[tps_title]Washington is literally the worst team in the playoffs[/tps_title]
Okay, they’re tied with the Houston Texans for that dubious honor. Both teams are 9-7, which makes them the teams in the playoffs with the worst records. All of the other teams playing in the Wild Card round are 10-6 or better.
Yet, both Washington and Houston won their divisions at 9-7 because… well, because their divisions are complete and total dog shit. Washington plays in the NFC East, which we like to call the NFC Least. Not a single team in that shitty division besides the Skins could be bothered to even play .500 football this season. The Eagles finished second at 7-9.
Half of the division — Philadelphia and the Giants — are currently looking for new coaches. The other team, Dallas, was a pathetic 4-12.
So, real good on winning that shit pile, Washington.
please don’t make this style of article a trend and if you do, please make an option to view all of the list points on one page. everyone hates those cheesy articles that make you click thru for simple shit, just to boost a sites clicks. I didn’t read this past “washington is the worst team in the playoffs”
I agree with fish-thief, don’t like the arrows stuff ….
Interesting points – gives me some hope they beat Deadskins, but getting any deeper in the tournament will be a stretch for this team ….
I do agree with a posting you guys published before the last game that home field doesn’t provide any advantage to this team anymore …
Then again – their biggest shellackings came in Denver and Arizona ….
Who ever invented slideshows deserves to be kicked in the nuts.
I’ll give you one reason you CAN’T beat the Redskins. His name is Aaron Rodgers and I’m sure you could find a better passing QB at the local high school in GB. Kirk Cousins is hands down better than Aaron Rodgers this season. Just look at the stats. The Green Bay Packers should change their name to One And Done. Packers in the playoffs = Dying Quail
The Detroit Lions earn extra money during the off-season by polishing our Lombardi trophies.
Said it before, say it again …
What a sorry life you must have Davey …
Please keep your coach, please keep your coach, please keep your coach, the rest of the division wants him to stay there so bad!!!!
By Dave’s logic regular season stats win playoff games. Barry Sanders was the best RB ever, let’s look at his playoff stats. Now Calvin Johnson best receiver in the league for a few seasons at least. same thing playoff stats…That took 10 seconds…not very good.
Fire don capers needed a speed receiver ever since Jordy Nelson went down fire Ted Thompson McCarthyOKwin one playoff game lose another playoff game that’s not good enough
And Dave still has nothing better to do than troll packers websites. Tell me, how does it feel to not have a super bowl trophy? Also, tell me how does it feel that your uncle touched you in funny places?
How do you know the thing about his uncle ?
Just curious ….
Actually, K. never mind on that question ….
I’d like to sleep nightmare-free tonight – first time since past Sunday …
Garcon is soft as fuck, Reed is one concussion away from drooling, anx Cousins beats up on bums. Would be a true embarrassment if we lost to these fucks
Some of the time not having an experience and moving forward at warp speed with no worry of the outcome can work great. In the playoffs it does help to have some experience to fall back on. The speed and intensity of the games ramp up, turnovers are more devastating, nerves are on edge.
The redskin players including their QB, and coaches appear to not have much playoff experience. Even though many will say the Pack have recently not had the greatest playoff experience(s), the team does have substantial playoff experience over the redskins and that should be an advantage to the Pack.
Packers 30 – skins 17….you heard it here first and I’m almost never wrong except for a few times this year…
read an article on another site says “throw Rodgers the keys to the car”….sounds good to me, let him call plays what can it hurt at this point. Schoolyard special, bombs away…throw long to DickRodge if you have like 75 secs in the pocket..
Icebowl- only someone with the insecurity of Dave would have some sort of issue like that. It may not have been an uncle, some other family member, maybe a grandfather?
Put me with others who don’t like the arrows to new pages. My previous prediction of 55% chance of a win on Sunday goes up to maybe 60% if Bakhtiari starts, but still only about 1% chance of a win after that.
Davethelion, bawhaahahaha! You funny man. Why do you worry so much about the Packers? If we do win, I know you won’t be here posting how stupid your were now will you? You certainly wont congratulate us and I know you won’t apologize for your idiotic comments in here. So, maybe you should try giving your opinion to people who give a shit. Which is probably no one.