The only thing more popular than Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers among people from Wisconsin is cheese.
And that includes beer.
Public Policy Polling polled 1,071 Wisconsin residents this month and 79 percent of them said they had a favorable opinion of Rodgers. Only 6 percent said they didn’t like him.
Cheese was looked upon only slightly more favorably among Wisconsinites, with an 80 percent approval rating.
So what about beer? Because people from Wisconsin obviously love that!
Not even close to how much they love Rodgers, it turns out. Beer got a 65 percent approval rating in Wisconsin.
You can see more results, including those for the Milwaukee Brewers and Wisconsin Badgers here.
How do you get a job getting paid to ask these questions?
Real lack of lactose Packer fans answering these questions.
My poll after many years of participation indicates there is nothing more favorable than watching the Packers in victory formation while drinking a cold beer.
95% of participants were drunk.
I would have guessed really fat, ugly women would have been #1.
OK, lets root out this 6% and get them back across the western border right now.
No, we don’t.
when i read the title of the article i thought at first they were referring to the “U of Wisconsin” not the state of Wisconsin. where else would they get a statistically valid sample size of respondents to even have the time, or bother to take the time, to answer such a juvenile poll?
I think this is deceptive because the 65% that like beer REALLY like beer.
Even though I’ll admit I would put cheese above beer myself, but I am not your average cheese consumer.
And sorry, love A-Rodge, but better than beer or cheese? HELL NO!!!
Tits are less popular than cheese? SMH
Different story if just men were polled.