Color me surprised. The Green Bay Packers have released a statement in reaction to this Donald Trump crap. Considering how image conscious the Packers are and that this will likely anger some people, I consider this a bold move.
It comes from team president and CEO Mark Murphy, who I will tentatively set aside my personal distaste for. Here’s the statement and I both respect and applaud it.
“It’s unfortunate that the President decided to use his immense platform to make divisive and offensive statements about our players and the NFL. We strongly believe that players are leaders in our communities and positive influences. They have achieved their positions through tremendous work and dedication and should be celebrated for their success and positive impact. We believe it is important to support any of our players who choose to peacefully express themselves with the hope of change for good. As Americans, we are fortunate to be able to speak openly and freely.”
Who knew Mark Murphy had a pair?
He doesn’t have a pair. Proved it by caving to the pc bullshit.
Use to be a Packers fan-done!
As a stockholder and proud American/packers fan I am very unhappy with mr. murphy’s statement on this issue. He should be fired.
A PC GM ??? Looks like a popularity stunt. Hard to get players to live in Green Bay, ya know?
Go PACK Go & MAGA!!!!
I doubt anyone is in shock that the gap toothed Ginger is a Snowflake.
Apparently the Golden State Warriors were going to have a team “meeting” to discuss whether they should visit the White House or not. Trump made the decision easier for them by rescinding the invitation. No meeting needed.
You want to protest and sit out a National Anthem, this is America, more power to you. But do it on your time, not on your employer’s time and in a NFL uniform as if you are representing the NFL in your’ political quest. The NFL exist to provide sports entertainment. It’s not a vehicle for it’s millionaire athlete’s to protest political messages under the NFL umbrella.
The NFL PC message is that everyone has the freedom to protest. But they actually don’t, not on Company time. The language written in their contracts would give the NFL every right to curtail this activity, but they are spineless, succumbing to the weak PC world we live in now.
Of course the snowflakes argument is that they can’t be forced to stand for something they don’t believe, or have issues with, as it isn’t part of their job. Yes…they make a good point. But if that is the case, than simply stay back in the locker room or in the tunnel until the National Anthem is over. Is that too much to ask? Of course it is, because than the player can’t bring attention to themselves on a NFL platform.
This voice of reason and common sense is brought to you by PF4L.
You’re welcome.
I’m curious why you’re offended by sitting and kneeling during the anthem?
Because it is extremely offensive and disrespectful to all the Americans who came before you that worked, sacrificed and died so that you have the opportunity to thrive in the free-est, wealthiest, safest, nation in the history of humanity. NFL players are some of the most fortunate people in history to have the opportunity to make millions of dollars using their god-given physical abilities. I don’t mind at all if they want to appear at rallies, make statements, or write articles for whatever cause they support on their own time. But, when they crap on our national heritage as whole, that is way outta line.
As a veteran, I find it offensive the head of the executive branch is encouraging private industry to fire people with whom he does not agree. The fighting I did was because someone killed a lot of people in hopes that their actions would force us to clamp down on free speech and I don’t appreciate the president becoming the person I was sent to kill by this fine nation.
People who argue that ANYONE should be forced to stand for what is in essence propaganda for our side when they are not obligated by duty or sentiment is profoundly un-American in this veteran’s opinion and un-patriotic.
If we woke up tomorrow and all the flags were gone, there would still be an America. If all the Americans were gone, would their still be an America?
Getting worked up over some fake indignation over respect to a flag is bullshit. You respect Americans or fuck off for being a shitty American and part of the problem, and not the solution. Stop being an apologist looking for an excuse to be an asshole. If that flag represents something to you, it’s because of the way the men and women you have seen wearing it acted. How are you acting now, marginalizing legitimate grief in the name of the false patriot?
You like to talk about national heritage, but that is the point. The national heritage of which you speak DOES NOT EXIST for entire groups of people. Would you feel obligated to kneel if your living family could tell you about the time when their own country allowed legal oppression?
Good for anyone willing to protest. If you are the kind of fan willing to quit watching because of this, I’m sure the players will be okay with that. You may fund them, but you don’t block for them.
Thank you!
Well said.
Voice of facist morons. You’re as close to reason as a zebra mussel is to explaining quantum mechanics.
This is a bad take it’s complete bullshit, but you’re completely entitled to your bullshit.
It’s always fun to pick your times when you do, and when you don’t want to hold professional athletes to a higher standard depending on the narrative. All my life I’ve always heard people wish for athletes to be better role models for the next generation. Well, here are black athletes being the influence and being the role models to help effect change, and you’re too offended to have real ‘reason’.
Over the past few months, movements across the country are becoming increasingly violent as tensions are reciprocated, and then escalated beyond precipice of tragedy. BLM gets ridiculed as a hate group and all I hear from certain white demographics (yes, I am also white) is, “Why can’t they just protest peacefully?”
Here you have professional black athletes doing exactly that… and you can’t be bothered by it because it ruins your personal entertainment value from your couch? You wish they would stay behind and out of sight so it can make your TV viewing experience more pleasurable? It sounds to me what you really want, and a lot of other people with your take, is for black athletes to shut the fuck up and take their oppression. All so you can enjoy watching the game.
Their protest was never about the flag. It was never about the anthem. It was about creating the visibility to the systemic issues that black america as a whole is still living with nearly 80 years after the Civil Rights Movement. It’s about making people uncomfortable and forcing the uncomfortable conversations in all demographics of our nation – and boy, you sound pretty uncomfortable to me.
Remember when it was just Colin Keapernick taking a knee and everyone cried with outrage? But then it became two, then eight, then twenty and more? Remember when it was just a few black players, then white, then hispanic, and more? What people like you see as a self-serving act of individualism, is a actually message, a visual, a voice, that’s getting heard in every pocket across the country and represents a tiny fragment of a greater whole who don’t have the platform or the means to make the waves these players are making. The proof of it’s effectiveness is right in front of you. Here we are on Packers blog, a day before a game, talking about this. You can’t even get through three consecutive articles on without people having this same conversation. The message is clearly growing, and it’s getting louder.
That’s a good thing, because this issue needs everyone to participate. Not just the black community, or the black athletes with a platform they can capitalize on, but everyone – and it doesn’t matter who they are or when they do it because pushing for equality should be everyone’s concern.
This voice of clarity and rational thought is brought to you by Adam
“I’m going to give you the real deal: I’m an American,” the ex-running back said. “I don’t desecrate my flag and my national anthem. I’m not going to do anything against the flag and national anthem. I’m going to work within those situations. But this is my country, and I’ll work out the problems, but I’ll do it in an intelligent manner.” – Jim Brown
Jim Brown know’s a thing or two about real activism, and grew up in far more racism and oppression than currently exist today. Thanks to him, and people like him.
So piss on the rest of us if it makes you feel like a big man, but i think Jim Brown’s viewpoints deserve respect. Or would you get in his face and feed him that same diatribe?
To most of us, it IS about the flag and the anthem. You can pretend otherwise but the bottom line is simple. I watch to be entertained by athletes, not have some political activist shove their opinion at me. It’s just like the pompous actors in Hollyweird. Shut up and entertain me but your political opinion means nothing to me.
Well said. Trump is NOT the one who is divisive and offensive. It is the Aholes who disrespect the USA and the National anthem. Play the game but leave your political opinions in the locker room. Just like Hollyweird, I don’t care what your political opinion is! Entertain me, but if you want to be an activist don’t be surprised when I walk away because I don’t find your opinions entertaining.
The idolators and facists are really coming out of the woodwork today. Get a fucking life, losers.
Up until today, I thought that the biggest risk to the long term viability of professional football in something close to its current form was the concussion issue. That real problem has been surpassed by the made up problem that started the most recent protests. Although there most likely are some bad police officers, there are far more criminals and those assholes think that they have more rights than the good police officers and the non-criminal general public.
Hey, dumbass criminal, if you reach into a police cruiser and try to wrestle the weapon away from a police officer, then there is a pretty good chance that that police officer may attempt to discharge the weapon.
Let me get back to the point. Technically, Mr. Murphy works for me (I am a Packers shareholder), as does the whole Packers organization, including the players. I LOATHE the politically correct bullshit. The fans drive the revenue and revenue drives everything. I believe that I am not alone. This PC bull will drive away fans and the diminishing revenue is what will kill the league. PF4L has it right. Protest all you want on your own time. Put on the uniform and you are on MY TIME. My expextation as an owner, and therefore your boss, is that you stand for the National Anthem and do so without a fist in the air. Failure to do so IS driving fans away NOW. Pretend that your job is on the line, because the viability of the whole damn league is at stake.
It’s clear Goodell has only just begun to completely destroy this sport. Here come a good little lackey in Mark Murphy to kiss ass with the best of them.
First Mark Murphy grew a pair… and then Monty McMahon grew a pair also! Not just any pair, but, as said in Dragnet by one bad guy to another bad guy “balls as big as church bells”.
Can’t help but notice they both have the initials MM… which leaves Coach MM (The Great Scapegoater, also known in the Amazon as “He-Who-Throw-Players-Under-Bus”) as the only MM who does not have a pair.
As seen by the comment both Murphy and Monty were taking a big risk speaking truthfully. Each chose not to take the easy route. Lord knows Monty and I have had our debates but we have common ground here for sure.
Monty included the entire quote but I’d like us all to focus on just one line:
“We believe it is important to support any of our players who choose to peacefully express themselves with the hope of change for good.”
Read it. Read it again. Now, slowly, ever so slowly… think about it. “peacefully express”? Yes. Trying to make a “change for good”? Yes. Aaaaaaaaand… Trump says fire them! Holy crap folks, no room for confusion here: Trump is an idiot and a jerk and has a dangerous un-American mindset.
I think everyone who has posted above (and, yes, myself as well) we all fit into the category of peacefully expressing and trying to make a change for good. Well, guess what? Trump thinks all of you and us should be fired. Same thing with everyone or anyone who posts after my post. Unless you post racist crud. Then you are a keeper in TrumpWorld.
Every single thing Trump does makes Putin giggle gleefully. Is it even possible that is an accident?
“Lord knows Monty and I have had our debates…….”
To have a debate, wouldn’t Monty at some point, actually have to acknowledge your existence?
Grasping reality isn’t exactly a strong suit with you.
Nice try, Monty. Everyone knows you post as PF4L.
I don’t even know what to say to that anymore…lol
Enjoy living in your alternative world.
Better yet, since everyone knows, that Monty post as PF4L as killer claims, lets here from everyone else.
If anyone else ( agree’s with killer) and believes that Monty and PF4L are one in the same, would you be so kind as to post as much here, using your regular username please?
Thank you
Murphy is just protecting what is important to him and many if not all the NFL owners MONEY.
If Murphy really cared about how much the players give to the community, and he really wanted to reward those players answer me this.
1. Why have 3 of the last 4 Packer players who were nominated for the Walter Payton award been abandoned from the team. James Jones not resigned, Sam Barrington cut, and Jarone Elliot traded for nothing. The only one who survived is the meal ticket A Rodgers.
2. Captains of the team for the playoffs are selected by the players. Those players have earned the respect of their teammates not only for the on field but off field work. It is almost the kiss of death for a Packer player to be a playoff captain and survive to the next season as a Packer.
Don’t let any of these statements from the NFL or the teams fool you. It is all about the money. That is what these statements are trying to stop is Money running the wrong way. The NFL wants it to run to them and not away from them. They are no different than any politician in the World and the US. They want your money so they can distribute a small portion of it as they see fit to their preferred voting block or in the NFL’s case charity.
The politicians and the NFL including the players are all in there sounding chambers. They are listening to the what Is a loud echo from a enthusiastic but in many cases a small group of people compared to the overall population. It will be interesting to see who really is listening and hearing the majority of the people as it relates to sports protests and who is just being deceived by the echos they are hearing.
Express your views on your own time. I don’t care what color you are-America has never been one color or one issue, but we should be united in supporting our country or you are free to leave. I’m sick of this. Every person has some battle or another and I won’t support entertainers or athletes that can’t support their battle cry on their own time.
I have been a Packer and NFL fan for more than 50 years, and today will be the first time I choose not to watch any game on TV. I am done going to games, buying NFL gear, and watching NFL football. I am a Stock Holder and the next time I will go to Lambeau Field will be for the shareholders meeting to protest Murphy. Do you think I will be allowed to do my protest there?
Right now, somewhere in the faraway Middle East, in an unimaginably dangerous and hostile place, so unlike anything that myself, Donald Trump, Mark Murphy, and Colin Kaepernick will ever experience, a soldier who lays his or her life on the line for this nation on a daily basis is getting more and more sick and tired of hearing about this shit. All this soldier might have been looking forward to today is for just a little bit of well-deserved time off to kick back in the barracks and watch some football with the troops, and this is how we repay that soldier. FUCK!
Kaepernick peacefully kneeling for the anthem pisses Trump off more than a Nazi running over and killing someone. Yet according to some, “he is NOT the one who is divisive and offensive”
You’re absolutely correct, the “pig” socks are worn to “unite”.
I think the better word is “untie” because he would rather undo any progress since his perception is the only valid one.
If you wanna be in awe of how clueless the president actually is, head over to Reddit and look for the subreddit called “trumpcriticizestrump” to see what he tweeted before he was president. It is truly amazing how he is now president and faced with the same situations, he has zero awareness of what he said. You can’t make that shit up and there is a solid, steady stream of unbelievable tweets. It is like he is calling himself out today from back then.
This ^^^^
I’d love to sit in a stadium and know I’m not surrounded by the low-info, simplistic morons that don’t understand what America means, that can’t differentiate between abstract principles and a piece of cloth.
Well said! You definitely get it . . .
Here you go . . . .
Hey Arcturus that cloth represent millions who served and died. You and anyone else on this site that doesn’t use their real name are just like the pussy players who kneel.
Hi Chuck! And you are an under informed myopically impaired misanthrope who has no idea about the true meaning of what you say you are advocating for. Nor do you understand what the opposing point of view has posited. You would be toast in a debate. Nothing but vitriol, deflections, non-sequiturs, obfuscation and anger and name calling from you and your inculcated “talking points” I am yawning . . . Here is a clue. This is NOT about the men and women that have served. It is about what they have fought for that you so obtusely are fighting against.
Whoa, whoa whoa….now there are $20 words flying around. Count me out!! The fuck if i’m looking up words on google. Obviously i’m not smart enough to enter this arena.
Color me fucking impressed!
You gonna be ok Chuck?…lol
Why use words that can be misinterpreted when you can use “finite words” that get right to the point? Too bad that you have to look these words up . . . Hell! I knew them. I figured they were simple enough and precise enough to warrant their use. But then again PF4l, this could be a masterful way of DEFLECTION by you because you seem to bear the same political brand (large assumption! hence the word “seem”) :)
You knew them, well that’s fantastic, i wish i could give you a cookie.
If you think the majority of the people here know the meaning of some of those words, you fail miserably at grasping the reality that surrounds you. I highly doubt people hear, or use the words non-sequitur’s and obfuscation, do you? You act as if everyone should known them, and if they don’t, they’re beneath you.
Which would explain the other questions i had concerning you, so were all good.
Have a nice day.
Nice deflection PF4l, and poor assumption’s again. Your football acumen is astounding . . . Societal? Not so much . . .
Have a nice day :)
Instead of taking time looking up thesaurus trying to convince us how smart you are. Use your time more wisely and educate yourself on the history of slavery, and oppression. The Democrats were pro slavery and fought to keep it, while Republicans were anti slavery and abolished it.
PF4L, You are either being intellectually dishonest, or you are as dense as a post. Most anyone who studied American History KNOWS that both political parties switched during the “Civil Rights” fiasco! The old Dem’s were the Conservatives, and the old Repub’s were the more open minded! Where in the fuck have you been you racist fuck? Nice try, shit for brains . . . good lord! Stick to football you inculcated RUBE.
Bravo to the NFL today. The show of unity was nice. It’s too bad that people don’t see the larger picture here. To those of you not watching the NFL anymore, do you stand for the anthem at home when it is on TV?
The flag code states in part that during the national anthem that all PRESENT should stand. PRESENT being the key word. See below. So now what is your point?
Title 36 United States Code: § 301. National Anthem.
(a) Designation. — The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
(b) ConductDuringPlaying.—Duringarenditionofthenationalanthem—
(1) when the flag is displayed —
(A) all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart;
Now take this Howard guy, everyone here can probably agree he is mad smart, and he doesn’t need thesaurus to try to make himself “look” smart with $20 words.
I don’t think you are Monty.
Wonder what must’ve happened to P4FL to give him such low self-esteem. Prob the kid who was always picked on.
Amen ARCTURUS . . .
Earlier we talked of this PF4l, would you prefer post Cro-Magnon? Or the finite words? Please advise. My level of the English language has fuckall to do with my posts, I use the words that are appropriate for the task. If you then have trouble keeping up with their meaning(s) then I suggest borrowing monies from somewhere and upgrading your wheel chair to a motorized one . . . simple allegory! No disrespect intended. Forgive my waxing poetically. :)
You sure as Fuck don’t know the meaning of the word should. But I think you do you just want to be intellectually dishonest in your debate about what I said the flag code stated.
I was clarifying ONLY. You had other intentions I believe. And I sure in fuck know what “should” means. LOl! Although you are entitled to your beliefs. So, why the attack Howard?
Here Howard just for you!
No, it doesn’t. Section 171 does not specify nor impose penalties for violating the section of the code. According to a Congressional Research Service report to Congress in 2008, “The Flag Code is a codification of customs and rules established for the use of certain civilians and civilian groups. No penalty or punishment is specified in the Flag Code for display of the flag of the United States in a manner other than as suggested. Cases … have concluded that the Flag Code does not proscribe conduct, but is merely declaratory and advisory.”
In other words, the Flag Code serves as a guide, and it is followed on a voluntary basis. You won’t be forced to stand for the National Anthem, nor hauled off to jail if you don’t. Cases brought because of something in the code — mainly ones that involve defacing the flag — have made their way to the U.S. Supreme Court where the justices have upheld that such conduct is protected by the First Amendment.
There are no provisions in the code for either enforcement nor penalties.
Never said there was. All I wrote is the flag code does not state you should stand when not present during the National Anthem. The key word being should. I did not hide the word should. In fact I clearly used the word should. I think a person who is smart as you knows the difference between should and shall. You seem to use a lot of big words and that is fine. I applaud your intellectual superiority, but don’t put words in my mouth. So now what is your point.
So were did I say there was penalties. I will wait. If you want to have an honest debate take what I said in context to the matter that I responded. It is people like you on both sides that make it impossible to debate.
Howard such animus for a misinterpretation . . . You said should! Yes you did! I believe (purely speculative) that the intent was to quantify PF4L’s and some of the others vitriolic insistence that it was bad to NOT stand. MY POINT was that there WAS NO need to stand. I was clarifying SIR. You were attacking me for clarifying. Why? A tad intellectually dishonest to posit something that you allege that I stated towards you when I did not I believe. I was making this crystal clear for you, in case you or anyone else felt a need to know the full scope of the code as ambiguous as it is written. So, what in the hell do you mean by “people like you”? WTF? lol!
Again you are wrong. All I did was respond to Kato when he wrote, in part, “To those of you not watching the NFL anymore, do you stand for the anthem at home when it is on TV?”
I provided the portion of the flag code that addresses that subject. I did not add to it. I did not change it. I did not try to say there were any penalties or fines. I think you tried to attack. In addition you clearly tried to change the meaning of what I initially wrote. There was no mention on my part about fines, etc. I have every right to defend myself, unless you feel the right of free speech only works for your opionion or the agenda you support.
Again you are wrong. All I did was respond to Kato when he wrote, in part, “To those of you not watching the NFL anymore, do you stand for the anthem at home when it is on TV?”
I provided the portion of the flag code that addresses that subject. I did not add to it. I did not change it. I did not try to say there were any penalties or fines. I think you tried to attack. In addition you clearly tried to change the meaning of what I initially wrote. There was no mention on my part about fines, etc. I have every right to defend myself, unless you feel the right of free speech only works for your opionion or the agenda you support.
What I mean by people like you on both sides, is it is obvious you have very strong political beliefs that lean strongly to the left. You make it clear in many of your comments There are also those on the right who have very strong political beliefs. You can’t discuss anything with either because they attack or try to change the subject. I don’t have either view. In fact I will make it easy to see my view. It is as I stated early in the comments to this article. If you don’t like it to bad. You don’t see me responding to your comments unless you respond to mine first, and try to change the meaning and context of what I wrote.
09/24/2017 at 7:18 am
Murphy is just protecting what is important to him and many if not all the NFL owners MONEY.
If Murphy really cared about how much the players give to the community, and he really wanted to reward those players answer me this.
1. Why have 3 of the last 4 Packer players who were nominated for the Walter Payton award been abandoned from the team. James Jones not resigned, Sam Barrington cut, and Jarone Elliot traded for nothing. The only one who survived is the meal ticket A Rodgers.
2. Captains of the team for the playoffs are selected by the players. Those players have earned the respect of their teammates not only for the on field but off field work. It is almost the kiss of death for a Packer player to be a playoff captain and survive to the next season as a Packer.
Don’t let any of these statements from the NFL or the teams fool you. It is all about the money. That is what these statements are trying to stop is Money running the wrong way. The NFL wants it to run to them and not away from them. They are no different than any politician in the World and the US. They want your money so they can distribute a small portion of it as they see fit to their preferred voting block or in the NFL’s case charity.
The politicians and the NFL including the players are all in there sounding chambers. They are listening to the what Is a loud echo from a enthusiastic but in many cases a small group of people compared to the overall population. It will be interesting to see who really is listening and hearing the majority of the people as it relates to sports protests and who is just being deceived by the echos they are hearing.
Howard believe what you want . . . you were either being duplicitous or you were not. I was clarifying, not attacking. After my clarification, you attacked. Fine be that way. I wished that it had not come to this. Regarding your statement ABOUT FREE SPEECH? I have no problem with your right to say whatever. But I do have the same right to respond if I feel that you are wrong or being deceitful, or attacking.
This! ^^^^
Thank God this officer didn’t shoot this unarmed defenseless victim. Lawsuits and riots would have followed.
Didn’t read this yet, but let me guess. What, the Bear won a game?
ONE fucking example . . . get real. Why do you WISH for less tolerance and MORE enforcement? I thought that you were all for LESS Gov’t? Oh . . . That’s right! unless you feel . . .