This went pretty much as expected. Known cocksack Skip Bayless didn’t think much of Magic Johnson comparing Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers to Larry Bird.
We know Bayless hates Rodgers and he mostly hates him so he has something to get bent out of shape about. And, ratings!
He does have some good points here for a change.
The resumes don’t match up.
Bayless was an asshole when he wrote for the Trib and he still is. I don’t know where his animus for Rodgers comes from but it’s beyond tiresome.
Skip hates Rodgers because people compared Rodgers to Brady early on in his career and Skip is all about Brady’s nut sack. Rodgers didn’t help much when he called Skip out on his radio show when he replied to one of Skips antics “If I were to ever go on his show I would destroy him.” So Skip has to create controversy to get ratings up to force Rodgers to come on the show.
I remember Mark Cuban asking Skip a very basic Basketball question “Why do you use a zone defense” and Skip couldn’t even answer. He knows nothing about sports other than to create controversy.
ESPN tells Bayless and Cowherd to be skeptics of Rodgers. Its all BS, its all for ratings. The Packers move the needle, Cowherd use to do the same shit with Favre, it just stirs the pot and gets more people tuned in to ESPN.
I don’t think magic meant to compare resumes, I think he meant to compare their presence in the game. Bayless took it differently
Bayless is a despicable human being and a crackpot. It angers me that such human garbage makes a nice comfortable living. I guess we now have a trifecta of despicable people to wish bodily harm against: Randy Moss, Lance Easley and this piece of shit.
Your best post to date. Well done, Mr. Wolf.
Incredible-people still think I care what others think, above all folks with monikers like “Mr hankey.”
Yeah I saw that the other day with your retorts about what I thought of you, you . . . lol! What a hypocrite you are.
Bayless is an idiot; agree with Skinny here; its all about ratings. If & Steven A. Smith agreed on everything, even less people would watch this silly show.
It doesn’t seem plausible that Bayless would be THAT stupid. I’m not even convinced he believes the crap that spews out of his own mouth. It’s all an act. It has to be. So who gives a crap what he says? It’s as Skinny points out – for ratings.
Who is this guy? I never seen him before or even heard of him. If ESPN has been looking for a more entertaining replacement for that dense, boring, ex-GOLF commentator on MNF then they can stop searching ’cause they got somebody in-house right in front of their nose. A clueless booth person perfect for their usual selection of a boring blowout between two shitty (usually AFC) toilet dwelling teams.
Bayless is a pedantic, pontificating, pretentious bastard. A belligerent old fart. A worthless steaming pile of cow shit. Figuratively speaking.
When I hear the name ‘Skip Bayless’, two words come to mind.
Claw. Hammer.
Now I remember I’d seen that face before. (Grew up on a WI dairy farm).
The look on Bayless’ face in the still photo is the same one he gets when he thinks about his Tommy-boy giving him the high, hard one down the dirt road.
Append – The video still.
Hey the guys name is Skip for crissakes.Give him a break. He probably had his share of disappointments. I mean, a grown man with the name of Skip??? What a tool.
And I agree that he belongs in the same category as that sally Cowherd…………..what a pussy these two are…..
The whole thing is an act. I just laugh at it. If they didn’t have people arguing heatedly, nobody would tune in to ESPN. Skip is meant to be irritating. If you just ignore him, you don’t waste your time.
Lets check the resumes? What an ass.
I guess Rodgers is more like Bird and less like Wilt Chamberlain in the laying of slags column.
Who watches ESPN?
Its damn sickening how “the media” can just create conflict or controversy at will. Magic sends a well meaning shout out to ARod and compliments him on his skill, presence, and character….with the ball in his hands… by comparing him to his arch rival, Bird….and they turn it into an ugly, demeaning, & needless issue by interpreting his words ANOTHER WAY & turning them into a resume or overall body of work debate. Why? Because, unlike Magic, they are unqualified to comment on the context of his words & the meaning of them. They’re dorks, not athletes. So they have to “revise” the interpretation in order to allow themselves the ability to comment on it. Kind of like what Monty does. lol lol JK!
Nice response Howard!