Charlie Laine is looking good these days. But when didn’t she look good?
Today, we were reminded that, in addition to being hot, she’s also a Green Bay Packers fan. She tweeted this tremendous photo earlier.
If you don’t know who Charlie Laine is, well, don’t Google her at work. Or do… but only if no one else is around. She’s originally from Marion, Wisconsin, which explains the card-carrying Packers fandom. That’s something we first became aware of back in 2011 and here’s how.
You know who else in her line of work is also a Packers fan? Ashlynn Brooke. Double awesome!
Charlie is excited about tonight’s preseason opener against the Arizona Cardinals. Are you excited?
It’s about time for some goddam Green Bay Packers football, isn’t it!? Even if it is only preseason!
I`d love to watch a goddamn Packer football game with Charlie sometime even preseason! I love little Miss Cheesehead! Also, I would not wipe my ass with free jennings gear.
But would you wipe your face with Charlie Laine’s ass???
Great! All the pretty white girls, otherwise suitable as girlfriends, wives, mothers, are turning into porn stars. Dystopia is on the horizon, if it is not already here. God BlessAmerica? No–God Damn America!
Trust me, Mr. Wolf, that chick is probably not suitable to be a girlfriend, wife, or mother. The vast majority of adult starlets have psychological disorders, were abused as children (physically or sexually,) have drug abuse problems, etc.
Sad but true.
Thanks for ruining it for us…you forgot to mention that they also never caught the guy who sent all that Anthrax (insert Debbie Downer Music Here).
Yeah and a loving, committed relationship is the one anecdote for many of those ailments. Also, you would be surprised how many come from relatively good backgrounds. In any case, I use the term otherwise suitable as a preliminary term. At one point, a girl who looks like that WAS suitable for these purposes, before corrupted by the powers that be.
Meh, I could deal with it.
That’s my sister! Can’t wait to watch the games together again this fall
The cheapest, nastiest video she was ever in would be a better watch than that football game was. I hesitate to even call it “football.”
If Rodgers goes gown,we are going to get powerfucked hard, from that time forward.
LOL Celebrating porn stars because you can’t get laid. And congrats on having a porn star fan, it only mildly takes away from the fact that your cheerleaders are hideous. Spend some money and buy some women with teeth!
The Packers don’t have cheerleaders, Arsh buddy; what’s with the purchasing women talk? Don’t you realize that if you have even a modicum of personality and decency you can attract women, for free?
don’t even get me started on YOUR cheerleader’s teeth. All those meth heads you got from the trailer park have a mess in their mouth.