You’re just going to have to listen to this. Colin Cowherd goes off on the Green Bay Packers’ front office. The point: Aaron Rodgers deserves to play with better players.
We’ve all heard the Packers are wasting Aaron Rodgers’ prime refrain before.
We don’t totally disagree.
Aaron Rodgers deserves better from the Packers front office
— Herd w/Colin Cowherd (@TheHerd) March 15, 2017
Naturally, people point to the New England Patriots. How they’ve gone out — despite just winning the Super Bowl — and have significantly improved their roster since the offseason began.
The Packers, well, haven’t.
“Lebron demands stuff, he gets it. Peyton Manning demanded things, he gets it. Aaron Rodgers asks for things, gets nothing.”
True, although we think Cowherd is undervaluing Martellus Bennett and Lance Kendricks a bit. He’s certainly overvaluing Lawrence Guy, who was once cut by the Packers. The overall argument is not incorrect, however.
Ultimately, this is about the defense. But how long have we been saying that?
Stay true to formula Ted! Draft and develop.
If those players don’t develop after their rookie contract, you can cut them and draft more.
If they do develop, you can let them and their salary demands walk, which allows you to sign more undrafted FA’s to develop!
Develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop develop until Aaron retires. Then guess what big guy? NEW PROJECT! Develop a 3rd string long snapper from Division 3 into our new franchise QB for pennies ont he dollar.
No one outsmarts ol’ Teddy T!
I’m so fucking tired of the sheep. I swear this fuck is an alien that has all the faithful under some kind of lactose induced mind control. If Ted were dealing with any other fan base, where the most vexing question they face in a day isn’t, “So, yah, how dem radishes coming along? Think it’ll rain?”, he’d have been run out of town on a rail years ago.
“But they made the playoffs”, they mewl. Yeah, I almost got fucked after bar time last night, too, but still wound up going home and slammin’ the ham. If ya ain’t first, yer last.
Lol. Love the bar analogy
Classic! i rofl!
What does Colin Cowerd know about football or anything????? Another blowhard talk show guy who criticizes everything EXCEPT his little favorites (see Tom Brady). I`d like TT to do a little more also but it`s not because of what Colin Cowerd thinks. he and Bayless hate the Packers and use every opportunity to criticize them. By the way Aaron does deserve to play with great players so doesn`t everyone else! Give TT some credit he signed Martellis Bennett.
Give him some credit? He was expected to sign a TE worth half a crap since day one of the offseason. That was a complete no brainer. If he had lost the Cook deal and missed out on Bennett, all of Packer nation would be rioting and rightfully so.
Finally Cowherd says something that makes sense.
I guess you all noticed the difference in the other guys demanding and AR asking.
What’s he trying to say with that?
Good call, Zwoeger, by noticing the “demanding” vs “asking” spin that Cowherd tries to dish out on his listeners, because that stood out like a sore thumb to me. The examples he tries to give of Lebron & Manning being depicted as those who supposedly are able to “demand” action from their front offices simply doesn’t hold water. After all, where did it get Lebron when he recently “demanded” that the Cavs acquire Carmelo? Where did all of Peyton Manning’s “demands” of the Colts get him after winning only one Super Bowl in 14 years with Indy?
That being said, I do agree that AR does deserve better from the Packer’s front office. Martellus may be a slight upgrade over Jared Cook, but it’s not like we just signed a Tony Gonzalez type of player in his prime here. The Lance Kendricks signing also has me scratching my head, because I thought Richard Rodgers was starting to show some promise before being demoted to 2nd string last year. Particularly troubling is the apparent lack of value that TT holds for offensive lineman by letting two pro bowl guards in Sitton & Lang sign with division rivals in back-to-back seasons. If any player has the right to demand anything, it should be AR because of the kind of BS that TT has been pulling for way too long now.
Just out of curiosity, what positions do you think should have the least priority on a football team?
Lets ask Ted….
PF4L: What positions do you think should have the least priority on a football team?
TED: Why do you ask?
PF4L: I’m not sure, but that’s the question.
TED: Well, it’s important to sign your own. That’s been my philosophy since the combine.
PF4L: Ted, i’ll punch you right in the fucking mouth, right now.
Ted: Ok, ok, ok…Relax. I’d have to say the defense.
PF4L: Do you really believe that?
Ted: What’s your favorite color?
PF4L: ****** raises fist*****
Ted: I’m joking!!! Ummmm, yea i believe that.
PF4L: What brings you to that conclusion?
Ted: Cuz
PF4L: Don’t try to play me fucker.
Ted: Well…Dom said back after 2011, that the defense didn’t matter if Rodgers is your QB and i agree.
PF4L: How do you feel your doing in free agency this season?
Ted: I must be doing something right.
PF4L: Why is that Ted?
Ted: Sometimes they give me a free cheesy burrito when i go to Taco Bell.
PF4L: Go home and take a nap Ted.
More importantly, Rodgers needs a better defense to play with. Give him a real defense. It is what has been wasting his prime.