… is having himself a real good time. I am told this is Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers.
Someone giffed this up and posted it to Reddit. It was reportedly shot during an offseason workout that included Aaron and his brother Jordan.
This clown right here will be torching the Dallas Cowboys, come Sunday.
Wonder if Jordan will ever be anything in the NFL… am I the only who hopes he proves he can be a capable back-up to his brother? Wishful thinking, I know, probably stupid too but I like it.
great find, TP! keep it up! you are working me into a frenzy of fan-ness for this coming Cow Pie[z] game!
here is another link to the video i admit i posted a couple times before, and i apologize, but you gotta love this as a great pep rally and nfl networks also appends a really great panel of analysts to prognosticate on the 8-0 road team coming to the 8-0 home team [and no Bitch S[l]app on the panel either!]:
[note the above video is the packers’ announcers’ take, not the MNF california dried raisin Al Michaels]
also i posted a heartening video/s link from the panthers site, if you missed it before, well worth linking, viz.
enjoy, and hope you guys catch both links before this weekend’s playoff games!