Letroy Guion had a shitty offseason.
Got busted with a giant bag of weed. Had his truck and some cash taken away. Got a crap, one-year deal from the Green Bay Packers.
Oh, and that deal will pay Guion less than B.J. Raji, who hasn’t done jack shit in four years.
No problem, says Letroy! I’m just glad to be here!
“It means a lot to me. The organization cares about me, believes in me. I’m glad they stuck behind me,” said Guion. “I just want to turn the chapter.”
Actually, it’s the page you want to turn, my man, but don’t worry about it.
Guion went on to apologize to the fans because, you know, marijuana is the No. 1 scourge in today’s society and how dare he get caught with some.
“I apologize for what happened in the offseason. I appreciate all the people who support me and stood behind me. And thank you very much.”
Good thing we got that out of the way. Can you feel our sense of relief?
It’s palpable.
Will the Pack sign Ray McDonald next?
Please tell me you’re joking?
Next year:
-Wire transfer the money.
-Fed-Ex the dismantled gun.
-Hire someone to transport the weed.