This came across my Twitter feed today and I had to know more about it because there’s just so much going on here. It’s a piece by artist Bob Dod, and I find his work to be totally badass.
He’s from Hermosa Beach and seemingly has no connection to Wisconsin or the Green Bay Packers, other than this work right here. So I really couldn’t give you any explanation for what you’re seeing.
Here’s his artist statement:
I love to create worlds where the dark side of human nature is present. Life isn’t always good times. While in our youth we experience many things we would rather forget but this is what defines us. That’s why my characters have an adolescent quality to them. I’ve been very fortunate in experiencing and hearing many great stories in my life which now find there way into my paintings.
And this piece pretty much summarizes bad times if you’re a Packers fan, doesn’t it?
If you’re interested, you can see more here.
Bad times? With the Favre jersey? Should be sporting a John Hadl or Randy Wright jersey. Those were the bad times.
Artist is definitely NOT a Packer fan.