Is this fucking prick ever going to go away? I think it’s safe to say the answer is no. That’s Lance Easley, the ref who did the fuck job on the Green Bay Packers loss to the Seattle Seahawks, last season.
He’s standing with Golden Tate, the no-talent shitbag who shoved a guy down, got one hand on an intercepted pass and was handed a touchdown.
See how funny that photo is? Do you get it? Hilarious, right?
This pic was taken at Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman’s charity softball game. Easley umpired the game.
Is that enough? No. Easley is still milking this for all it’s worth.
He’s trying to release a book called “Making the Call.” Here’s a synopsis.
What if your life hinged on a decision that occupied less than a few seconds of time? What if a dream that became a miraculous reality was shattered in that same moment? What if you became in that instant the object of scorn and hatred for literally millions of people?
How would you deal with it? Where would your faith take you from there?
Lance Easley knows the answers to those questions! MAKING THE CALL reveals the man, the circumstances and the spiritual impact behind the most controversial call in all of professional football…perhaps in all of sports history.
He’s also selling autographed yellow flags and photos of that awful call. And who wouldn’t want to buy one of those?
Last updated on September 11th, 2013 at 05:05 pm
What I truly marvel at is that this fellow dares to holld himself out as a CHRISTIAN while preying off our misfortune. Do you get that, Packer fans. He is capitalizing on our misfortune.
That does not sound very Christian to me–but nor does that televangelist who was busted with meth and underage prostitution: one example among myiad other hypocrit church-goers.
I will not incide murder, but I will come up just to that line. If some Packer fan were to come down with terminal cancer and decide, before he dies, to obtain chloroform to abduct, torture and kill him, doing horrible, unspeakable things to him, perhaps inspired from Reservoir Dogs or Hostel, I would not object. Absent that, I hope a tanker overturns on the highway next to him, subjecting him, and him alone, to severe burns all over his body, searing and further deforming his ugly face for the rest of his days.
Either of these or any comparable result would be occasion to gulp down prodigious quantiies of gin and tonic in celebration. That’s how I rolll. Indeed, that’s what I did when Jacko died.
While that call clearly sucked, I wouldn’t consider it one of the most controversial calls in all of sports history. This guy is really starting to get on my nerves. Just go away, already. So you made the call, yada yada yada. Life goes on. Quit trying to profit from it and come across as some holy man for overcoming the hatred of all these people. I really don’t see a correlation between faith and the call here, but I’m sure somebody told him that playing that card will help him sell books.
Here is a catchy little ditty for any such terminally ill Packer fan, from the genre of hardcore industrial- aggrotech:
Fuck this shit bag, hope something awful happens to this guy.
That synopsis makes me want to fucking puke.
Stop pretending like you made the right call, admit that you made a mistake and maybe people will stop hating you. But then you wouldn’t get the reaction out of people like you do now to get your cheap publicity to sell your shitty books. Scumbag.
Fuckin mediocre, useless, scumbag parasite. All he will ever be known as in his pathetic little life will be as the absolute worst of all time in a certain profession.
This guy is a fuckin disgrace to humanity.
Thou shalt not lie. Isn’t that a commandment, Lancy?
Lance Easley=
He better get it in now because when the season starts no one will even know he exists and the Shehawks will not live up to any number one preseason ranking.
I think the Seahawks paid him to make that call sometime during the game. He wasn’t making enough money as a replacement REF anyways lol
As much as I want to hate this guy it was the greed of the NFL, essentially the NFL owners, that let him into that position. They locked out the real refs so that they could scratch a couple more dollars together while we paid full price for an inferior product. Don’t forget why or how this got started.
That call still makes me literally sick to my stomach everytime. And, also, for that matter, L.E. makes me feel the same way. That moment in time is ruined for me and still haunts me to this day, there is no way to get away from it. It will not die; Just die already!
Selling autographed yellow flags and pics of him making The Call…..
With all the monitoring and controlling coming out of the NFL commissioners office you would think they would get on this GOOD CHRISTIAN making money off this…