Green Bay Packers president Mark Murphy is a tiring guy. Tiring to look at, tiring to listen to and tiring in his status quo philosophies when it comes to the product on the field.
Here is the guy, who every time anyone points out that the measuring stick in Green Bay is Super Bowl championships, tells us about how the Packers have made the playoffs for X consecutive seasons. In essence, the measuring stick is different for the guy running the team than it is for everyone else.
The president has lowered the bar.
That’s simply maddening.
Murphy more or less confirmed this week that not only will the playoffs again be good enough (one and done, wooooooo!!!), but that regardless of the outcome of the season, Mike McCarthy and Ted Thompson won’t be going anywhere unless they retire.
“I have heard from fans that they don’t like that [statistic]. That we’ve ‘accepted mediocrity,’ that ‘just getting into the playoffs is good enough,’” Murphy said. “You know, first of all, you’re not going to win a Super Bowl if you don’t get into the playoffs, so that’s where you have to start.
“[Thompson and McCarthy] have done a great job. It’s almost unparalleled in the league. The NFL record for consistent success is nine in a row in the playoffs. We’re on the doorstep. We still have a lot of work to do, but hopefully we can achieve that.”
What I take from that is that Murphy is more concerned about getting to nine consecutive years in the playoffs than he actually is about winning another Super Bowl. Because getting into the playoffs — that’s where you have to start.
Personally, I don’t see much of a difference between losing your first playoff game and not making the playoffs at all. The Packers have done that three times in those seven years. In fact, the Packers are 7-6 in the playoffs over the seven-year run. Other than the Super Bowl season, they only made one other NFC Championship game and you know how that turned out.
That’s not what I would call playoff success. If that Super Bowl run never happened or fell short, we’d be saying the Packers are awful in the postseason.
The New England Patriots share that active seven-year playoff streak with the Packers. They’ve made two Super Bowls (1-1) and have played in their last five conference championship games. Their overall playoff record during the span (8-6) isn’t much better than the Packers’, but the Patriots are consistently playing in bigger games.
So, you say you have a shot at the Super Bowl if you make the playoffs? I say you don’t have a shot at a Super Bowl unless you reach your conference championship game!
I’m not necessarily out there looking for Mike McCarthy’s or Ted Thompson’s head, but it wouldn’t matter if I were. I know Murphy won’t do anything. Mike and Ted know Murphy won’t do anything. Because just making the playoffs is good enough.
If you want change, you’re thinking about it wrong. The guy who needs to go is Mark Murphy.
Perhaps someone with a different mentality, who will actually hold people accountable for repeatedly falling short of the real goal will raise the bar back to where it should be in Green Bay.
Murphy said. “You know, first of all, you’re not going to win a Super Bowl if you don’t get into the playoffs, so that’s where you have to start.
Wow…..How many years of college and business experience does it take to be smart enough to enlighten our minds with this earth shattering revelation?
(BTW….If i was there, i would have reminded him that you also won’t win the Super Bowl, when you can’t get to the Super Bowl.) I can just imagine the dumbfuck look and non response that comment would illicit.
Those few, who condemned me and questioned my Packer fan integrity, for wanting to lose some games for the sole purpose of facilitating change at the top of Packer Hierarchy. I’ll see you after the season when you’re making post about how TT, Murphy. and McCarthy need to go.
Losing is temporary, change is permanent.
I’m so happy the Packers don’t have an owner, but when I see Murphy’s snout I wish we had an owner to can that Penn State hack. Probably jumped to the Packers to get out of the Sandusky spot light that was coming…..goddamn creep.
Alfred Newman is busy extorting honest Packers fans for every dime in their pockets. Unfortunately like every good Carnie in a yellowish tank top and grubby 5 o’clock shadow…he knows how to soak the simple fans of the Packers.
This is a pragmatic and enlightened Packer site, but most dimwitted clapping seal Packer fans are 100% with success. They became loveable Losers with their packers of the 70s and 80s and over .500 is great to them. I started following in the late 80s early 90s, I saw shit teams but I witnessed great teams, I don’t accept trash football and we shouldn’t for as much as this organization rapes our wallets. Until the clapping seals of yesteryear get to infirm to feed Newman money….it will stay like this. Enjoy the dip shitted money grab packer park with $20 beers.
Someone should also remind this gapped tooth Ginger that the Packers are 3-5 in the playoffs the last 5 seasons. With 2 of those losses representing the Packers most embarrassing performances in the history of the Green Bay Packers.
I’ll even add that the 3 wins, were against teams that had no chance of even getting to the Super Bowl.
So if i may sum up the Packers getting into the playoffs the last 5 seasons in retrospect…big fucking deal.
This guy is and always will be more concerned with profits than championships.
Definitely as long as clapping seals like my 64 year old dad rationalize shitty football by arguing that I didn’t have to endure the 70s and 80s and if I did I would just be happy they are decent…..huh? Dad, wtf?
Nothing was more glorious than in 2013 when Rodgers was hurt and Murphy and the gang tried strong arming season ticket holders to pay up for playoffs the week after 12 was injured. When fans asked if they would get that money back when/if GB missed the playoffs, this upstanding organization said….nope, we will use it tax free as a loan all year and then credit your tickets next year. Huh? Isnt that pretty much stealing?
Well fans banded together against these thieves and they didn’t sell any playoff tickets. When the pack miricled themselves in the playoffs they had to scramble to sell enough tix to not get blacked out. The fans stood tall and won, and the turds changed the policy to a pay for play. The packers have gotten away with alot while winning. Also why does a team need to purchase 300 acres around GB?
Squeezy….Excellent point and memory.
This also goes to show the arrogance and the lack of accountability and credibility that has become what this franchise exudes. It always,,,,always, starts at the top.
All on the arm, of Aaron Rodgers.
I’d be willing to bet, if Rodgers retired today, TT, MM, and Murphy, would all jump ship, if not this off season, then at the end of next season.
Last season I tried to find out what you owners could do to get rit of that rabbit and there is nothing.
Only the board of directors can and once and a wile you can vote for one or some of them.
So the triad can and will keep going to hum that Lennon chorus….
The more i think about this, the more pissed off i get over this do nothing fuck.
Murphy called those who were seeking McCarthy’s or Thompson’s ouster “a minority, so you really have to keep it in perspective.
Did Murphy take a poll? I doubt it, so he’s speaking out of his ass.
Follow me here…..Even if it was true, the (minority) are the true Packer fans. The (majority) are fly by night Packer fans that don’t care enough to have a viewpoint about this or anything.
Just because someone watches a game here and there, or sits around by their husband or boyfriend while they watch the game, does not make them a Packer fan. Neither does going out and buying a jersey. The (majority) Packer fan can’t name 5 players on the team, they wouldn’t know if a player was injured unless maybe it was Aaron Rodgers. They have no idea if Blake Martinez is a ilb, or the waterboy. You get the jist. Those are Packer fans through my eyes.
In the Packers eyes, anyone that spends 5 cents on the team is a Packer fan.
Now here’s the best (worst) quote from Murphy:
“[The theory goes] that by not having an individual owner, we don’t have someone who could just walk in and fire people and shake things up. I guess I could do that if I wanted, but I would never do that,” Murphy said.
Now, i ask you, the minority Packer fan….Isn’t that exactly how things were done in the 70’s and 80’s?
Thank god Ron Wolf didn’t prescribe to that line of thinking.
I’m pretty sure Bert summed it up when he said if you aren’t a Burt Ferve fan, you aren’t a true Packer fan. Methinks Brent was/is still on the Vicodin.
So Murphy is now on record for saying that he doesn’t 2nd guess or question Ted on the operations aspect of the Packers, and he’s also on record as saying he wouldn’t fire anyone. But, his job….is to oversee these very things and act on them if necessary. So….that begs the question, Who is Ted’s boss? Does he have one? Then some people wonder why this team doesn’t have accountability for their own actions. It’s simply because, they don’t even have to be accountable to themselves.
Those two points alone are grounds for dismissal of Murphy by the Executive Board as a dereliction of duty.
Yep, I was rooting for the Packers to win a few games so that McCarthy and TT would stay in place. Now they have and now they will. I love it when a plan comes together.
Now that that is taken care of time for the Packers to lose a few games. Granted, they likely will not lose to the Bears but I think they can and will lose to the Vikings (SKOL) and Lions. End the year 3rd place with a bad person as a coach, a poor one-faceted GM, and a creepy sorry excuse for a human being face of the offense and a one time PED abuser shrinking in size and performance as face of the defense.
However the Packer season ends I predict even fewer wins next year.
Vikings Owners Must Pay $85 Million For “Organized Crime-Type” Fraud
Mark Murphy is a typical tool for money. Fuck the fans, fuck the city! Just make more money! The lemmings will come to the games win or lose! Why pay more when you do not have to? We want to use that money to grab other things in and around Green Bay with that money! We will turn this place into a Mecca just like Graceland was! Fuck those stupid homers . . .
Agreed….The ironic thing is, if the Packers go back to losing like in the 70’s and 80’s, all this new development that cost hundreds of millions, will be empty.
Today’s spoiled fans will NOT have the same loyalty as the fans of the 50’s and 60’s if the team can’t keep finding franchise QB’s. Lets face it, the fans back in the glory years are dying off. Stay tuned.
If that’s the case…then Mark Murphy, the director of development of the new entertainment complex will end up looking more incompetent than even Judge Parins.
But then again, by that time, Murphy, McCarthy, and Thompson will be long gone. When i say gone, that means gone. as in gone right after the lottery ticket known as Aaron Rodgers retires.
Yeah Judge Parins was a piece of work, letting those two officers get away with giving that under aged boy back to Dahmer after they told those two women that rescued him to beat it. We all know what happened to the kid next. How Parins allowed those two policemen to come back to the Police dept. after what they did was a miscarriage of justice. Incompetence indeed.
If they win they division this year: 7 consecutive playoff appearances, 5 division titles in 6 years, and a Superbowl.
Ya’ll spoiled little bitches.
5 division titles!!!!
With Rodgers as your QB in the ultra strong NFC North. WOW…what an accomplishment!!