote very similar to that is attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. in 1891. A few years before he became an associate justice on the Supreme Court. Simply query freedom of speech in the workplace and you will get pretty much the same opinions across the board. Your employer can limit your speech. NFL players are employees in the workplace when they are in the game function. If the owners, or the league, wanted to do something about this, they could. They would be on solid legal foundation if they did. You can bet on this, Pete Rozell would have.
The suggestion that they should move this to a PSA format was not a slight that players don’t engage in civic minded charities. They do. It was to suggest they could be more effective in this argument and moving the message to a better format. ESPN has now said they will not televise opening ceremonies. This will avoid showing the anthem antics. If other broadcasters join in, the potential audience for this protest has significantly shrunk to just those who are at the stadium. You go from millions to the thousands and the stadium crowds are not necessarily joining in on this.
Some posters are trying real hard to equate the perceived reason for this as occupying some superior moral ground, therefore it is correct and good and should be continued and to disagree in the least makes you a racist. No. What if a player took a knee and said they were doing this to bring awareness to being pro-life and our nation not reversing Roe v Wade? Would that also be a higher moral ground? To some it would be. What if a player took a knee because of global climate change and our nation not belonging to the Paris Accord? Would that also be a higher moral ground? To them it might be, if they believed as strongly as some of those who want to promote this. To continue to let this go on you are opening the door wider for things just like this. What next in the world of virtue signalling?
I’m with the others who say they want football for the escape from the political.
Again, the precedent was set. The “workplace” scenario IS correct IF the NFL owners and players were in discord and were not on the same page. No one is arguing your point of employment vs protest. Non- sequitur to the issue period. Apples and oranges. The issue has been defamation of the flag /soldiers! Not individuals going against their employers. Your reasons for stopping this protest? “virtue signaling”? Disingenuous to say the least. A stretch, if not a bridge to wrap someone’s cognitive dissonance around, still again, their narratives! C’mon! Here is an interesting quote: “People who accuse others of “virtue signaling” are trying to stigmatize empathy” The phrase is devious political propaganda. Again, intellectual dishonesty. Anyone with critical thinking can see right through this “straw man”. As far as escape? We all created this fucking mess. The more dialogue, the more the truth has a chance to appear to everyone. Not just one-sided mass media inculcation in markets where both sides are not equally represented . . . like Green Bay is in the Midwest. This is why your post is wrong and is contrary to perpetuating “fairness” moving forward. Think about that for awhile . . .
You’re post make’s too much sense, so people like killer and MMTTDC will just ignore it, or they’ll just call you a racist and act like they just put you in your place. Funny, bad sad at the same time.
BS . . . It makes no sense if it has already been approved. It was by the NFL and many of the owners. Get over it, your narratives have leaks and cracks in them. So fucking what if they take a knee? What is the problem? It is peaceful. AND IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO STAND AT ATTENTION BY NON MILITARY people. So grow up and deal with alternative thinking . . . If you can. The problem is that many of you are so inculcated and appear to be “luddites” in your approach and take on anything outside of your comfort zones . . .
This gomer ^^^ blows a gasket calling people fucking racist, a p o s racist, loses all control over his emotions on a sports blog….and tells others to grow up.
lol..ok, whatever you say Sparky.
Yeah sure, Gomer? LOl! How come you never address any of my POV’s regarding the political retorts? ANSWER; because you cannot. You are just another in a long line of tough-talking blowhards that cannot admit they are Rubes and have been duped/conned. Wake up! Quit fucking the rest of us over by NOT understanding simple social, political and governmental actions . . . Which “mantra” did you fall for? “Make America Great Again”? “Best of the Best”? “Death Panels”? “Benghazi”? . . . And why? What a dolt.
What’s the name of this website…seriously, go look, i’ll give you a minute.
Now what is it, you and your blowhard Hillary fans don’t understand? Take your time, think about it, use a lifeline, call a friend, whatever it takes.
Personally I am not a Hillary fan, but the main point is you continue to deflect with your smug little answers. You started this . . . I did not. You still cannot answer factual statements, and that must irk you to no end. Have a good day . . .
My next posit would be something like . . . whatever happened to critical thinking? I see a few using it, however the majority are not. Sad times . . .
The racists and Trump-supporters (same group) can’t survive battle on the field of logic. They have no choice but to resort to low-brow attacks and straw man arguments.
MMTTDCSUCK, you have fought in your posts like a Giant Tiger with the mind of a Nobel prize winner! I respect the Hell out of you. Maybe that won’t mean much as I’m a Vikings fan…. :–)
Racist! Racist! Racist!…Trump! Trump! Trump!
Hillary lost, now quit whining. Put your big boy pants on, dry your eyes, and hopefully you can regain some semblance of self respect.
Again with the straw man. You pretend the wisdom derives from Hillary’s loss. And then you pretend it is immature to be against racism when it is actually intellectually immature to not be against racism.
You keep pushing these straw men forward to fight for you and they just wilt. Trump actually has the correct word for you: “Sad!”
Thank you KILLER. Likewise my friend. Keep up the good fight, every now and then a few more on the right see enough of the truth and start to read from more logical sources . . . Vikings and Packers both suck compared to keeping our country safe from fools and followers. Everyone needs to educate themselves to the reality of this horror show in DC, to save the future for our kids and grandkids. We want the same thing as most everyone on the right! Except we see the “leaders” on the right for who they actually are. The OPPOSITE of what they preach . . .
Both the Packers and the Vikings go to “haunted” ground this week. I know the Packers history at Dallas — other than the playoffs last year — has not been too good. The Vikings are even more spooked in Chicago.
Another year we faced the dread Rex Grossman. Our defense limited him to 6 completions in 19 attempts. That’s right, not even a 33% completion rate! But wait, as they say in the infomercials, there’s more! He only threw for 34 yards ! But wait, there’s more! He threw 3 interceptions! Aaaaaaaaaaaaand …. the Vikings lost the game ……… ! …….. ! …………..!!!!!!!!
Not sure how we’ll do it but the Vikings are going to lose to the Bears in Chicago.
Packers are about 50/50 in Dallas this time. There defense is looking quite poor so Rodgers should finally get un-tracked. I think these last 4 games have been his preseason.
If both teams lose (or both win) then we’ll be playing the following week for which team is ahead of the other in the NFC North.
This weekend in the NFL will be a good one for starting to see which teams are trending up or trending down. Should be fun and enlightening KILLER . . .
Congressmen Tim Murphy is a perfect example of what you are saying. A “pro-life” Republican all about family values, married and 65, caught in an affair with a 24-year-old and telling her to get an abortion.
Hypocrisy is most common by far in Republicans and tea party members.
One of the funniest things (darkly humorous) is that the better educated and smarter people tend to be liberal so now conservative talk media is attacking colleges claiming they are ruining America and that parents should keep their kids out of college. Yeah, ruining it for white supremacists!
They need to dumb down America so people will believe them.
Spot on KILLER. Attack education and intellect.
Someone tell this sad little clown and his reach around buddy this is a sports blog…Holy shit.
You started this asshat. Btw, what is up with your constant homosexual innuendo’s? Are you a closeted gay? Do you feel the need to just get that feeling out somehow? More sad deflection. You have no idea how to debate properly, nor do you have the desire to be honest about your real ideologies during the debate. You are correct about this being a “sports Blog” though! So stop with your inane and offensive racist remarks and get on with the sports banter which you actually do quite well.
PF4L has been spouting anti-gay homophobia for as long as I’ve been on this site. Racism and intolerance to gays pretty much go hand in hand. If you see or hear or read one then you know the other one is also there. PF4L envisions a world in which no one knows the definition of “envisions” and everyone is blond with blue eyes and snaps a perfect Heil Hitler salute.
To me variety is the spice of life, to each their own as long as they do not harm others, and that melting pot variety is a big part of why our country is so great.
Yes sir!
Listen guys,….all this empty rhetoric is getting old, boring and mundane. How often can you spew the same diatribe over and over and over and……….
I don’t have any idea what inner turmoil you both suffer from, nor do i pretend to know you both. But if calling people racist 200 times, acting like you know everyone and everything, and that everyone else is beneath you makes you feel better, sleep better at night, then it is what it is and i wish you luck in your future endeavors.
You have freedom of speech to continue what you’re doing, if your strategic objective is to end oppression, racism, profiling, social injustice with your rants a sports blog, i can’t stop you. But if that’s your objective, i’d imagine there are more efficient ways of accomplishing that goal other than terrorizing this website. Maybe it makes you feel good inside, i’m not sure what your deal is. But good luck with all that.
I think at this point most readers might just want to talk football and not have to deal with your arrogant, pompous, superior minds trying to belittle them into changing their views on social and political issues.
Now go ahead, knock yourself out and have the last word, consider that a win.
Thank you for understanding.
PF4L, the empty rhetoric comes FROM YOU. Terrorizing this site? Grow up. Rational debate is healthy and ONLY bothers someone who cannot. The ONLY reason any of us go political is if it is to correct misinformation or call out some anti-social bullshit, or if the article IS political in nature (which this one is) are YOU attempting to quell someone’s voice? Now that is un-American. The rest of your diatribe about arrogance, superior minds? You say: “I think at this point most readers might just want to talk football and not have to deal with your arrogant, pompous, superior minds trying to belittle them into changing their views on social and political issues.” Now that is a right wing talking point to further separate us and redefine “smart” as BAD.
Many times over the past few years I have stated on here to “Keep the Politics out of the threads” You have been one of the worst at abiding by this. Your opinion on anything is well documented in these threads. I guess a few of us were finally over your overt racist and myopically charged political stances. As MM would so gracefully state; “Moving Forward” so, “moving forward PF4L, why don’t you keep THOSE things to yourself?, and just maintain a football perspective instead. Sir hypocrite . . .
Trying to fight racism and defending those who do… is… according to PF4L… “terrorizing” this web site?
You started it!! lol.
The words of someone with the mind of a Noble prize winner, or a 7 year old. You pick.
Although this has been entertaining and a good laugh, maybe now we can get back to football and we can get past the ramblings of dumb and dumber.
Just more deflection and toilet humor from the racist misanthrope. You have no answers, and it bugs the hell out of you. Plus you continue to want to have the last word. On to the Packers now! Go Pack Go!
“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack” Rudyard Kipling
Woah! Icebowl! You actually posted something cool!
… I think Vikings wore wolf skins for sport and warmth after killing the wolves. Sounds right.
Amen ICEBOWL . . .