Man, I live for the hyperbolic or cliched bullshit athletes spit out after the latest idiot reporter asks them the latest idiot question. It really is what sports are all about!
“Gotta take them one game at a time.”
“I couldn’t have done it without my teammates.”
You know the drill, Meat.
Sometimes guys get sick of crapping out that verbal diarrhea though. They get creative. Like Green Bay Packers cornerback Tramon Williams did when asked about stopping the New England Patriots offense.
Tramon don’t play no checkers, yo!
He plays some motherfuckin’ chess!
“That’s been their MO,” Williams said. “They find different ways to attack different teams. You never know what it’s going to be from week to week.
“That’s the chess match, and that’s what the great teams do. They play chess. It isn’t a checkers game. Hopefully we can go out and play chess a little bit, too.”
Awwwww yeah!
You will probably not be surprised to learn that was part of a story written by one of the shitbirds at, which is just a haven for compelling content.
Anyway, whatever game Tramon is playing, we hope he’s playing it at Lambeau this weekend, because that clown didn’t bother to show up in Minneapolis last weekend.
Now if he can only follow through with a tackle instead of ramming the ball-carrier with his shoulder and expecting the guy to fall.
O.K now there is a reason to worry that Belichick is in some of the players heads. WTF chess or checkers? Just play some damn football. You know tackle, block, cover, and score more points than the other team.
I guess those inbred Viking receivers were playing checkers while Shields and Williams were playing chess. Those dip shits. I would be sure who won the game of chess and or checkers, at least in the game of football the Pack won.
They play football not chess. And whatever you call it the Packers better not just play a bit of, too.
This article is GOLD. Simply brilliant. Perhaps one of the greatest pieces of literature of this generation. Someone get this guy a Pulitzer.
Checkers is more difficult then chess. The record for blind games is higher on chess because it’s easyer. Also there are more master checker players who can play a decent game of chess then vica versa. If only TW could play more then one decent game of football I would be happy. I’m afraid he let them walk again though.
Congratulations! You win the award for asinine statement of the year.
BTW, dictionaries are free on the internet-use one.
Tramon will shiw.