There have been plenty of rumors about Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers being engaged. It turns out he actually was engaged, but probably not to who you think.
When Rodgers dated Olivia Munn, there were at least three rumors that I can recall about them being engaged. It wasn’t her.
ESPN the Magazine ran a piece on Rodgers today. Most media outlets ran with the fact that Rodgers said he supports former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick from that. Rodgers mentioned that he supports players’ right to kneel during the National Anthem. He then said he believes Kaepernick is still unemployed because of his politics.
He also said he won’t be kneeling, so don’t worry.
Here’s the part I found much more interesting: In 2014, Rodgers started dating Munn. (He previously was engaged to a woman he knew from high school, which he’s never publicly discussed.)
Remember Destiny Newton? If not, here’s a refresher.
She was actually spotted at a Vanderbilt game with Aaron — when his brother Jordan played QB there — with what appeared to be a rock on her finger.
Back then, Rodgers was in his private phase and wouldn’t speak about whether or not he was engaged. Obviously, he was.
Newton was a bartender at the time. Perhaps Rodgers thought he’d be slumming it by marrying a bartender.
And look at how much things have changed in those last three paragraphs.
He was also engaged to his roommate Kevin while he employed him as his “personal assistant”.
Are you afraid of gay people or something? I thought we were past the stage of using homosexuality in a demeaning and insulting way?
No, just fighting for accuracy, certainly an uphill battle on this web site. The article left out the engagement to Kevin so I added it.
Here to help!
PS I don’t mind Aaron is gay. More chicks for the rest if us! Fine by me. But Aaron lives a lie, the whole Olivia thing was a rigged up publicity stunt, and this web sight desperately tries to participate in the illusion. Fight for truth, Kato!
You spout off shit here all the time that you have zero proof of. Seriously, you sound like a fucking flat earther. GTFO
Surprised you thought that, seeing every orifice of yours is stuffed 24-7
Mike K, that was mean what you wrote about Kato. Apologize to him.
KG omg he supports players that kneel for the anthem!!! Are you going to stop supporting him?
Get a good lawyer that specializes in prenups! Chicks see $,$$$,$$$s and are ready to take it from you one way or another!
“Newton was a bartender at the time. Perhaps Rodgers thought he’d be slumming it by marrying a bartender.”
I’m sure that’s exactly why it didn’t work out. “You make me happy but you’re a bartender so I can’t be seen with your slummy self” Great logic..
Love that picture from the neck down. I look at that face and head and it reminds me of the conehead character from SNL.