So the NFL has decided they’re going to suspend Clay Matthews and Julius Peppers if they don’t cooperate with their drug investigation.
Thus far, everyone including the Green Bay Packers organization has been silent about that threat.
That’s interesting, but not totally surprising.
I mean, where’s the outrage? Or if not outrage, where’s the support from within for Matthews and Peppers?
It’s been pointed out that that’s exactly what Tom Brady got from the New England Patriots while he was going through that Deflategate nonsense. Bob Kraft, the team’s owner, was one of the most vocal critics of the NFL.
Shouldn’t Packers president Mark Murphy be doing the same thing here?
He should be, but that would be giving Murphy too much credit. Murphy is a company man. He’s one of commissioner Roger Goodell’s puppets.
There was even a report that the Packers organization was pressuring Matthews and Peppers to cooperate with the league. Murphy is on the NFL’s side, not the players’ side.
This situation is getting ugly. And as we noted yesterday, we fully expect it to end up in a courtroom.
Just the type of distraction we all need…
Don’t you just love Amerika, guilty until proven innocent. you cannot be forced to testify against ones self. Again only in Amerika.
I think you use the word “testify” a little loosely, Dennis.
The way i understand it, the NFL wants to talk to a few players.
Guilty of what? Using PEDS? Not cooperating? Jaywalking? Explain please.
What’s nice about America is, were able to get an education, thus giving us the knowledge to spell America correctly, and making arguments based on fact and reason.
Kids, stay in school.
I like to think all this nonsense is window dressing by the league to appear tough on PEDs. Just me talking/hoping but the interviews will just be glorified circle jerks. Peyton seemed to be cleared easy enough.
Peyton may have got a pass, maybe found some loophole to sneak through, we don’t know. But we also don’t know what they have on Clay and Julius. they could have shipping statements, payments made, anything that they may want to question them on, or they may have nothing. but we do know one thing, Mike Neal lied to the NFL about this already, AND has a connection to Charlie Sly and his business partner Jason Riley. Also Sly and Neal grew up in the same area, and reportedly they use to play football together
With that said, i say this…..
If Clay and Julius are completely innocent of this as they assert. Then file a defamation lawsuit, as there has been permanent harm done to their reputation that no one could deny.
Also, take your proclamation of innocence, and tell it to the NFL, and put an end to this circus and lets get on with the business of football.
If……They don’t want to proclaim their innocence to the NFL. Meaning they’ll risk getting suspended, thereby dragging not only their own names, but the name of the Green Bay Packers through the mud, not to mention, derailing the focus of this football team when the media will make this into a full blown circus until it’s resolved.
Then i’d have no choice but to lean towards the assumption of guilt, that they value not cooperating, more important than the issues i just outlined.
Or they just don’t want to deal with legal proceeding which are a major pain in the ass and they don’t give half a shit about the entire situation so far as they get to play and earn a pay check.