Ugh. Skip Bayless.
This clown has been critical of Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers on a regular basis. He is a noted Dallas Cowboys fan, after all. Kind of makes you wonder how you can be biased and have a job with a major media organization, but these are the wonderful times we live in.
If you’ve ever watched Skip Bayless — and you’re lucky if you haven’t — he just spews a lot nonsense. He yells a lot. He often says things completely opposite of common sense or reason.
So this is hilarious. A YouTube user put together this video of Skip Bayless debating himself on the merits of Aaron Rodgers.
Bayless is a pedantic, pontificating, pretentious bastard. A belligerent old fart. A worthless steaming pile of cow shit. Figuratively speaking. :-)
Bloviating plastic windbag. Personality of a mosquito
I don’t listed to Bayless or Cowherd. They suck. They’re contrarians who are only trying to “stir debate” by being controversial. That’s a worthless waste of time.