The Green Bay Packers sent two guys to the NFLPA Rookie Premiere back in May. They were quarterback Brett Hundley and receiver Ty Montgomery.
From what we could gather, this event involved a lot of picture taking.
Like, “Okay, rook. Get in your uniform and then stand here.”
“Okay, rook. Now go stand over there for another one. Look fierce! Look fierce!”
One of these photographers was Johnny Vy and he just released some of the photos he took. On them, he had each guy write down a goal. You got a lot of guys writing Super Bowl or ROY.
Not the guys the Packers drafted.
Montgomery just wants to get on the field on offense.
Unfortunately, that isn’t looking great so far. Montgomery got just one offensive play last Sunday.
But that doesn’t really compare to what Hundley’s goal is.
It’s good to have goals, son.
Montgomery wrote down a goal for this year, and with being a rookie receiver on the Packers playing time is going to be hard to come by. Hundley wrote down a goal for his career, which if he keeps playing the way he has it wouldn’t be too far fetched.
A few good preseason games and you have him pegged as a Hall of Fame quarterback? Wow…hard to argue that logic.
I didn’t PEG him as anything. I said if he keeps playing at the level he has, which is quite good for a rookie, it could be a possibility.
You need to work on your reading comprehension…
The article CLEARLY states that Hundley’s GOAL us to be a HoF QB.
Seriously, read articles before letting everyone know how dumb you really are.