Brett Favre will go into the Pro Football Hall of Fame this weekend. Clearly a well-deserved honor.
Favre will be inducted last among the eight-member class of 2016. As the biggest and most successful name in the class, that’s also a well-deserved honor.
Here’s something that isn’t well-deserved.
The scumbag Minnesota Vikings somehow got worked into this whole thing.
What you see above is Favre’s locker at the Hall of Fame. In addition to a Green Bay Packers helmet and jersey, it also contains a Minnesota Vikings jersey.
That, my friends, is pretty damn idiotic.
It isn’t just idiotic because we hate that sorry excuse for a franchise known as the Vikings. It’s idiotic when you consider the facts.
Favre was a Packer for 16 seasons. He was a Viking for two. He was also a member of the New York Jets and Atlanta Falcons for a season each.
Where are those jerseys?
Sure, Favre had a slightly longer tenure in Minnesota than he did in New York or Atlanta. However, that tenure in Minnesota included one great season, followed by the worst season of Favre’s professional career.
That’s right. People like to forget 2010. Favre was 5-8 as a starter, threw for just 2,509 yards and 11 touchdowns, while chucking 19 picks. His consecutive games streak also ended.
So you’re telling us the loser Vikings get a jersey in that display because of one good season?
That’s horseshit.
Oh, right… we forgot…
Brett Favre is the greatest player the Minnesota Viking have ever had and will ever have.
And there is Joe Montana’s locker at the left of frame. Surely they commemorated his seasons as a Kansas City Chief — nope. And that makes sense because when people think of Joe Montana, they think of the 49ers. Favre is a hall of famer because of what he accomplished as a Packer. Period. His years in Minnesota aren’t on equal footing. I don’t know how many cans of Hormel chili the Vikinsg had to send to Canton pull this off, but this is donkey shit.
Yeah, this feels like a gut punch. Why not have Jets and Falcons items in there as well.
The SKOLosers will be having fun with this one for awhile. At least until this December when we achieve that sought after and often bragged about goal their fan base gloats about……….DIVISION TITLE.
The Hall of Fame is saying because Favre broke the consecutive starts record with the VIkings they included his jersey in the locker.
Jerry Rice broke the most NFL yards from scrimmage record with the Raiders, not the 49ers. That’s probably one of the biggest NFL records. I’d like to see if Jerry Rice’s locker includes a Raiders jersey. If not, you know the whole story that is being presented, that Favre broker the NFL consecutive start records with the VIkings, is complete BS and Favre is at the heart of this.
Didn’t Kevin Greene play a few years with the Panthers? Where’s that Jersey?
Yea, went to the NFC title game with them.
OMG!!….SAY IT ISN’T SO!!….I think i’m gonna cry!!
I don’t care if he has a Jets jersey in there, a trophy for most NFL interceptions, the biggest lying weasel award
Do what i did some time ago, While driving down Brett Favre Pass, take a left onto…Who gives a fuck Blvd.
…and what no one has mentioned, including and especially, the author Mordecai, is that the inclusion of that fucking jersey was FAVRE’S CHOICE!!! Way to stick to TT (and, for fun, all of Packernation) one last time, Bert.
This is definitely a classic Favre prank here.
Well, this was completely expected.
Favre still hates the Packers. Why do you think Favre had his wife present him to the Hall of Fame instead of say Wolf or Holmgren? Why do you think his daughter wore a purple dress to his Packer Hall of Fame induction? Coincidence? No way. All that stuff from last year at Lambeau was just for show. This weekend when Favre is in front of a national audience, he will use this opportunity to bash the Packers with backhanded compliments, while gushing about the Vikings coaches.
Maybe all the Favre apologists will understand now that all the venom came from Favre, not the Packers.
Packer fans think Favre made amends, or maybe that’s what they fooled themselves into thinking.
The truth is, his “amends” consisted of a 10 second comment of how he could have done things differently, followed up by also placing blame on the Packers. Boom….Done
When i saw that picture of a vikings jersey, i really had no thought, nor was i in any kind of shock one way or another, that’s just Favre being Favre. He is what he is and that’s what you get. No one should get twisted over something they have no control over. We can’t change him to something we want him to be.
Now when i look at that viking jersey. Only three things run through my mind.
1) Same ole D-bag
2) NFCCG interception
3) The joy i had watching his trainwreck during the 2010 season.
“Packer fans” do NOT think “Favre made amends”. Favre fans think that Favre made amends. Those are two completely different kind of fans. One set of fans hoists a single, mortal human over an entire historic sports franchise, just like Bert himself did.
Didn’t realize the HOF had lockers for the players. So when someone writes or says that players enter the HOF as an individual and not for a team that just is not a totally accurate claim.
I wonder how Woodson will handle his locker in five years?