Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has said he plans on continuing to play for a number of years. His desire for longevity wasn’t always present, however.
Rodgers spoke to what changed for him on Wilde and Tausch.
“I think it’s a change, a slight change that happened the last few years, where it really has become just a love affair,” Rodgers said. “From [being] a game I always enjoyed playing and enjoyed competing and am hyper-competitive [in] to just really loving the process even more — the practice, the preparation, just enjoying those moments even more.”
That has also changed how Rodgers has prepared, as we’ve seen over the last few years.
“[That feeling] has kind of given me the idea that this is what I want to do. I love football, and I want to keep playing as long as possible,” Rodgers said. “And when you have that kind of slight shift in your thinking, then you start going to, ‘How can I do that?’ And the way you can do that, in my opinion, is taking care of yourself at a hyper-sensitive level to all the areas that that entails — the rehab area, the eating area, the workout/focus area. And all those combined have kind of given me the idea that I’d like to keep playing at a high level, as fun as it is right now.”
Rodgers may ultimately end up mirroring the type of career New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has had. Brady will turn 40 next month and is entering his 18th year in the league.
That would also mirror another guy who all know, who didn’t exactly live the clean life. Brett Favre played 20 seasons and was 41 in his final season.
Rodgers could end up lasting longer than Favre and that would be fortunate for the Packers.