Apparently the dissatisfaction Mike McCarthy had with Ted Thompson for only doing about one third of his job doesn’t matter. Thompson hasn’t changed the shitty way he operates one iota.
Thus, Fat Mike is left to twist in the wind and force out some “improve from within” cliches.
Hey, Mike, your shitty GM hasn’t signed anyone except the same damn mediocre players you had here last year, how is this year’s team going to be any better?
A legitimate question. What do you say, Mike?
“You always have the opportunity to improve from within,” McCarthy said. “If you don’t feel that way or recognize that opportunity, you’d better take a hard look at your program. It’s easy to do as a coach, to run down there and worry about the damn personnel all day.”
Ah, yes. The good old improve from within.
I improved from within this morning, when I took that gigantic shit.
And that’s kind of what I think of these cliches. They’re shit.
If improve from within was the only component necessary to win a Super Bowl, then the Packers would have more than one this decade. Unfortunately, improving from within is only one component of success in the NFL.
It’s amazing that the clowns running the Packers don’t know that yet.
Perhaps if don’t win a Super Bowl for another 10 seasons, then maybe we can switch it up. We’re really looking forward to that day!
Two things for certain every off season…the freakish GM will sign only his fella’s and, he’s still extremely gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! Somebody find him a fella that will sweep him off his feet and whisk him away to Key West. Anywhere, as long as it’s out of that fucking chair!
I can promise you that MM and everyone else in the football operations part of the organization is extremely frustrated with TT. MM is being a good soldier by using clichés. He is dying to get John Schneider in here. TT will try to promote Gutekunst, and Elliot Wolf is in the mix, but Schneider is the guy MM wants. I can promise you that.
Monty u are so on it so damm true all three please wake up the last super bowl champs all used free agency to get over the hump!!!!!! Looks like they can not judge FAs number one. Look at their history Jeff Saturday example . Peppers, Woodson . Two out of twelve . Poor Poor results. Let’s at least sign one Dansby or Cook. Then reload with the DRAFT!!!! The only part of the three stooges that is positive.If not same shit maybe one and out.
I wouldn’t count on reloading anything with the draft. I would be skeptical of the Packers having 2 strong drafts in a row. And I’m not talking about a single lower round draft pick playing above their draft position. That doesn’t make up for missing on the higher picks. I’m talking strong/solid from the first pick to the lower picks.
The thing is they could hit a home run with their entire draft this year, and I doubt McCarthy and crew would recognize it. They still have Demitri Goodson on the roster for who knows what reason. Maybe the 3rd season is the charm and we will all be presently surprised. Doubtful, but they did win a super bowl unexpectedly, so anything is possible.
“…or recognize that opportunity, you’d better take a hard look at your program.” Like recognizing how players might contribute, or recognizing your game plan isn’t working, those kinds of opportunities?
This is right up his alley like the multiple championships comment from back in January. The more I see and hear from him the more he fucking annoys me. Shut up already and do your fucking job, and stop being an embarrassment as a head coach.
Why rehash the same bullshit? Cuz that’s we can do I guess (sigh).
By the way, I think we’ve got about $10 M left in cap space now and $5 M of that goes to the rooks, so we have $5 M to sign Dansby and Cook? Not going to happen, maybe one of them, maybe, but certainly not both.
Not stellar cap mgmt in my opinion, overpaying for players we have and “trust”.
Cap money ROLLS OVER INTO FUTURE YEARS; and there are many significant players due new contracts next year and after, it’s not a difficult concept, holy fuck.
I hear Brad Jones is available. Maybe he improved from within.
I request you change the name of this site to “Total Verbal Diarrhea”.
Because the idiots who run this site don’t know what the fuck they are talking about so they rehash the same shit over and over.
Don’t assume anyone here is smart enough to understand the salary cap. They can’t think much past, “Fire Thompson, duuuuuur!!!”
If Total Packers has contributed anything it’s making Packers fans dumber and more annoying.
Keep trolling, MyDickYourMom. Good job.