The Green Bay Packers have whittled their roster to the final 53. Here’s how they did it and what we think about it.
These guys got their pink slips today.
Offensive lineman Garth Gerhart — Gerhart was on the practice squad last year, but is pretty non-distinct.
Offensive lineman Jeremy Vujnovich — Ditto on the non-distinct part.
Tight end Justin Perillo — Was an undrafted rookie signee this year and actually played better than the more heralded Colt Lyerla, but the Packers are set at tight end.
Tight end Jake Stoneburner — Well, thank god the Packers won’t be keeping 18 tight ends this year. Stoneburner spent part of 2013 on the active roster, but was really only a special teams player. He would have been no better than the No. 5 tight end if he stuck this year. We don’t know any NFL club that needs five tight ends.
Safety Chris Banjo — This guy certainly played well enough to be on the roster. He was one of the standouts of the final preseason game. The Packers have four other guys they want to keep at safety though. Five safeties is a luxury. And with this move, the whole best 53 philosophy goes out the window. Big Ted isn’t going to cut Chris Banjo and tell us he kept the best 53 players. We’d take Banjo over Morgan Burnett and we’re only half kidding about that.
Receiver Myles White — We had White on our final roster, but he was one of the last guys to make it so this isn’t a surprise. The Packers have a lot of talented receivers and in White, they release one that was on their roster last year.
Cornerback Jumal Rolle — Well, this one is a head scratcher. What, exactly, do you have to do to make the Green Bay Packers roster? Suck Ted’s cock? I mean, all Rolle did all preseason was make plays. Obviously making plays isn’t the recipe for getting a spot on the team. Don’t go out there and make plays, guys! Just gonna get you cut! It’s a joke the Packers kept Demetri Goodson over this guy.
Receiver Alex Gillett — Gillett is a converted college quarterback who spent last season on the practice squad. He made enough progress this year that at times, you thought to yourself, hey, this guy might be legit someday. Today is not that day.
Receiver Kevin Dorsey — Dorsey was a seventh-rounder in 2013 and missed all of last year on injured reserve. He’ll be missing this year for another reason.
Running back Michael Hill — Hill showed some flashes here and there, but the Packers have enough running backs. Lacy, Starks, Harris. No room for Hill.
Running back LaDarius Perkins — Perkins came on strong down the stretch, but again, it’s a tall order cracking the Packers top three. Not sure that’s ever been uttered before.
Cornerback Ryan White — Didn’t really make any standout plays that we recall and plays a position where the Packers are loaded. In this case, two strikes and you’re out.
Offensive lineman John Fullington — We can’t say we know anything about John Fullington, other than the fact that he got cut today. That’s unfortunate.
Offensive lineman Jordan McCray — Ditto Jordan McCray.
Safety Tanner Miller — Miller is the guy who’s name was on the bottom of that graphic of the Green Bay Packers safety depth chart they kept bringing up on Thursday night. And you were like, oh, the Packers have a sixth safety, huh? He’s getting cut.
Inside linebacker Jake Doughty — Doughty seemed to be around the ball every once in a while, but the Packers are loaded with mediocre inside linebackers. They don’t really need another one.
Inside linebacker Adrian Hubbard — Hubbard was the Packers most heralded undrafted free agent signee. He did have a couple of sacks during the preseason, but otherwise, didn’t really do much to stand out. Turns out, there were other guys who were much better in that undrafted free agent class.
Defensive end Carlos Gray — You could make the argument that Gray outplayed third-round pick Khyri Thornton, but that really didn’t take much.
Defensive lineman Luther Robinson — Pretty much falls into the same category as Gray.
Here’s who landed on injured reserve.
Defensive lineman Khyri Thornton — The third-round pick got injured in Thursday night’s game. However, he had shown absolutely zero prior to that, so this isn’t a surprise. Basically, the Packers are able to stash a draft pick on IR they knew wasn’t going to contribute this year.
Tackle Aaron Adams — Adams had a decent chance of making the roster. That is, had he not torn his ACL and MCL on Thursday.
Inside linebacker Nate Palmer — Like Adams, Palmer tore his MCL on Thursday. Unlike Adams, he probably wasn’t making the roster anyway. The Packers hastily switched Palmer from outside linebacker to inside linebacker at the beginning of the week (along with Carl Bradford). That’s a good sign that you’re not playing well enough at your original position.
As I said in the TP roster post, I don’t think Myles White will be around for the practice squad; doubt if Rolle will be either. Too bad, thought he had a pretty good preseason.
On to the SeaHags….
Hubbard is on IR and will be a very good player in this system next year.
Hubbard was waived I believe, I don’t think he’s on IR. I still can’t believe we kept Goodson. The guy is 26 years old and showed nothing, Rolle did.
White has played in 7 games in his career-he’s not eligible for the PS.
I believe the new PS rules allow two players with up to 32 active games in their first two years? This rule was changed when they went from 8 to 10. I think White would fit the PS rules if he was 1 of the 2. White may be good for PS as a slot receiver on scout team and insurance policy.
You, sir, are correct. My bad; thanks for being a scholar and a gentleman.
Thank you for the comment on Jerry Kramer.
I am surprised and appalled by the languaged used in this report. Whoever wrote this should be ashamed of themselves . No reason for language like that in this day and age on a simple sports site.
Hey Andy…fuck you
no monty you just think every one is as vulgar as you are – but some of us prefer a tongue with less %$#&^ – if you had had a civil up bringing you would know better. start to show your readers a better side – or may be you don’t know any civil words, a good school would have taught you better. GO PACK GO
Yeah, Andy, fuck you. There is nothing simple about TP! Except the troll DD….
FUCK YOU ANDY! Nobody likes you!
Banjo and Role are shockers to me….truly funny what was written here… “Don’t make plays guys, you’ll get cut”.
When we struggle on coverages for kick returns please oh please remember what this days cuts did to make that a reality.
“I am surprised and appalled by the languaged used in this report. Whoever wrote this should be ashamed of themselves . No reason for language like that in this day and age on a simple sports site.” I agree totally. Highly unprofessional!
If you don’t like the “languaged” here go back to or one of the other 50 sites with the same copy and paste vanilla articles.
Hey Charles…fuck you
What Mike said.
Question….what do you have to do to make the Packers roster, suck Ted’s cock? Answer, if you know Ted’s MO, the answer is a resounding yes, the White Owl loves cock. Bet he’d love to sign Michael Sam
Maybe rolle, white, and banjo are going to end up with browns.
I am totally appalled & disgusted. This language should never be used on this website. There are grade school kids reading this even. The guy who wrote this should be cut from his job or position he holds reporting this information. It is not professional in any form or matter.
No it’s not professional, that’s why they call it a blog. There is no job or position to be cut from because it’s a BLOG. Don’t like it? Block the site from your kids.
When the fuck did the parent patrol decide to show up? This article is very tame compared to most from this BLOG.
Is that Bobby dickhead? I thought so. So ignorant you are.
And you too horse face!
Is that you crotch cheese? Idiot.
Bobby, that isn’t even clever. I just wanted to make sure someone told you that because I bet you thought that was pretty smart when you typed it.
Fuck you Timmy
thats cool hipster drunk sports guy language, don’t ya know…anyone over the age of 25 wouldn’t understand….hey, just like Hunter S. the king of gonzo only way worse….
I’d would have preferred that they kept Myles White than Matt Flynn.
I don’t think you guys should be using profanity on this site. Packer fans are better than that.
Hey Todd…fuck you
Yeah Todd, fuck you…..
What the fuck is going on? Who is the son of a hore who decided to release rolle and banjo? Oh wait, don’t answer that, I already know. Best 53 my ass Mr TT and Mrs MM. Oh well, on to some real football games. I guess it doesn’t matter much anyways, in the end the packers are still in the super bowl this year.
This won’t be the final 53. There’s a whole week of practice & plenty of time for pulled hammies & season ending asshole injuries….that is what has Raji on IR, isn’t it?
If you can’t express yourself without swearing you are an ignorant person
As a Packer fan. I hope this guy is completely banned. Absolutely embarrassing.
You’re obviously new to the site. Just wait until the regular season starts. It’s gets worse^H^H^H better.
yes this is a blog, written by a 2 year old who thinks his verbiage is “cool” his news is worthy of note, but he can’t express it with out the *^&$%#$%^ true packer fans just don’t need it . . . .
Bob – with all due respect, don’t go pulling a #4 and telling us what “true” Packer fans want or need. Have you ever been to a game? The average Packer fan is not exactly refined. I think this site is representative of it’s fan base. Monty makes no apologies for it and that’s a large part of its appeal. If you don’t like it, simply don’t come back.
The Packers went with potential over performance. There was a reason why Banjo and Rolle were not drafted by any of the 32 teams in the league. They were also cut multiple times by other teams. I’m not defending the decision, and it’s certainly a head scratcher, but let’s not pretend that we have the scouting qualifications to call a decision a joke. That’s just plain and simple arrogance.
Then again, Total TMZ Packers is the self-proclaimed voice of reason. Who am I to challenge that?
Poorly written blog post. Unprofessional.
I think Brett Favre is spamming this article because all I see are people talking about how “real Packer fans” should talk. As if being a Packer fan means that you magically don’t swear?? Sorry dudes, go back to whatever fantasy land you came from. What’s with calling everybody ignorant here? Isn’t it rather ignorant that you expect everybody to talk how you want them to, and if they don’t they’re automatically IGNORANT! Anybody who swears is a fake Packer fan! Have you profanity patrol officers ever been to Lambeau field? That place is full of fake Packer fans cussing all over the place.
As for this article, other than making a joke about sucking Ted’s cock, there’s nothing wrong with it. No swearing. None. Of all the article on this site, this one gets the most backlash?? Well what the fuck….
There are a hundred other blogs that write professional, buttoned-up boring news and analysis. If your delicate sensibilities are offended at TP, go to Acme Packing Co. and post shitty puns until your cows literally come home.
And if you think kids seeing some swear words might be cause problems, you might want to know about the ease of accessibility of truly hardcore pornography these days.
I see we’re all in fine pre-season form here in the comment section. The only thing missing is an “ill-conceived gay remark” by DD, unless that was him as Bobby D questioning blow jobs for the “White Owl.” Bring on the Seahags!
Lmfao…u guys are too funny…thats some good shit there boys!!! Great entertainment! !!