Whether Seneca Wallace is healthy or not, Scott Tolzien will be the Green Bay Packers quarterback next week.
Coach Mike McCarthy made that announcement after Sunday’s game. Wallace hurt his groin on the Packers’ first series in the loss to the Philadelphia Eagles. He didn’t return.
In his absence, Tolzien threw for 280 yards, one touchdown and two picks. Apparently, that was good enough for McCarthy, who didn’t hesitate or wait for the injury news to name his starter against the Giants.
“I thought Scott did a hell of a job,” McCarthy said. “We’re running plays he hasn’t even practiced yet. It’s a totally different language from where he’s been in his two stops. He’s worked diligently on our language transferring plays he’s had in the past to how we do things.
“For the most part he was seamless in the huddle. I thought his game management, especially for the amount of preparation he had going into this game was outstanding.”
We kind of figured this was coming, but we figured it would take a bad performance by Wallace to make it happen. Well, Wallace didn’t even really get a shot.
And that’s not really a big deal. Seneca Wallace certainly wasn’t going to lead the Packers to the promised land, so why not give Tolzien a shot?
Like Wallace being forced into action against the Bears after Aaron Rodgers went down, Tolzien got next to no practice reps during the week. Unlike Wallace, he still went out and looked like he could lead the offense.
It’s hard to see much positive in a disheartening 27-13 loss to an obviously inferior team, but Tolzien showed some flashes, especially considering he probably doesn’t know half the offense yet.
We wouldn’t be surprised if the Packers work out Matt Flynn and if they find him to be healthy enough, they sign him and release Wallace.
Tolzien certainly looked better than either option that was in trading camp.
Tolzien probably knows less than half. Heck MM even said they did some plays he’s NEVER practiced before. I’m definitely not upset with him. What I am upset about is the Packers ineptitude to find quality backups and actually giving them some practice.
Tolzien is serviceable, we can win with him, if the defense bothers to show up.
Curious how badly Seneca is hurt. I didn’t even see the hit or move that caused the injury. I suspect he couldn’t handle the pressure and just quit, Cutler style. I could be wrong though, again I didn’t see him get injured.
Pulled muscles aren’t the result of a hit. The rollout on his last play shows him pulling up just before he gets to the sideline and throws the ball out of bounds. This was no Cutler incident.
As I stated, I didn’t see the hit or move, thanks for clearing that up for me. All I saw was Wallace in on that first possession, then him standing on the sidelines as the O ran out for the second.
Unless they play like a completely different team next week, I think they should just ride Tolzien the rest of the way. This team, even with Rodgers, isn’t going far anyway with this fucking joke defense. Might as well give Ted a chance to fuck up a higher draft pick. I just hope they don’t beat Lacy into the ground in the meantime.
Promote Winston moss. He’s ready and they need to shake things up
Seneca got hurt scrambling. You could see he came up limp. Nothing you can do. Pack were unprepared again.
Defense is the real issue here. MIssed tackles, no pressure, secondary is awful.
Haywood should be cut. Hard to watch him unable to tackle. Burnett was all over the place.
And why are we throwing on 3rd & inches with our 3re string qb? Play calling has been incredibly awful.
Look at the difference of production between these two QBs. The one with the least amount of reps and actual game time experience is the one excelling. Everyone always gets on my case about emphasizing a players attitude and inner drive when it comes to being successful in the NFL. To me this is a clear cut case proving exactly my point. A player is not necessarily or automatically going to be a top notch QB simply because he has talent or qualifications. The great ones that survive all that is thrown at them in this league, and I am speaking of on and off the field, are the ones who possess an elusive quality that is hard to come by. Rodgers, Brees, P. Manning, and Brady all have that one thing that makes them better than all the rest. And that one thing is a winning attitude. They don’t take no for an answer. They never give up. They put there heart and soul into this game. So to presume that a team can replace that type of QB with the average joe QB and then expect greatness….is absurd. On occasion this does occur. As in the case of Brett Favre and Collin Kaepernick, two QBs who possessed that sought after element that lends itself to inspiration and the miraculous. The Packers have been fortunate to have found two QBs in the past 20 years who more than fulfilled those standards. Let’s hope this trend continues. GO PACK GO! :)
It’s the damn defense who can’t make plays and the injuries that keep occurring every game. Our starters are dropping like flies, even Johnny Jolly went out with an injury, this shit has got to stop!
Oh, and BTW……FU packerfan4life. :p
I guess Tolzien may get better as we go along, where we know who Wallace is…man, this is like putting lipstick on a pig at this point, isn’t it?
Tolzien is way servicable and could become a nice QB in the future but if this defense keeps playing like this you can put Unitis back there and it won’t matter…Christ they are awful.
Being in NY the Pack better show up against the Giants or I am going to hear it. Crap.
Tolzein = good enough for now; Defense = not close to being good enough. Reminds me of John Mckay quote whe he was coaching TB, he was asked about his team’s execution and he said ” I’m all for it.”
Still cogitating about the game… You’ve got a 2nd-string QB that’s an old punk, and a 3rd-string QB with no NFL snaps. Combine with a one-armed pass rusher, and another returning from injury.
Seems to me you activate ALL of your defensive guys possible!!!
A 2-armed CJ Wilson is not better than Matthews? And for a defense that got mauled by the Bears, you couldn’t give Boyd a shot — to give some kind of rush (he couldn’t set the edge *worse* than Neal or Palmer…)
IMO, the whole Neal/OLB thing is a failure. If he can’t play in space, he has no business being an LB. He’s got the reflexes of a brontosaurus.
Bring on the Favre!!!