So, this TV station in Washington has asked me to come on and talk about the Green Bay Packers.
Essentially, this is because I’m a prick and don’t mind saying what I think. So, they want me to let the Seattle Seahawks fans I/we will be debating have it.
That’s when I realized I don’t really have any strong feelings about Seahawks fans. Sure, I think the vast majority of them are Johnny-come-latelys who have no real knowledge about football, but I don’t despise them such as I do the scum-of-the-earth Minnesota Vikings fan. Nor am I particularly annoyed by them, as I often am with Chicago Bears fans, who still think it’s 1985.
IT IS NOT 1985!
And I most certainly don’t feel as strongly about Seahawks fans as former Seattle resident and stirrer of shit E. Wolf. He thinks they’re garbage.
I kind of feel like Cutty! feels.
Like their football team, they are just not consequential to me.
Because of their constant face painting and crowd noise nonsense, I do think they’re pretty dumb. Oh, and their bullshit 12th man, which they pay Texas A&M to use because they were too unoriginal to come up with their own gimmick.
But mostly, they’re just there.
I mean, that face-painted shitheel above, I really, sincerely hope someone punched him in his ass face, but other than that… meh.
So, I ask you, how do YOU feel about Seattle Seahawks fans?
Got any stories? Should I be more riled up by these morons?
These assholes applauded an appearance of Lance Easley on a local comedy show. To hell with them.
Pity we could not exact a certain measure of revenge in Seattle, but the Seahawks incredible collapse in the Super Bowl has made it pretty much irrelevant, because losing the Super Bowl is so devastating to a team.
I was in Vegas just before the Super Bowl. They were everywhere talking trash. All dressed in Lynch Jerseys being loud (must be deaf from the noise) Talking about the greatest comeback ever…we know that they mean. They just don’t know how to act because they are not used to winning. So they choose to go loud. I wonder how loud they were at the end of the SB? Not as loud as they were for the end of that other game.
I happened to be working in seattle the week they signed Wilson. I was in the rush hour for the before-and-after of his new contract and literally heard the dumbest radio quotes from the dumbest sports radio personalities in history. Probably a good representation of the fan base.
6:00 AM
– scrambling quarterbacks don’t last maybe 2 or 3 more years anyways. It might be time to start looking ahead.
– maybe franchise tag for two years and then be ready to move on
– maybe they should just trade him to the Yankees, since that’s where all the good Mariners end up. Haha
– I’m so excited I can’t think straight.
– Russell always does things the right way.
– Everything Russell touches turns to gold
– He’s such a great guy. I can’t wait to see what great things he does after football.
I don’t know, bill and rookie on the fan morning show are pretty damn stupid. They butcher everything they talk about and I can’t even tolerate listening to them. The former is a fuckin bears fan and got to go to super bowl 45 when the Packers won. Dude straight up said he wanted the Bears to win the nfc championship game and he’s an announcer on a GB radio show. Fuck that fat pile of shit.
The Seahawks no longer use the “the twelfth man” as of this year, so they don’t pay Texas A&M no more royalties. We are now called the 12’s! Paul Allen has applied for and been granted trademarks for every possible phrase regarding 12 now. So we 12’s will be forever in your heads!
It’s not 12.
It’s 1-2.
The Seahawks record in Super Bowls.
That doesn’t mean that it magically becomes an original idea.
Yea Seattle isn’t use to winning but since realignment what NFC team has the most SB appearances since then. You claim the Bears are living in the past. GB hasn’t been to good in the playoffs as of late.
I’m much more annoyed by Pete Carrol than I am their fans. Either way they can all eat shit.
Seahawks fans on a Packer website tells you all you need to know about those twats.
I have yet to see a Seahawks article complaining about Packer fans or any other NFL fans for that matter. What a bunch of whiny sore losers!
That’s because every sea chicken follower is busy trolling Packers sites.
The fact that they glorify themselves (everyone wears a 12 FAN jersey) and not the players tells you all you need to know about their fans.
the only good thing about Russel Wilson is that he was a Badger
I live in Oregon, “die hard packers fan” and a regular reader of the site. Seattle fans are the epitome of bandwagoners. They’re logo should be a wagon with the number twelve painted in the side. The Seattle fans in this area talk football with me on a regular basis, and they believe that they are the greatest team. They also believe that Russell Wilson is a great qb. The same Russell Wilson that scoredless points than his defense in the shower bowl against the Broncos. They love and cherish Richard Sherman, the loudest, and most terrible sportsman on the planet. Lynch goes out of his way to get attention by his I’m just here so I won’t get fined bs. Bill belichik pulls off keeping the media off his back by answering questions, and not being a buttfucker about it. When bb shows more class than you, there’s a problem… That about sums up my thoughts on Seahawks, or the bandwagoneers as I call them.
I guess what I’m saying is that the fans support players that have a different mindset than the players on our team. We cherish hard work, dedication, and keeping the locker room problem free. They support players that are loud, shit talker, and are literally doing everything they can for themselves and not the team. These contact hold its on the players end, how often does that happen to the packers? Locker room problems? Greg Jennings stated causing shit and he was sent away. It’s just a different atmosphere.
As much as I dislike the Squawks and agree with your assessment of the standard Packer player MO, I gotta disagree with the first part of your assessment on the Squawk players-no one (including the most gifted of all athletes) makes it at this level without a good deal of hard work and dedication (some more than others, Jerry Rice for example), PEDs help, of course, but they aren’t a magical pill that’ll turn Joe Schmo into Bo. Furthermore, outside of Percy Harvin, whom they dispatched quickly and unceremoniously, there have been no major locker room issues in that organization under Pete the Cheat’s tenure-granted there have of course indulged in the aforementioned daddy’s little helpers.
I guess what I’m saying is that the fans support players that have a different mindset than the players on our team. We cherish hard work, dedication, and keeping the locker room problem free. They support players that are loud, shit talker, and are literally doing everything they can for themselves and not the team. These contact hold its on the players end, how often does that happen to the packers? Locker room problems? Greg Jennings stated causing shit and he was sent away. It’s just a different atmosphere.
Who?…Where?….What…TV show does this author speak of?
You, my Northwoods friend, forgot to tell us what TV show and if you accepted, and the details on when, and where.
Please tell us what TV show asked you to appear on. we’d love to watch it, i’m guessing it isn’t a National broadcast but we should be able to find it online.
Essentially, i ask this because I’m a prick and don’t mind saying what I think. Then there is that other thing where i don’t believe you and you probably will not respond to this or bring up this fairytale ever again.
Agreed….don’t care.
Obviously we will read impassioned posts from both sides. That’s just fine by me. They are basically an expansion team, but they’ve owned us the last couple years (like Dallas in the early 90’s and San Fran for a bit recently)
I’m not gonna lie…Seacocks have been a pain in the balls. Hope it’s over with this season.
just the way they cheer for themselves more than their team and have that stupid little flag raised at the beginning of games glorifying themselves for being loud, and stealing that 12th man thing from A&M because they are the saddest franchise in the league….makes me shake my head.
I and my daughter attended the infamous Monday night game. The fans for the most part were pretty cool. I was not that impressed with the loudness of the “12th Man” seemed fake…….