We’d be among those, but you already knew that. So, of course Lance Easley is out there trying to promote his book (which we just learned this morning). Said book is based on how he managed to fuck up the end of the Green Bay Packers game with the Seattle Seahawks.
So in addition to posing for pictures with a bunch of guys on the Seahawks at Richard Sherman’s charity softball game over the weekend, Easley is also using Facebook and Twitter to promote this stupid book.
If you go to his Facebook page, you’ll see this prick got picked up in a limo and took a private jet to Sherman’s game. You’ll also see people leaving some not-so-nice comments.
So other than posting pictures of private jets and shit, Easley also posts a bunch of faith-based motivational crap. And then that crap automatically gets reposted on his Twitter page.
The general consensus seems to be this — if you’re such a good Christian, then what are you doing taking part in such blatant self-promotion?
Feel free to go to Easley’s Facebook page and ask him any questions you might see fit.
Hey, Pecker fans. Get. Over. It.
We will when Lance does. If he had said “Sorry, I messed up. We shouldn’t have been there in the first place. I hope we can ll just move on” it would be over.
Yet, he chose to ride this out and make money off of it. We’ll pile on until he goes away. It’s pretty simple.
It is not self-promotion that I object to. It is capitalizing on our misfortune–misfortune he caused. If only I believed in voodoo. … Perhaps there is some form of witchcraft that actually works. …
Under the word Buffoon, there is a picture of Lance Easley in the Webster’s Dictionary. Low class move, by a classless individual.
Give the glory to God, Lancy. Wait a minute, what glory?. Besides that Im pretty sure God doesn’t want any part of your “look at me” mediocre rise to fame mindless self promotion page turner of self indulgence
Wow ” hated by millions” that because you fucked up a simple call. It is like figuring out the salt from the pepper shaker.
The guy is a BANKER. Lying and profiting from it is what they do.
Get over it. You have every ref sucking your nuts and giving you play after play but you can’t stop whiny about this one bad call. Why don’t you stop bitching about it and be grateful for the dozen or so bad calls that went in your favor. In the dictionary under whiny self entitled bitch there is a picture of a Packers fan.
this “one bad call” as you call it was universally mocked by every sports website, newspaper and television show for weeks after said “bad call.” This should have been the moment this asswipe asked forgiveness during every interview he gave in the ensuing days, not stand behind the “I made the correct call” line he touted. The only thing worse was Pete Carroll’s behavior on the field after the game. Yes, I am still pissed.
The man is just taking advantage of the peculiar state of our society where our fascination with people founded on no more than a single notorious act, drives them and us to create its own critical mass and ride it as hard as they can, much to the embarrassment of Andy Warhol, to reach their 15 minutes of fame.
Agreed in full, it’s a sad testament that the hyperinformed societies of the “1st-world-nations” avail themselves of these incredible technologies to follow people such as Easely, Kardashian, Hilton, and the rest of their Ilk rather than the great artistic and scientific minds of the day.
BTW, in what manner does the Andy Warhol reference apply?
He was the one to proffer and advance the idea that everyone was looking to have “their 15 minutes of fame”.
Follow justice and justice alone.
(Deuteronomy 16:19, 20)
Go fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit.
That’s the spirit, my boy! THAT”S THE SPIRIT!
In the dictionary under Pretentious is a picture of a Seahawks fan and a Vikings fan. If I’m wrong please feel free to list the accomplishments of both teams. I’d love to hear about them.
To Dan Brown:
A dictionary is a book that lists and defines all INDIVIDUAL words of a language. You will not find definitions of statements in a dictionary. Most dictionaries do not contain pictures. I suggest you take a look at the book you are so fond of yet know nothing about.