Aaron Rodgers is a free agent again… in dating terms.
After breaking up with Olivia Munn, Rodgers is once again free to roam. And while there is reportedly a lineup for his, uh… services, there’s also now a report that he is potentially being steered toward Jennifer Matthews.
If that name sounds familiar, it should. She’s Clay Matthews’ sister.
All I have to say about this is, bad idea.
First, while I have to say that Jennifer Matthews is pretty hot, I’m not sure she’s the model-type that AR is looking for these days.
Second, dating a teammate’s sister? I mean, I shouldn’t even have to point out the potential pitfalls there. You either marry the chick or hope he gets cut or traded.
And AR just might have that sort of power in Green Bay, but why would anyone want to cross that bridge?
Hanging out on campus with the Wild Bunch, a.k.a. USC's 1969 D-Line. #fighton ✌🏼️🏈 pic.twitter.com/W4R5Y26Bra
— Jennifer Matthews (@JennMatthews57) December 14, 2016
Supporting my Packers in style by wearing my Touch by Alyssa Milano shirt! I want one of everything, please! #TeamTouch #GoPackGo #52 pic.twitter.com/cEMPlZijT8
— Jennifer Matthews (@JennMatthews57) December 8, 2016
Win or lose, I love my Packers. pic.twitter.com/6aoCymxEvf
— Jennifer Matthews (@JennMatthews57) November 13, 2016
USC 45 // CAL 24 ✌🏼️ pic.twitter.com/wGQnZcHmiN
— Jennifer Matthews (@JennMatthews57) October 28, 2016
You are the worst
She looks more like Clay Matthew’s mother than his sister. She also has a wicked witch style chin.
At any rate, there does not seem to be any indication, not even a quote, that any of this real.
Plus, why would she want to be a beard for Aaron? What is in it for her? Or is she a lesbian in need of her own beard?
This relationship might workout. She doesn’t have a job other than posting on social media about her famous dad and brother so she could also post about Aaron as well. Also if Aaron likes older women why not? I mean after all Clay married a woman who is older than everyone he knows and all his kin folk.
You are very funny! I did not even know she did not have a job.
The NFL Draft simply cannot get here soon enough if all we can discuss on this site is 12’s love life and who is next squeeze might be.
Dating a friend’s sister is a bad idea. Trust me
ask JJ Watt. he’s banging a teammates sister
AR has been to the top of the mountain with Olivia. There is no way in hell he’d settle for this chick. She looks just like her brother, same hair and face. Please remove this story, it’s killing me to see Clay in makeup.
Clay in makeup. love it!!
she’s the only unmarried Matthews as everyone but Bruce’s youngest are married. she needs to take what she can get while the bleached hair and pancake makeup look good on her.
I like her. Shes like the all American girl stay at home wife type. Jennifer, call me babes. Make me a Matthews.
She cant. Lez be real.
She already stays at home. She’s unemployed and makes promotional postings of her daddy and little brother in hopes of landing a job as a football specialist.