I was one of the dipshits who forked over a bunch of money to go watch the Green Bay Packers get their asses handed to them by the Cardinals in the New Jersey of the west.
After that experience, I honestly think I may never attend another NFL game again. I paid over $1000 for go sit in some uncomfortable seats next to some assholes I don’t even like to watch a football team that might as well be a Hefty bag filled to the brim with pig excrement.
I could have done that from the comfort of my home. And if my football team were a sack of pig shit, that would have been more entertaining than watching the Packers play the Cardinals.
I mean, watching the Cardinals get into with a bag of shit and the ensuing hijinks that would have occurred — that’s at least good for a laugh.
The Green Bay Packers provided no such sense of fulfillment on Sunday.
They are, for that reason, less than a sack of shit.
So, let’s make a quick checklist.
- Get outclassed by superior team… again — check
- Lose No. 2 seed — check
- Have no clear offensive direction — check
- Get nothing going on offense — check
- Lose in first round of playoffs
Well, we’ll have to wait a couple weeks for that last one to happen, but it will happen.
But whatever. Let’s get on with this shit.
Way to out buffoon yourself, Buffoon
Well, we thought having Mike McCarthy calling plays again would give the Green Bay Packers offense a chance to improve. WRONG! Buffoon is back to his old tricks — trying to outsmart everyone, but only outsmarting himself. The Packers didn’t even give a second thought to trying to establish a running game, even though they knew the offensive line was going to be an issue. Don Barclay isn’t much of a left tackle, but he does do one thing well — run block. But we’re not going to bother with the run. We’ll get them with our vaunted passing attack!
Look, the stats tell the whole story here. Even though the Packers and Cardinals had the ball for almost the exact same amount of time, the Cardinals outgained the Packers 381-178. The Packers actually ran eight more plays than the Cardinals. The Packers averaged 2.3 yards per play, had 77 net passing yards and four turnovers.
So, why don’t you explain to us how your offense has direction again this week, you BUFFOON!
Not Jake Ryan’s best day
Rookie inside linebacker Jake Ryan had probably his worst game as a starter. He had five tackles, but was exposed as a liability in coverage. Ryan was late getting out to his man on a number of occasions. He got outrun on others. It’s also possible he didn’t know his assignments as well as he should have, but we’re just making an assumption there.
Part of the fault is with Ryan, but a lot of it is with the coaching staff. You put guys in a position to succeed and the Packers did not do that with Ryan on Sunday. You can’t tell us they don’t know he isn’t their best option to cover backs coming out of the backfield. You can’t tell us they’re unaware of how well he knows the defense. You can’t tell us they don’t know his strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, I swear these assholes are brain dead.
Oh, and let’s not forget these no-shows
Clay Matthews, who spent much of his day rushing the passer, put up zeros across the board. Julius Peppers, who turned in 2.5 sacks a week ago, had one tackle. That’s it.
The tone was pretty much set for Matthews’ day when he got plowed right over by David Johnson in the first quarter. Perfect position to make the tackle — run over like A.J. Hawk. The Packers apparently decided that they’d let Matthews just rush the passer from then on and he didn’t do any better there.
Peppers, well… that’s typical. Sometimes he wants to dominate. Sometimes he doesn’t show up at all.
However, if you expect to beat a great team, then your best players need to make an impact. The Packers got zero impact from two of their best defenders on Sunday.
And what of Randall Cobb?
It seemed pretty clear that the Packers wanted to run their offense through Randall Cobb when McCarthy took over play calling. But then again, maybe not.
Cobb was targeted three times on Sunday. He caught all three, but only for 15 yards. He rushed once for two yards. So, four touches for what we’re going to assume is the focal point of the offense.
Again, great job, Buffoon! This offense is obviously going places!
Elite no more
Sure, he was sacked eight times, but Aaron Rodgers wasn’t even playing well on the plays he got protection. That trademark accuracy has disappeared into thin air. The decision-making isn’t great anymore either.
Rodgers accounted for three of the Packers’ four turnovers on Sunday. Two were fumbles and we’ll let those slide. Those are on the dog shit offensive line. The interception in the end zone, we will not let slide. After Mike Daniels’ interception, the Packers should have scored and been right back in the game at 10-7 or, at worst, 10-3.
But Rodgers wasn’t having that. He lofted a third-down pass into the end zone for an easy pick by Justin Bethel. It was the kind of throw that’s so stupid, Jay Cutler wouldn’t even have made it.
Rodgers was 15-of-28 for 151 yards, one TD and one pick on the day. He had a rating of 66.2 and a QBR of 9.4.
Here are a couple more telling statistics. Rodgers currently ranks 24th in the NFL in completion percentage and 28th in yards per pass.
Rodgers wasn’t part of the solution on Sunday. He was part of the problem. QB1 has been shit this year. Maybe he doesn’t have enough talent around him, but great players make the spare parts they have better than they knew they could be. Tom Brady rarely is playing with a cast of offensive all-stars, yet he’s always one of the best players in the league on one of the best teams in the league.
He elevates the play of others.
Rodgers has shown no sign he can do that.
We all thought he was an other-worldly talent. Turns out, he’s just a really good talent who’s only other-worldly when the guys around him are really good. Rodgers isn’t elevating shit this season.
And that’s the primary reason this season is going down the toilet.
Ted needs to sit Arodge and MM down and decide what needs to be done.
If we had an average QB id say lets be happy with 10 wins every year. But Arodge is a HoFer and he wont be playing football forever. We need to win another championship, soon.
I think MM needs to go. You certainly arent letting Arodge go.
rebel: Good points – considering the three teams in the NFC North have all made recent (positive) coaching changes that is going to provide much more competition for even a goo GB team in the near future.
MONTY : Sorry to hear about you lousy day. Really liked the bag of pig shit analogy. I’d had some opportunities to see GB while living in AZ, saw Majik’s last start there and was there when a loss would have given them first round pick (Troy Aikman). I had considered going but feared the game would turn out as it did and couldn’t justify the cost on fixed income
We all thought he was an other-worldly talent. Turns out, he’s just a really good talent who’s only other-worldly when the guys around him are really good.
A lot of correlation you are assuming here…
I think you may want to look at the Buffoon. AR doesn’t look like he has confidence in anything that is being done. Guys don’t give it their all. They just don’t believe.
I wouldnt trade MM for any coach, period. Our O line is pathetic and thats the only reason the Pack cant score. Everyone on the team is going all out but its hard to play great when some part of your body is injured.
You wouldn’t trade him for any coach huh? You’re a fucking mental midget then. Period.
Well if that isn’t the village idiot calling the moron stupid; seriously though, hombre, step away from the mirror and go find a soapbox to stand on, better yet, a skyscraper.
How clear can it be that Adams is not a top receiver, yet he gets every chance in the world over and over. Why not sit him and Jones and let Abby and Janis play. They are not going to get any better sitting on the bench. If something isn’t working….change it.
On another topic, where were the draws, screens quick slants and halfback circle routes needed to beat a strong pass rush?????
For some reason, I still think the coach, GM, O-Line and QB are in a better position to see what is happening and how to fix it than a bunch of guys who use the term DickRog,, Bruh, Bro, Buffoon, ass pimple, shitbag, etc….
Have you seen Adams play this year,multible drops,stumbles out of bounds and cannot fight for one yard,he is our best option?please, give me a break.
I would counter this with; why has Buffoon NOT RUN the obvious plays that would counter the defenses? HE FUCKING HAS NOT . . . PERIOD. He has not seen shit, or at least refuses to see it. He is living in a shell. He refuses to become creative. And he continues to play someone that can not catch anything thrown to him, while sitting anyone else that makes ONLY ONE FUCKING MISTAKE. What does that say to you? Go do your Homer thing with Vic Ketchman. Fuck being the apologist! MM the Buffoon is a buffoon of a coach . . . PERIOD.
Please also report to us the goings on inside the meeting rooms, and the closed practices, so we can all see better how the starters are anointed the starters, and others sit on the bench. Tell us your sources, and then apply for the jobs that you can do better.
You are full of shit, and a bully. I just watch the fucking games and it is so fucking obvious! Are you obtuse as well as being a smart ass? Or are you just projecting your anger at me because you finally see what I (as an armchair QB) saw years ago . . . a little slow on the uptake are you Achilles???
Of course, you are right, Achilles, but by that same logic, we should all just shut up, and that isn’t going to happen so…
R-E-L-A-X Everyone.MM has it all figured out,we are saving our best play and plays for the play-offs,MM is going to outsmart everyone.
Is the offense broken?…Yes
Does Rodgers share some blame?…Yes
But…Lets not get it twisted. The offense is broken far beyond Rodgers. The scheme is broken, the 0 line is broken, Lacy thinks he can eat pizzas and golden corral for a diet, and perform in the NFL out of shape. Receivers can’t get open, they have the 2nd most drops in the league.The scheme is outdated and the Packers don’t have the personnel to overcome it, and Mccarthy doesn’t have the wisdom to realize it.
As i’ve stated numerous times, One guy can’t do it all. But because he’s Aaron fucking Rodgers, some of you expect him to overcome all the broken parts of this offense and carry the team on his back on his way to a 3rd MVP season.
I think this team is broken, and i also think there is a lot of turmoil behind the scenes and in the locker room concerning players and coaches that we don’t hear about. I’m like you, i’d love for Rodgers to be able to make shit smell like roses, but the reality is that the Green Bay Packers are broken, and even Rodgers can’t overcome all the problems.
Rodgers is having his worst year with a rating of 93.7. But because his ceiling is so high, we view that as failure. but reality tells us, if Favre had a passer rating of 93.7, that would be a great year for him. In 19 full seasons, Favre had a higher passer rating only 5 times.
Come hell or high water, i’ll roll with Aaron Rodgers.
If Rodgers QB Rating this year is 93.7 then it is seriously time to take that statistic out back and shoot it in the head. That number does not reflect how poorly he has played all year and the only reason why is lack of interceptions.
I’m confused. Are you in favor of interceptions?
Yea hombre…the 0 line, receivers, coaches have no bearing on passer rating, just interceptions.
Good call.
Find it hard to believe that Nelson makes this much difference. They could close The Season out with three straight loses. I wish we picked La el Collins. Rodger’s body language is telling. Tampa fired gruden and haven’t been close since. Wouldn’t know how to fix this. Te wr ol all need help. Some guys aren’t the same after acls.
No commitment to run same old story. Meltdown in big game same old story.
Line gets Shit pushed in same old story
Bad inside linebacker play same d story
The shirty part is this won’t be fixed with plugging a fourth round pick in there or a Thompson coveted sixth rounder
Biggest unaddressed issue this Team quits
The season is broken. At least the pundits had us winning the Super Bowl back in July.
That was part of the problem – the preseason predictions and the 6-0 start against marginal teams got to their heads …..
Chargers exposed them, Broncos killed them and they’ve not recovered since ….
Detroit win was a fluke, Dallas team was shit w/o QB and v. Oakland Carr gave them two early X-mas gifts
This team is a mess and will see a first round exit from tournament !
MM, TT, and DC suck! What a fucking joke. The game yesterday was exactly what I believed it would be . . . a blowout! As long as this “Triumvirate” remains in Green Bay, this will continue to get worse. Everything is obvious. The only thing I do not get are the horrible throws from Aaron Rodgers. It just seems out of place even while the implosion is in process. I believed that he would continue to provide a hope while the three fucks continued to sink the ship he is on. But sadly, he has become part of the “circus” in Green Bay. The Packer organization has ONLY ONE CORRECT decision to make at the end of the year, and that is to relieve this team of these three pretenders! And they are pretenders . . .
I do not know what is wrong with the offense, but I am surprised that I have not read much about the plays themselves being evaluated. I feel like I can count the number of plays that I see the packers try to attack. let’s see,
we got the ol outside wr screen at the sideline, that usually gets 2 yards.
we got a run up the middle, or occasionally a stretch play that gets negative yards.
once and awhile, but not often, ill see a shallow cross route or a poorly run slant.
and then, the moment the defense pulls its safeties to the line, they will try a deep back shoulder throw. that is nice and all, but very predictable.
and that is about it. the only time I have seen rodgers/playcall throw in the middle of the field is on 3rd and long. There has got to be some kind of plays they can draw up to stretch the middle of the field more and attack it. Just seems like there a a giant void in the middle of the field that the packers offense refuses to try to throw in.
But that is just my two cents, I have no idea what they can do, or what the problem is besides everyone.
I said in mid-play yesterday. When you have to resort to gimmicks and fake punts because you cannot consistently convert on third and short, you are not a good football team.
I’m eternally optimistic but I’m also a realist and I don’t see this team (in it’s current state) getting out of the wild-card card round. We can’t convert third downs. What was once the most dominant red-zone offense in the league is now bottom of the barrel, and the run game is non-existent because our O-Line gets no push. Add to the fact that we can’t protect Aaron in the pocket long enough to allow our mediocre receiving corps to get open in time before he absorbs double digit sacks – or has to spin out of the pocket forcing the linemen to hold. I wanted to see more Quarless yesterday because, for fucks sake, Richard Rodgers couldn’t evade one-on-one coverage from a sloth if he tried.
We returned the exact same team from least year. The same team that took Seattle to it’s breaking point and two minutes from the Super Bowl. The same fucking team that took the number one offense in the league dealt the Patriots an L.
Where is the hunger? Where is the fucking anger!? Where is the resentment of last year? The fuel? The passion? THE FUCKING ALPHA MINDSET? The confidence that each person is going to go onto that field and you’re going to overwhelm and overpower your opponent. You’re going to execute at-will and there’s nothing they can do to stop you.
That fire is gone – and regardless of what happens next week – you won’t find that fire against the Vikings. No disrespect to Minnesota (well, maybe a little), but they are not the path to the Super Bowl.
Carolina is the path. Arizona is the path. Denver is the path – and the test of our mettle against all three were fucking pathetic.
It pains me to say that because WE are supposed to be the fucking path. Last year should have been our year, and this year sure as hell was supposed to be. That 6-0 start is the only reason we’re a playoff team, and it was a fluke. I don’t care how tired McCarthy is of hearing with the negativity surrounding the team… it’s justly warranted. Because without the 6-0 start, we’re probably not even a wild-card team.
McCarthy is not going anywhere. He married the ex-wife of William Kress, one of the most power people on the Packers Board of Directors. She got custody of his kids in the divorce settlement with the stipulation that she can’t leave the state with them. Unless things go horribly wrong in Green Bay, McCarthy is going to be in Green Bay a long time.
The only hope I have is that AR has a Crosby year and using that to get MM out.
But as I said MM is not getting fired even if he would mis the playoffs unless Murph is getting affraid of getting fired. So ownners do your job.
So the Cardinals get four turnovers and they blow us out of the water. The Packers get four interceptions and a fumble recovery and lose to Seattle because they can barely score 20 points.
Is it just me or do we not have a contingency plan for our offensive lineman. You would think that we would with all of the injuries we get every year. We can’t keep on having UDFA as our backup linemen. After all there is a reason why they are un-drafted.
These problems start with TT’s innability to draft game changers at the WR position. We could have made moves and traded for Desean Jackson but we prefer to sit on our thumbs and hope that one of our turd WR’s to start tearing it up. All of them are the same size (6’1) with no speed. I honestly feel like I have more speed than our WR and that’s sad
Yep BGC, these clowns continue to do the same thing year after year, after year, after year . . .
i swear our boy Phatgzus is in denial or maybe he’s TT’s shower buddy.
Yup, Greg Jennings, James Jones, Jordy Nelson, and Randall Cobb are/were all complete shit. Desean Jackson is a fucking cancer. Great fucking analysis.
Yeah it’s is a great analysis because 3 of the four receivers you named are over the age of 30 and one isn’t even on the team anymore. Just because we had great receivers 5 YEARS ago means nothing to me now because this is 2015. What kind of weapons had big Ted put on our team since the Super Bowl? And who cares if DJax is a cancer, this team was terminally ill once Jordy went done. But yes keep on polishing Big Ted’s knob he likes it. Doesn’t it make you sick to see that TT is putting inadequate talent with our future HOF QB?
I am so sick of this “Tom Brady has no one” bullshit. Seriously? Gronk, Edelman, Blount, Seller, Randy fucking Loss, some of the best o-line in the game for nearly his entire career, the Law Firm Benjarvus Green-Ellis, Corey fucking Dillon, 3 talented pass-catching RBs in Kevin Caulk. Danny Woodhead, and Shane Vereen, and Troy Brown and Terry Glenn weren’t complete shit either. Vinatieri also won 2 of those SBs and Brady’s first ring was a gift from Drew Bledsoe and a fantastic defense.
Aaron Rodgers has Randall Cobb, James Starks, and an Eddie Lacy lacking motivation for 3/4 of the season. You dumbasses want to know why the Packers aren’t attacking short or over the middle (which is where Cobb buttered his bread)? It’s because defenses are crowding the LoS because we dont have a deep threat-that includes Jeff Janis who can’t run a route or catch the
ball-it’s already dangerous to throw over the middle because of the sheer number of people and that’s without the 8-9 man boxes the Packers’ offense has been facing for half the season. If any of you dumbasses screaming for slants had a lick of football knowledge you’d fucking know this.
Yes Fat Jebus! That quantifies my point about TT ” The Frugal GM”. It appears that NE finds talent when players go down or leave. Nice testament to NE BTW. That is what Green Bay needs to do! Good players! and the ability to replace if need be . . . as far as Janis is concerned, he has run routes for years, set some high standards. His QB’s did not have trouble getting him the ball, and they were most likely half as talented as Aaron Rodgers . . . but that is too easy! Just keep throwing “Oil Hands Adams” the ball! He’ll catch it!
Completely right on. People don’t seem to realize that the defense crowds the line of scrimmage to take away the short passing game. An INT paranoid QB like Rodgers isn’t going to be throwing quick slants when there are 8 defenders in the box. Most defenses don’t stack the box often because it leaves them vulnerable to the deep ball and its better to give up short passes than deep ones. The fact that every defense would prefer to take that chance against us says a lot. Obviously, they aren’t scared of our WRs, true, but are teams scared of Seattle’s? I don’t think so. Defenses don’t go zero look on Seattle because Russell Wilson loves to take deep shots and will if you give him the chance. Jermaine Kearse is no speed burner, but it doesn’t really matter when the QB throws it out in front of him where the defender can’t get to it. Rodgers can’t seem to get it through his head that defenses will continue to crowd the line of scrimmage as long as he remains unable or unwilling to make them pay for it. It has nothing to do with scheme. It is a very simple effin equation!
Sounds good to me Shawn, can you PLEASE go to Green Bay and coach Rodgers up on how to play NFL defenses? Maybe you can get this stuff through Rodgers head. I’m surprised NFL teams aren’t trying to steal you away from this multi-million dollar website.
BTW…That that was hilarious…feed us more…lmao
Yep . . .
6) Matthew class-ass move offering Palmer a hand up then pulling it away. perhaps had Longhair put as much energy into the game, the outcome may have been closer. 7) AR crying about being hit when he was clearly in the field of play. funny.
7 thoughts.
Trade MM but not AR. And while we are at it lets trade TT too
If you don’t throw picks, you have a good passer rating. Rodgers doesn’t throw picks, therefore has a high quarterback rating…which doesn’t mean shit and is a useless statistic.
Ya follow?
But he throws more td passes than anyone else in the NFL the last 8 seasons hombre, is that useless also?…please, tell us more.
“one can’t rely on one’s past achievements.” – vince lombardi
Lombardi: (to team in locker room)
“Gentlemen, there are trains and planes leaving Green Bay
every day; and if you don’t perform for me you’re gonna be
on one of them.”
This team is dogging it. There’s no fear.
fuckin eh…..No accountability….Nice post.
That is…not to just the team, but everyone else above them.
The buck stops at Ted. Can’t perform at optimal levels with the dirth of talent on the field.
Keep AR and MM…jettison the GM and promote Eliot Wolf. Can’t get much worse and like his daddy before him, maybe he’d be a player in free agency.
Good ideas. But they better get on the hunt with Wolf then, because Cleveland is already trying to take him away from Green Bay. His Dad has already spoken with Cleveland as well. The train is leaving the station . . .