We know that it sucks to be a Detroit Lions fan.
Your team always sucks, you’re the laughingstock of the league and usually of America as a whole, your best defensive player is a piece of shit as a human being and the only thing your quarterback leads the league in is face fat. And then, when you make your once-a-decade trip to the playoffs, you get totally sodomized by the officials.
That’s a tough pill to swallow.
Understandably, Detroit Lions fans are a little miffed. So miffed that some of them got together and bought up some billboard space to, I don’t know… complain publicly about the officials?
There are now multiple Detroit Lyin’ billboards on display in the Detroit metro area. Each of them has an image of an official and that text. You know, because Detroit Lyin’ sounds real similar to Detroit Lion and those refs are some lying fools!
Or something like that.
Anyway, these clowns — who wanted to remain anonymous — are obviously really pissed. Billboard space goes for $1000 a week in the Detroit market.
Unfortunately for the Lions, we all know the NFL wanted a Dallas-Green Bay match-up in the divisional round. Waaaaaaaaaay sexier than Detroit-Seattle and Carolina-Green Bay. You poor, pathetic Lions fans should have put one of these billboards up outside The Rog’s penthouse condo.
Either that or one with a giant middle finger.
Lions fans are pathetic as hell. Lmao! #DetroitLyin pic.twitter.com/XeAeSRe2wz
— James Jackson (@spartandawgs) January 8, 2015
That’s the other variation on suffering.
Karma is a bitch isn’t it Golden Taint, and Donkey Kong Suh.
I do not understand this catchphrase. Detroit lying? It does not make sense. It is the officials and NFL who are accused of lying.
Detroit Lyin’
We expected people from DETROIT to SPEND MONEY wisely? ha..hahahahaha
Whatever the reasons for the silly “catch phrase” I tip my hat to them for keeping the flames going and continuing the dialogue! What happened last week was repugnant period. I personally watched that game and it was a refereeing cluster fuck. I do not like the Lions, and can’t stand those fucking cowgirls, but I’ll say this, we are at the edge of legitimate NFL games at best! This whole NFL nation needs to raise the fucking roof over the blatant abuse in play calling that we all saw! If not, it will be paid for games by the big boys only! and fuck the small market teams. That F’n Goodell needs to be run out of town soon. and that whore Ref tsar, czar? needs to be held accountable for his partying with the Jones’ on their bus. Way too many “oddities” to be accidental IMO. It smells foul . . .
I don’t blame the Lions fans. It was one of the worst calls I–or most other fans–ever saw. And it may well have cost Detroit the game. The Cowboys should have spent the last week not practicing, but getting on their knees and thanking God for their undeserved good fortune.
Ref-apocalypse ??
Zebra-pocalypse ?
Whatever. It was an embarrassment
remember del harris and your pathetic milwakee bucks in the late 80’s and early 90’s, he also tried to distinguish ” good vs bad” when he played the pistons, it was cute. We relish the role that the league has put us in. You didn’t want to play us, for good reason.