You know where this is going, don’t you? Straight down to whining and complaining town. Ah, to be a Chicago Bears fan.
It’s Chicago Bears Christmas carols and they touch on some familiar themes — Jay Cutler sucks, failure and sadness.
Interestingly, this little number was put together by a church. You may as well go there, Bears fans. There’s no longer anything else that’s worth doing on Sundays. It’s called A Very Angry Bears Fan Christmas.
I wonder what his lyrics and song is going to be for cutler getting benched this weekend? Maybe something to Crazy Train by Ozzy would be appropriate.
No! They can’t bench Cutty! He better be there next year.
Most heartbreaking qb I ever saw? Quite the contrary. Cutler fills my heart with joy, almost as much as Rodgers. As for as the most heartbreaking qb ever… hmmmm? Who could that be? Who could that be. Oh I know………..
This video would actually be a case study on why I actually respect most Bears fans I have met, and will condescend to talk and socialize with them (unlike Vikings fans). However, this vid seems to be a ripoff of an angry Browns Xmas. See for yourselves:
Tim Tebow?
This is so much better that the Super Bowl Shuffle.
Jingle Bells Cutler smells,
Now he rides the pine.
Oh what fun it is to be a Packer fan,
And the Bears a still Suck!
Needs a littke help on the rhyming, but funny in a 9 year old kinda way…
I actually feel sorry for the Bears, i like our rivalry to be robust and healthy!!!
Re : Benching Cutla…..
Can’t help but think that our “friends” are ensuring they have an excuse for laying down for the lionettes this week. Only to hope that they will indirectly achieve something theyve been unable to do themselves for more than a decade – keep the packers from making the playoffs….
So sad that this would be the highlight of such a sorry organization’s 2014 season….
Hey, I’m available……
Perfect Bears video. Clueless whiny fan. Stupid lyrics with horrible rhyme and metre. Face that makes you want to drill him in the mouth. Further rationale for the value of edged weapons. Singer having a stroke or heart attack while filming would’ve been nice.
When you say Chi-ca-go, you ain’t said shit.
I cannot stand how people – including actual Chicago fans – call him Alshon JeffrIES.
That video was a pretty well done. I guess that guy does have time on his hands… 2-3 hours every Sunday!