They’re giving it away in Green Bay. After his latest round of moronic comments about being brainwashed by playing for the Green Bay Packers, a Green Bay store is giving away Greg Jennings gear just to get rid of it.
The Jersey Store in Ashwaubenon is giving away Packers gear adorned with #85 — jerseys, hats and t-shirts.
The manager of The Jersey Store, Mike Walters, says the owner of the store wants the #85 items gone.
“The owner is definitely very concerned. She feels like he really stepped over the line with the brainwashing comment.”
Who the hell would want this crap?
Homeless people, maybe. Or, if you’re out of toilet paper, this seems to be a suitable substitute. Just be careful flushing.
Ironically, Jennings used to frequent the store.
“We had a really good relationship with him. We loved him. We’re not quite sure what happened when he put on the purple and gold?”
Instant douchebag. That’s what happened.
Meanwhile, some people in the Packers camp clearly took note of Jennings’ comments.
Coach Mike McCarthy addressed it in his press conference.
“I think it’s a product of your culture. Every coach, every player, every support staff member — and I can express to you clearly everybody in the football operation — understands the importance and the value of being a Green Bay Packer. That’s the way we operate, whether people like it or not. We do not do anything to jeopardize that. That’s number one.
“The brand name of the Green Bay Packers is something that all of our players are educated on, and then from that the development of your individual brand, hey go for it, but as long as it doesn’t ever jeopardize the brand of the Green Bay Packers. That’s the only message I’ve ever given to our team on a consistent basis, and our guys are in tune with that.”
Clay Matthews also had some thoughts.
“With his case, obviously it didn’t end on agreeable terms,” Matthews said. “We’re very competitive, both the organization as far as winning, and the players as far as winning, whether that’s on a personal level or on a team level. So it never sits right. Obviously we saw that with a former quarterback here, so it’s something you deal with.”
A former quarterback…
Wonder who he could be referencing.
Last updated on February 18th, 2014 at 04:42 pm
Remember back when Charles Martin wore that towel on his hip with a bunch of #’s of Bears players…(the hit-list)?
I wana see every guy in our secondary wearing a towel with the #15 (or whatever # GJ is) on their hip this season… Wipe that smile rite off of his greedy, douche-bag face.
Tyko – Great idea, but maybe they could hide a shiv in the towels?
Please do so, if the focus is on Jenning it will be easier for AP to rush for 200 yards on you fools again
And we will still beat you twice…like last year…& the year before…ect.
AP can rush for 300 for all I care, as long as the Packers have 1 more point on the scoreboard. As far as the focus on Hissmelf, the only focus is going to be a GBP defender pile driving a fucking helmet through his earhole. Besides, that superstar QB you have is just too fucking good at throwing 8 yard passes on 10 yard routes.
And stop playin’ – just go ahead and change your screen name to “Ass”.
Who is Jenning?
I don’t know of this quarterback of whom you speak; was it Mark Brunell, or maybe Matt Hasselbeck?
TJ Rubley, I think…………..
Oh yeah, that guy, I hated him, he was such a…nonentity.
Giving it away?…..OR….They could have a pre-season sale of real Packer merchandise, make it a party, offer food ect. And get a metal barrel to “burn” all Jennings merchandise in the parking lot. Fans would love it and the store would make money off of Greg Jennings idiocy.
They could also burn him in effigy and sell mutilative voodoo dolls, that would be professional.
SIGN MY PETITION PEOPLE! Berty pulled the same shit.
I wouldn’t burn his jersey, remember it still has the packers colors. Now, rip off the numbes and name stitching and burn that shit! Recycle the blank jersey, don’t burn it.
get a MULLIGAN name plate, problem solved….
85 Mulligan, Matthew TE 6-4 267 28 5 Maine
They should use all the nameplates as tp for the bathrooms
Once again, a former Packer asks you no-lifers to face the reality that it’s just a stupid game played by overpaid morons and you are nothing but worthless drones ponying up cash for it, and that your team in reality is no better than any other, but instead of waking up and saying, “Yeah, I’m a loser, I should get a life,” you go further down the rabbit hole and convince yourself it’s a good idea to wear a foam piece of cheese on your head. Brainwashing indeed.
DD, your stupidity and douchebaggery are like clockwork. How do you do it?
Talk about no life… but I’m certain irony is beyond your ken.
The store should send the t-shirts over seas to those needy countries, along with the “Vikings XLIV Superbowl Champs” Gear.
Just cover the name with “Epps” or “Mickens” or better yet “Query”
Just get a barrel and burn the shit….Grow a pair.
Harry, I was thinking the same thing. Lace some Cambodian kid up with Craig Flemmings gear.
Or maybe Hmong? Don’t they live closer to Minneshithole?
The Packers Vikings game should be entertaining because of this loser and you losers nonetheless!
Somewhere a village is looking for its idiot.
Yeah, that “game” will be so good they might even play a second one, huh? Moron.
Why, oh why could Jennings possibly be pissed at Rodgers…oh yeah
Jennings probably realized that he didn’t have to just sit and take the oh soooo funny jokes anymore and responded by finally letting Rodgers know what a douche he is.
Lol. I think you wish you had a QB like Rodgers on whatever shit team you are a fan of. And Rodgers is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. Stop making shit up.
Making what up? Your dumb ass logic=Greg Jennings is an asshole for pretending to forget Rodgers name, so Rodgers = asshole for pretending to forget Jennings name. Rodgers did it first there fore Rodgers = BIGGER asshole. It is very scientific.
Two points – 1.) I love the fact that both Coach McCarthy & Clay responded. I don’t think they are blowing off his comments, as some have said they were taken out of context; 2.) I love the “Instant Douchebag” citation! and the recipe? purple jersey, horns, blond braided wig & one can of Hormel……..
MM gets it, the team gets it, but apparently GJ was that “special” player that didn’t get the needed extra support to understand the cirriculum.
DD is an obsessed hypocrite. Every team has them. I’ve lived in Minnesota for 10 years. Most Minnesotans are obese, many morbidly obese. I’m pretty sure that’s the case in the entire country. But this asshole DD thinks you have to be obese to be a Packer fan. Is he really that ignorant?
from his posts I would conclude that the answer is a resounding “YES”……..
Packer female fans are some of the most ugliest creatures on earth. Vikings fans? Yeah we got some hotties, and we have character and watch our team kick YOUR ASS this year. BITCH
Hahahaha..yeah you & what army restivo. Hope by hotties you dont mean that homeless guy thats a cheerleader for your homo team. Ive seen some fatties from that shithole..those hotties you speak of are probably transvestites!
Only reason GJ got so much commercial time (National at that) was because of that Packer jersey he was wearing. he wont get shit wearing purple. Rogers made him look good on the field…he will fade away into oblivion as a Viking and he knows it. hes just trying to stay in the fading spot light that once was his career.