The Seattle Seahawks lost the Super Bowl and a couple Green Bay Packers offensive linemen were pretty happy about it.
Around the time Seahawks linebacker Bruce Irvin — a strong contender for NFL’s most handsome man — was getting ejected, which came shortly after Malcolm Butler’s game-clinching interception, both David Bakhtiari and T.J. Lang let fly.
Couldn't be happier! The right team wins and true colors are shown. #havesomeclass
— David Bakhtiari (@DavidBakhtiari) February 2, 2015
Lang would delete this tweet shortly after he posted it, but we noted it anyway.
What a Seattle way to end the game.
— TJ Lang (@TJLang70) February 2, 2015
Lang closed out the day with this somewhat apologetic tweet.
Done with the bitter tweets for the night.. Gonna be a long 7 months without football! At least I have the @DetroitRedWings and @tigers. 👍👍
— Teej. (@TJLang70) February 2, 2015
However, we got the message. The Seahawks are a bunch of cheap thugs and Lang and Bakhtiari are butt hurt about losing to them.
Lmao. Yeah, those cheap thugs beat out the packers in the NFC game. And people calling the seahawks sore losers, they went back to back super bowl, with one title.
The Seahawks didn’t beat the Packers. The Packers beat the Packers.
wrong. the packer coaches beat out the Shehawks in the race to see who could throw away the game with their last gasp? like two chokers tossing a hot potato into each other’s lap?
but who is ultimately responsible for the packer coaches performance?? i may be old school, but i thought that MM would be held responsible, as is the time honored tradition in pro football? but hey i am not up on the latest modern ideas about “leadership” like you Gen. “Z” guys.
Jeez John, didn’t realize the hawks were such a dynasty. Congratulations to the losers.
Pete Carroll, Russell Wilson and the entire Seahawk fan base is a conglomerate of thugs, fakes and losers. No class amongst anyone on that team, they started and ended the season like the pieces of shit they all are —- then you got Russell Wilson spouting about God helping him win football games and having a “plan” for why “he” beat the Packers, guess God decided not to show in the Super Bowl?
Then you got Pete Carroll, the biggest scam coach in pro sports — bolts USC to avoid an NCAA investigation into cheating and illegal recruiting funds. Shows up in Seattle and molds guys like Sherman, Irvin and Chancellor into the biggest thugs the NFL has seen (great for the image of the league) that’s exactly what you want to see going on after the black eye the league endured this year. Morons like Richard Sherman running their mouth about Brady and Crabtree and calling out dorks like Skip Bayless on National TV — sweet. That’s awesome shit.
Truth is….the Seahawks were lucky to be here. They played a watered down schedule, got a little hot, shoulda lost last week and then had everything they could go their way until finally the real Russell Wilson showed up again.
Fuck the Seattle Seahawks, the thugs that ruin the image of the NLF and you. You lost — go home and get steppin bro, your a classless organization with a below average QB.
Oh, God showed up alright. but He is a busy guy and couldn’t break free until about 59:40 had elapsed on the game clock.
btw, TP, i’ll bet a dollar to a donut that more than just a couple Pats were glad the Packers lost as well.
When Butler got that pick, i lost my freaking mind with joy. I knew i wouldn’t have to hear the Seahawk players telling everyone how great they are.
As far as the play, everyone and their grandmother is talking about how they should have ran the ball. True enough, but nobody talks about the actual pass. The pass was flawed in 2 ways, don’t throw the ball that high, throw it at your receivers stomach. Next, Why was this pass so casual?….throw the ball!!…Put something on it. I won’t call it a lob pass, but it wasn’t much quicker.
exactly the wrong thing to do if you are AR and throwing to a 7 foot tall “eligible” like peppers who is in there to get the ball away from any defenders who want to try to play “jump ball” on it. for an inexperienced receiver, throwing at the waist is the most difficult to catch because the arms cannot soften the throw by moving orthogonal to the trajectory of a hard pass from point blank range [less than 12 ft. or so]. also, RW had to get the ball to clear the outstretched arms of the big tall O-linemen.
your post reveals a good point about TV coverage, tho:
all the nfl tv networks seem to be complying with an unwritten rule, prob. from goodell: in order to nullify the benefits of wide screen tv viewing by fans who. by acquiring wide screen HDTV would reasonably expect to see more of the field of play, i.e. expect to see enough width of the field to cover the QB pocket action AS WELL AS the WR’s routes at least up to intermediate distances [i.e. first down yardage downfield]. however these tv fans must be denied this by the incessant technique, on virtually every down, to zoom in on the BALL immediately upon the snap, and only then to “pan” the tv camera following along the ball’s trajectory downfield. then they cut away to another scene before you get to see where the refs spot the ball live. the only time they actually showed the spotting of the ball live was that very close pass completion near the 40 yd. line where the cheathawks got a very generous spot for a first down. but for the other 99 pct. of pass plays, the same nullification technique was employed by the tv camera crews. is it any coincidence that this type of camera technique came into vogue shortly after wide screen HDTV became widely popular in fans homes as well as frequented sports bars and restaurants?
for example, the NBA doesn’t, or can’t, do it or doesn’t need to, because even a small screen covers as much of the action on a much smaller playing arena as a wide screen does? ergo, NBA ticket sales weren’t considered to be likely affected by the advent of HDTV viewing of their BB games, which weren’t benefited by HDTV as much as FB was.
just one more weapon, like “local blackouts” to keep the fans from staying home to enjoy a “free ringside seat” on their HDTV, as it were, instead of buying an expensive ticket to watch the live game in the nosebleed section 300 rows up into the stands, and seated behind a partially view-blocking cement pillar for example.
Seeing punches get thrown at the end of the Super Bowl was disgusting. Those punks just don’t have the class or humility to be good winners or losers in a big game (ie Richard Sherman’s outburst about Crabtree + this latest shitshow). Says a lot about Pete Carroll’s coaching style and lack of discipline, and also that these guys are the exact type of classless hood boogers Richard Sherman wants you to think they aren’t. This isn’t the WWE, show some fucking respect.
i thought that clown scrum at the end was the most enjoyable nightcap.
and most fulfilling to a FB fan like me who wondered if the cheathawks would somehow get their usual quota of “flagging” [as it appeared early that the refs were going to not only “let them play” but let them play dirty, as noted by NBC Collinsworth when an early game roughing the kicker PF 15 yd. penalty had been passed up by these refs.]
I took Seattle to have more penalty yards, thinking they’d dominate in that category… It was very quiet game as far as dirty laundry went for a long time. I was starting to get nervous on some of my bets… But, alas, the real ‘hawks came out and starting doing stupid things, like always. And it gave me great joy to watch and count my earnings
speaking of DIRTY LAUNDRY, i want to thank you Ryan, as your post reminds me to link to a flash news story on another dirty stupid scumbag, viz.
Its about time that SOB Sapp gets seen for what he is. I can’t take this much good non-Packer football news in 48 hours.
Watching Wilson throw that INT on the 1 was almost as good as watching Favre throw that INT against New Orleans. Awesome, awesome, AWESOME!
Couldn’t have said it any better myself. Seeing Brett Favre throw an interception when they were just 5 or 10 yards away from winning the game was more satisfying to me than seeing the Packers win the Superbowl. I will never forget that feeling when I saw that ball going to the Saints hands. I must have watch the video of that over a hundred times now.
he’s found a new site to troll away and hide: TOTAL VOCABULALRY. right now he wants to spend some time with the other Skedattle trannies, crying in their starbux latte’s, and kissing away their vagina tears…
but expect he’ll return next year, probably with a new handle [SHEHAWKSBONEWHO?], and newer, bigger words he’s preparing over at his new forum [however “dynasty” won’t likely be one of them].
and if /shehe ever does have the gall to grace us with “his” presence, i got this “Russ Wilson” line ready:
yep, that’s our boy Russ Wilson, the first QB in history to throw a “game winning interception” and “SB losing interception” not only in the same career, but in less than 30 sec. of game time remaining! now that takes more than just human talent; God Himself must have intervened, no?
It wasn’t God, it was Vince. Go Pack Go!!!
Vince WAS God in human form…so irrelevant
Certainly takes the sting out of a few weeks ago, what goes around comes around Seattle. Now they get most of the media baggage for the off season. Here is to a nice new MLB for the defense!
“a strong contender for NFL’s most handsome man”. About shit myself laughing.
Has to be one of the ozziest lookin’ dudes I’ve seen in a long time.
Trying to figure out what fucked his old lady to come up with something like that.
Whahh!!!!! Bitter and sore packer losers. Still can’t get over the fail Mary. The truth is we have won three straight on you. Your MVP QB couldn’t even touch Russell. Have fun getting old !!! We’ll be there for the long haul. 12’s
That ends next season in Lambeau. Enjoy your offseason.
I am looking forward to more stupid nicknames. Is there anything that sounds dumber than “Legion of Boom”? And you know what real “12th men” are? People who own their own fucking team, not lick the boots of some billionaire douchebag like Paul Allen who made his money by simply by having the right friend.
The Malcolm Butler pick goes into Packer lore alongside the INT thrown by Brett in the 2009 NFC Championship game. It will NEVER get old.
You see, that’s why good will always triumph over evil, because evil is DUMB…
The Seattle classless d-bags are in decline. They were curb-stomped by the Packers before getting bailed out by desperate trick plays and a Packer choke, and then they went and lost to a Pats team that I think the Packers would have beaten by 10.
Their DC just jumped ship to Hotlanta and Marshawn is getting older and will be lucky to get through another entire season without injury.
yep, he’s gonna really need those golden “cheat cleats” next year [if the refs let him].
Comparing Wilson to Rodgers is like comparing a Yugo to a Lotus.
Great finish….
Cheat Carroll’s squad snatched defeat from the jaws of victory…..
I can wear my GB hat in public again….
Can’t see it live so I just saw the SB yesterday. I’d said to myself and on a Dutch site I won’t look the SB until I know the Pats won cause I could not handle another Shithawks win.
But I did’nt listen so I saw it without knowing. Men was I fucked up that last minutes. You can imagine the relieve. There is a a dent in my ceiling know.
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