Green Bay Packers running back Eddie Lacy might have received the message this time.
After coach Mike McCarthy announced to the media that Lacy needed to lose weight for next season, how couldn’t he?
And McCarthy knows a thing or two about being a fat-ass, doesn’t he?
Now, word is Lacy could spend the offseason training with fitness guru Tony Horton.
Who is Tony Horton? I honestly had no idea and I feel like “fitness gurus” are a dime a fuckin’ dozen anyway, but I researched it for you.
Horton is responsible for P90X, which a workout program designed to whip your flabby ass into shape in 90 days. It’s available on DVD, so you know it’s a big deal.
Seriously, we’re not doubting the guy. He’s in his 50s, he’s ripped and he’s apparently trained a number of celebrities and athletes.
How did this come about?
Apparently, Horton was ambushed by TMZ and asked about Lacy. Horton said he would train Lacy and Lacy got in touch and started a discussion.
“The Packers will get him ready for the season. My job will be to get the weight off and help him eat better,” Horton said.
I can tell ya step one, Ed.
Stay out of the goddam buffet line!
Let’s go Eddie! Get him back to his Bama weight
Good, taking things seriously… least so far….hey, lets hear it for the great Bruce Ariens and Carson Palmer again!!!!! hahaha…Bruce this, Bruce that….Bruce shit the bed just like Big Mike and all the rest of the coaches who aren’t in the Big Game….
Sounds like Mark Lovat is doing a hell of a job up there.
Yes. We’re the hell are all the strength and conditioning coaches during the season (7 to 8 months), and there are more than one. In addition I believe the Packers hired a full time nutritionalist a year or two ago.
It is great if a player comes into camp in shape, and for the money they make they should, however there are paid individuals on the staff who should be doing there jobs during the season. I do not believe they are performing there jobs at a championship level. Lacy was not the only Packer player who looked out of shape at the start of and during the season, and that season is 7 to 8 months long! So you can’t lose even a few pounds during a season if you are overweight to begin with. Most players are worried about losing to much weight during the season. In the case of the Packers you have to worry about putting to much on. There needs to be a ass kicker on that staff. Standing still does not get you were you need to be.
Right. Players have to seek out infomercial fitness gurus because the trainers on the staff can’t keep the team in shape. Come on man..
It’s not great if a player comes into camp in shape, it should be mandatory. or they need to be fined, and/or benched. The team has to show some backbone, and that clearly wasn’t the case with Lacy. As a matter of fact, according to ex Packer players, the Packers stopped trying with Lacy when he came into camp all bloated up.
He should masturbation more
That’s never made me any thinner. Wish it would.
Great post.
The nutrition aspect may be most important; just a guess. He probably eats like he did 5 years ago, and he just can’t do that. Would really like to see him show up next year at 230 and play like he can. He’s a quality person, humble, and overcame lots of adversity. And underneath all the flab he’s a helluva player.
It would be easier to let him fatten himself up to another 30 pds and come back as a 300 pd d-tackle. Cut Raji and if Lacey is any good at it he can be like Gilbert Brown and have his own burger named after him. The “Eddy Burger” sounds pretty good.
Ah, well played, sir!! Had a good laugh from your comment.
But seriously…
Didn’t Mike Daniels say that Eddie was two cheeseburgers away from playing with the hand on the dirt next to him?
Cut out all carbs and dairy…its meats and veggies time!!! Time to go Paleo!
Lacy received the message, probably from his agent, get in shape fucker, it’s a contract year, and i have Bentley i wanna buy.
I have no respect for athlete’s who all of a sudden decide to get serious…in a fucking contract year. That pisses me off. Then, they’ll make whoever gives them a hefty contract foolish, because they usually resort back to not giving a fuck.
PF4L- I really like your posts and learn a lot from them. But try to consider Eddie may not actually be a lazy prima donna, all about the money type of guy. I moved to Louisiana 5 years ago and I have a real appreciation for people and families that went through Hurricane Katrina. 1500 people died and another million became refugees, lost everything.
I’ve met people that know the Lacy family and Eddie. He went through absolute hell at 15 for his whole high school career, losing everything. It would and did ruin for life most people in his situation.
If you look at this old Journal sentinel article, it’s clear that greed and being lazy are not his issues.
Does he have issues? Yes, major, but definitely not the typical a**hole, greedy indifferent pro athlete type. Hopefully the team has good counsellors, and the coaches are clever, because there is some way to motivate this guy properly and unleash all his great talent and get him fit.
I’ll repeat also he obviously has an eating problem, but I don’t think
Cont. – I don’t think it’s anything worse than learning how to eat as a 25 year old athlete instead of a 20 year old athlete. Not saying it’s easy, it’s not. But I don’t think he decided he can be fat and terrible until it’s a contract year. I don’t think he is that type of person.
Eddie has a lot of hard work cut out for him. At bottom it’s up to him to want to do the really hard work to live up to his potential and not let down his team and himself. It’s up to him to fail or succeed. But I’m pulling for him and I hope all oacker fans do too.
I appreciate your post Calico.
I never viewed Lacy as a prima donna, and i didn’t think i portrayed him as such. So let me clarify my position of Lacy.
As i’ve stated before, Lacy does have talent, and a sick spin move that we all love watching.
The problem is commitment. How seriously he takes, or doesn’t take his career. Nobody questions his effort on game day, it’s the other 6 days of the week, and the off season. It’s no secret that this man doesn’t live, breathe and eat football 24/7 365 days a year. which is fine but…..
If you don’t care enough, to come into camp somewhat in shape, that can be a problem in the NFL. Make no mistake about it, the Packers coaches haven’t helped him out in this regard, by that i mean, they didn’t hold him accountable by various forms of discipline at their disposal. They use to make him run extra wind sprints after practice. But coming into camp this season when they saw Lacy, they threw up their arms, and basically said they were done trying.
So at the end of the day, it’s about motivation, or lack thereof. He has to be motivated somehow, someway, to arrive in camp in decent shape. I was contending that being a contract year, is the only motivating factor i see. You stated in your post that a team counselor or the coaches need to find some way to motivate him. I call bs on that. the player has to be self motivated, he has to want it. Does this man want it enough to stay in shape, eat right in the off season? So far we’ve seen the answer.
I never portrayed Lacy as a primadonna, or an asshole. By all accounts he’s a great guy. But he’s a great guy that doesn’t have the discipline or the motivation to perform at his peak.
Q: Paul, Knoxville, TN – Bob, I seem to remember that Barry Switzer failed to have weigh-ins for his OL during the playoffs in the 94-95 season and they ballooned as reported by SI. Did the GBP have weigh-ins for Lacy and the rest of the team each week? Why was he not kept on a strict diet and exercise regimen?
A: Bob McGinn – Paul: Yes, they have weigh-ins weekly. I think they are on Thursday. McCarthy and his people knew Lacy’s weight all along. They just hid the truth. I’m sure Lacy has been counseled, hassled, ripped, ridiculed and everything in between about his weight. But you’ve still got to want to do it.
I see what you mean, it’s the AGENT that wants the Bentley, and yes, at the end it’s Eddie that needs to motivate himself.
Anyhow, harassing, ripping and ridiculing Lacy, if that’s what the Packers did as McGinn suggests, not best approach for this particular guy. I hope they are a little more clever than that.
My ex, who was as hot as she was crazy, used to do the P90X workouts. I tried doing a few of their workouts with her and said, “fuck this, I’m going to gym and bench 250 for an hour, it’s easier.”
If Eddie does take the guy up on his offer, whatever weight he brings to camp is going to be rock solid.
You are right. I’m shocked anyone can do this program. A lifetime ago I rowed on a varsity team in the EARC, and was in sick physical shape. We did three-a-days over Christmas break in Florida, rowed til we puked, weight room, erg machines, etc. I’m a fat lazy shit now, but back then, this P90X thing would have been tough for me still.
I wonder if showing up to camp out of shape has been the crux of Eddie lacys problems starting slow throughout his career
Tony Horton. Lacey thought the tweet was from Tim Horton.
Donuts Bitches!