Hey, Brett Favre, you’re done slingin’ guns. What you gonna do with your free time?
Why, it’s summertime in Mississippi, by golly! Ima get me one dose lawn chairs with the cup holder in im an jus chill.
That sounds pretty relaxing, Brett.
Yeehaw! Yer goddam right! An I need me one dose umbrellas you put ina ground. Can’t be gettin’ no harmful rays on ma face. A hat, gotta have me trusty hat I got back in high school too. Then, stone cold chillin’.
You just gonna sit around and leer creepily at young girls or what, Brett?
Hoooooo Nelly! Ma lil girl, she playin’ some volleyball. Got me a darn good excuse for sittin’ round an starin’ at young girls. You know what David Wooderson said. I get older. They stay the same age, yessir!
Bert Who?
BERTY JUDAS, that’s who.
(to the old 1918 taunt Yankees fans used against Red Sox fans)
Berty Judas (dun dun, du du dun)
Berty Judas (dun dun, du du dun)
Berty Judas (dun dun, du du dun)
BERTY JUDAS (dun dun, du du dun)
Yes, they do.
This article is a pathetic pile of wolf bait….
Beyond stupid.
Gotta agree with CO Bob…..
Time to move on !
wow talk about not finding anything to publish so we put in this garbage
I also agree with CO Bob. I feel like you’ve written this article a few times now. The first time it was funny, but the joke has lost it’s humor.
it’s not funny when stalwart readers turn on you….