We kind of just glazed over this at first. Another charity event for… something. After a second look, it now appears to be a charity event where you can ride a bike with the old gunslinger himself, Brett Favre.
The Trek 100 is taking place in Waterloo, Wisconsin on June 11. Old Favre will be riding and since anyone can register, you can conceivably take a bike ride with Brett Frickin’ Favre.
He’ll be the one with the custom-made Trek bike and also the guy who looks like Brett Favre.
The best charity ride in the US just got better. @realfavre4official is riding. Are you? Head to trek100.org to sign up. #Trek100 #TrekBikes #BestSummerEver #BrettFavre #??
The event is to help battle childhood cancer, but it is now so much more.
You could literally do a bike drive by of Favre and punch him in his face while yelling, “And that’s for playing for the Vikings!”
This is a plan we fully support.
You want a sponsor?
If you agree to punch Favre, you’ve got one!
I think that would finally square things.
I wonder how big of a check Trek had to write to Favre, for him to ride in this “charity” event.