You see that right there? That’s going to be outside of the new Hormel Chili Dome when it’s completed.
What is that stupid-looking piece of shit, you ask?
It’s giant Vikings ship, which will sit in the plaza of the Minnesota Vikings new stadium. It will feature a 2,000-square-foot video board as the ship’s 55-foot-high sail. The bow is a 43-foot-high dragon’s head with Vikings horns and purple eyes that light up.
We’re going to pause right here so you can take all of that in.
Skol, Morons!
Hey, do you know who builds a stadium and then puts a fucking ship outside of it? A shitty fucking team that doesn’t have any on-field accomplishments to celebrate.
A statue or two of your all-time greats? A nod to your glorious championship history?
Well, not the Vikings. They’re an embarrassment.
Now they’ll be an embarrassment with a ship!
If they ever make smoke bellow out of that dragon’s mouth and nostrils I’m going to lose my shit.
A Favre statue would’ve been classier.
7-2, Can’t hear you over the sound of first place.
Fuck you. Your piece of shit team is so damn overrated. Yea, we got shit to fix in Green Bay, but at least it isn’t of the flavor of the inbreeding that goes on in MN. There’s a reason why all you fuckers look alike.
First place only matters when you lift the Lombardi at the end of the year. How many Lombardis do the Vikings have?
I remember when the Bears were first in the division, and the Packers won the Super Bowl.
The love boat!
can’t hate I think its kinda dope
This coming from a fanbase that considers things that resemble cheese make good clothing. Classic.
Keep it classy Green Bay.
You know and I know what will happen at the end of this season. The Vikings will be talking about next year again. Good luck in your Superbowl this week. If they win they will be beating a mediocre Packers team and will probably burn that dump of a double named city down. I’m a realist I know Green bay is not winning the Superbowl, but will win another before the Vikings win any.
Howard, what other shows do you watch on the History Channel?
How long before a coked up Ragnar scales this thing and falls to his death. Looks like a crotchball Dells attraction.
hey! an ancestor of mine, Leif Eriksson, discovered N America in one of these things. Erik the Red was given the lead boat, because its dragon had a bright red painted nose. they named it Rudolf. But he led them off course and they wound up scattered far and wide; from the N pole to Minnesota forests and farmland… [that’s how he got the name “the Red”… for the color of his face, not his hair].
and that’s why MN fans offer a burning ship float sacrifice every Yuletide season to the Norse Gods: to pray for favor in the form of a championship.
Tampa has a boat.
You would think the organization would want to put that whole Boat Scandal thing behind them.
Hah, you are correct. There is a series every season on the history channel. It starts out with a boat loaded with Vikings and always ends with an empty ship pushed out to sea, in flames, until it finally sinks into the dark cold water, and disappears with nothing to show for the season. It should be a very disappointing show to watch, except Vikings seam to look forward to jumping off the ship before it sinks in flames.
They couldn’t spend the money to make the dome retractable or to make the glass bird proof but they have the spare change for this? Personally I agree with spending the money on a the Brett Farve statue.