Just like James Braddock once was, Green Bay Packers tight end Andrew Quarless is M.I.A.
Braddock was missing in action in Vietnam, though. Quarless is only missing from training camp.
So, what’s the deal?
Mum is the word at 1265. Packers coach Mike McCarthy would only say that Quarless is dealing with a family issue and will be in camp when he’s in camp.
“Andrew Quarless is dealing with an extremely difficult family situation right now. He will be gone as long as he has to be.”
It seems pretty fair to say this has been shitty month for Quarless. Of course, part of that was his own doing.
As you surely know, Quarless was arrested for discharging a firearm following an argument over 4th of July weekend. There’s an NFL suspension forthcoming, unless this was perhaps all just a case of mistaken identity.
And that seems pretty unlikely.
His name is Yosemite Sam. Not Andrew.
Why can’t we ever get a decent TE who is not a trouble maker or stay healthy? Finley was a punk made of glass. AQ is a criminal made of glass.
We got a decent tight end. Kennard Backman. You may doubt that, but this kid has what it takes, he use to play basketball.
Knowing his family a little, and reading between the lines of McCarthy’s wildly different accounts on successive days, I’ve got a bad feeling something’s happened to his new baby. I hope I’m wrong. Maybe not the best time to pile on Q, in any case.
Lets see, difficult family situation. Just got arrested firing off a gun, missing camp….Coincidence? Hmm.
Just in case nobody got the MIA reference
When I think of the word ‘stiff’ in the context of an actor, I think of Chuck Norris.
I don’t understand the attraction of having a pass catching, defense stretching tight end as a main part of your offense. I’d rather have a guy who can block, then when close to the goal line score TDs. A guy like Ed West who never had more than 400 yards receiving, but would get the tough touchdown catch in tight spaces. The Packers don’t have a receiver who can do that now.
I wonder if he accidently shot a family member.