Is Aaron Rodgers ever not in midseason form? Maybe that’s the question here.
At camp yesterday, Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers other quarterbacks decided to test their accuracy. They set up a target 50 yards away.
So here’s Rodgers, after a short drop, firing.
This Betty is going straight down to Pound Town.
(Gif via USA Today)
More here.
Just please keep him up-right & concussion free.
Can you hear me knockin’… on the wooden window?
Please, Christian Ponder could do that, with his eyes closed, backwards, with Clay Matthews hanging on his back.
Impressive. Standard for Rodgers.
Haha, check the link and watch the end of the video when Rodgers notices the camera, fucking gold, how are we so blessed to have this guy, tonight starts the fun, lets go baby! Go Pack Go!