Why do you care? Well, it has been suggested elsewhere that Olivia Munn and Aaron Rodgers adopted this dog.
While the latter part seems perfectly reasonable, we have our doubts that Aaron Rodgers was out looking for a dog to adopt anytime recently. Then again, maybe he’s just so smitten with this dumb broad that he limped his ass over to the local animal shelter, demanded a puppy and then limped his ass back to the training room.
I don’t know.
What I do know is that Olivia Munn needs some attention. So please, give her what she so desperately craves.
Who’s a good girl!? Who’s a good girl!? Yes, you’re a good girl!
Lastly, I will say this. A “news” outlet, which starts with an E and will henceforth go unnamed was actually referring to Rodgers and Munn as the first couple of Wisconsin sports or something stupid like that.
You know what?
Fuck you.
That has to be the single dumbest thing I’ve heard all year. A complete failure at making yourself relevant. I’ve got a hashtag for you: #jokeofafuckingnewsoutlet.
Last updated on January 27th, 2019 at 03:36 am
Hey she’s got a great rack so quit dumping on her. Sounds like you might be a wee bit jealous of ol A Rod?
If I was that dog…but I digress.
What? Do you have a microphone planted in AR’s bedroom, you sick bastard?
Only in Olivia Munn’s dreams are they the First Family of WI Sports. She is no doubt hoping for a Tom & Gisele outcome.
Sometimes when the camera gets the angle right she looks kind of like an ageing version of Megan Fox – whom I think is MUCH hotter than Olivia Munn(dane). The other Olivia (Wylde) is MUCH hotter as well, but that isn’t even relevant to the conversation.
That dog is so pretty!
careful, Guy! AR is so “hot” right now that the gushing in the sports media has started to go viral, globally viral! i think it has something to do with the stark contrast in manly leadership AR exhibited lately vs. the girly “leadership” exhibited by our “Dear Leader” in the wake of more beheadings of journalists [Paris at latest]; i.e. more like our political leader/s rising to the level of vomit compared to AR’s current orbital charisma; you can vouch for yourself by tuning at this moment to any random sports media channel on your cable line up. By weekend, u can tune to any news ch.
and, our own TP may have helped instigate this, esp. with the TP-exclusives: dance video, Kendrick interview, etc. don’t be surprised to see media attention worldwide rising to fever pitch by game time this weekend; expect a media frenzy on the level of a “Tebow” time fest! e.g., even Aik[en]man & Buck may be fawning over every tidbit including the TP-released AR scoops on this very site!
can Buck say: Heeeeeere’s A-Rodge!? — the pack will be, in the eyes of the world, so “cool” by game time that their Karma will have smothered the Boyz’ collective psyche even before the first whistle.
GO [COOL]PACK GO! [it has never been so cool to be Packer Nation!]
Of course Olivia Munn likes attention. Most celebrities thrive on lots of attention. That’s one of the reasons they are famous. People enjoy paying attention to them and they love the attention because it not only gives them notoriety but it guarantees their success in the industry. I can’t belive that anyone would be surprised that Ms. Munn likes attention. Heck, I love attention. Who doesn’t? Lmao.
Please Aaron… how can you care about someone is as immature and as desperate as this bitch is??? DUMP HER!!! I would never date a woman who uses her body as a desperate attempt to make herself relevant in any way! God I’m sick of this crap!
So, pretty safe to say you’d never date a supermodel then? I MEAN, THAT WOULD BE FUCKING AWFUL, RIGHT? No sir, not me, I like my women as solid 4’s. Could you imagine taking Adriana Lima to bed every night…. blegh.
You think she’s a Super Model…?
Olivia is probably out of our league, and that applies probablyh to each and everyone posting here and anyone any of us knows.
Be that as it may, she nothing on my Fantasy Four:
– Amy Adams
– Constance Rudert
— Gillian Anderson (esp back in the day
— Flo the Progressive Girl
–with honorable mentions of Patricia Arquette, Naomi Watts and a few others.
Nasty. Only one on the list worth a shit is Amy Adams. She is so hot is ridiculous. Gillian is so nasty looking now and a hardcore butch dyke; so although I had the hots for her 20 years ago, her new look and lifestyle make it impossible to like her anymore.
Heres my list: *(sorry I will probably mispell most of them_)
-Gwen Stafanni
– Arianna Grande
– Scarlet Johanson
-Zoey Dashnel
– Rachel Mcadams
G.A. still has it even in her late forties. But yeah I am referring more specifically to her heyday in the 90s. And Constance Rudert is a sex goddess.
Come on, man, Arianna Grande looks like she is 14 years old. The rest of the list- very effin good.
-I just realized that all of my top four have become porn stars…
Is that bad?
“Have become”? or already were?
Olivia has that whole “Eastern European” exotic thing hapnen….which I like. Hard to find too many that top her IMO.
My all-timer would be Famke Janssen in the movie Goldeneye.
IF by “Eastern European” you mean “Chinese” you would be right. Her mother is Chinese.
Personally, I don’t have any issues with Olivia, Olivia with AR12, or how she handles her social media interactions. Half of us are assholes everyday on this site, she can be a snarky bitch on twitter all she wants – I have no problem with it. Don’t know why everyone gets all up in arms over it.
Monty is talking about her public personality, he claims to know people who have worked closely with her, and she’s a lot more than just your average bitch. Sometimes this diva let’s herself drop her diva attitude, thus the twitter example.
Also, she’s popular. She’s an actress. And I ask, why and more importantly HOW is that??? Ever since I’ve seen Olivia Munn on Attack of the Show she has done absolutely nothing to prompt her into the public eye except for being a whore. From shoving sausages into her mouth, to wearing revealing outfits like above, she’s done quite a bit to make herself known. She has no other talent. Like, AT ALL.
I would bet my left arm that he likes Aaron for his money and that she only gives him what he wants to get to it. If say there were get married tomorrow, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see her filing for a divorce and a $50 million settlement a few months later.
No, I was replying to your statement:
Personally I see no difference with what she is doing versus what male athletes do using their “God given talent” in sports. Some of those guys are smart, some are not, just like all of the rest of us demographically. More power to them! We all have to do the best that we can with what we are given. Is it fair sometimes? Fuck no! Neither is listening to Paul Ryan wanting to take my social security away . . . What can you do? You just keep going!
Actually, Paul Ryan wants to save your social security. The program is insolvent.
wow, is somebody butthurt? “dumb broad” lol, ok, grow up. who cares what she or anyone does about adopting dogs and if they want to pose with them?
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”
i guess we know which one totalpackers is.