Lance Easley, that turd who cost the Green Bay Packers that game against the Seattle Seahawks last season, will not go away. We want him to go away, but he’s still busy collecting on his 15 minutes.
Easley has been brought on to ump Seahawks corner Richard Sherman‘s charity softball game. And why wouldn’t he accept such an assignment? It’s funny. Hilarious, even.
You know, because Easley couldn’t make the right call in a sporting event if his life depended on it.
Har, har, har!
In unrelated but funny news, Richard Sherman has hired the ref who called the Golden Tate TD against Green Bay to ump his. …
— Bob Condotta (@bcondotta) May 15, 2013
So, Sherman wins because now people are actually paying attention to his softball game. Charity wins because people are now buying tickets. Easley wins because he (presumably) gets paid, gets to hob knob with a bunch of NFL and NBA players and gets to be in the spotlight he so desperately craves.
Guess who doesn’t win. Me, you or any sort of justice.
This prick will be cashing checks on this fuck-up for years to come.
“Hey, I’m the guy who screwed the Green Bay Packers that one year. Remember me?”
Last updated on June 22nd, 2015 at 12:59 pm
Dear Packer Nation,
I was wrong. I’m an idiot. I am sorry.
Sincerely yours,
i feel sick…
Here’s the deal. Sherman hired him to make sure that every hit his team gets is called a home run, every pitch his guy tosses is a strike and every opposing base runner is an out.
Sounds to me like he got the right guy for the job.
Speaking of jobbed…
Someone please fucking hit Richard Sherman where it ends his gay ass career and his fucking huge ass ego.
would you like him if he were a Packer?
Not really, I’m not even that happy that Finley is a Packer.
One of the worst calls anyone ever saw, and they didn’t even have the guts to let the replay spell that out.