For some reason, I just heard Marv Albert yelling, “A spectacular move!” No, this isn’t quite that, but it is Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers making a cameo on ‘The Office.’
That show’s still on, huh? Apparently.
Rodgers played a judge on a fictional singing show that Ed Helms’ character tries to audition for (and predictably, fails). Why is Rodgers a judge for a singing show along with Santigold and Clay Aiken — two people who are actually, you know, music artists? Not important!
If you’ve seen the State Farm commercials where Rodgers “acts,” then you’ve pretty much seen this.
But here it is anyway. Probably superior to Brett Favre‘s appearance in ‘There’s Something About Mary,’ though.
Let’s just hope we don’t the the “There’s Something About Mary” season the actor Brett Favre gave us from Rodgers.
Rodgers is awesome!
I don’t like this. Focus should be on football. I cannot even say this certifies his status as one of the best if not the best quarterback in the league. Among all the current greats, Peyton Manning is the only one who does this crap, and he has less rings than his little brother.
And Broadway Joe is one of the most overrated QBs in NFL history along with Elway, Aikman, and Tebow.
Dammit, wrong comment…
Joe Namath did shit like this and look at all the rings he won… Oh, wait.
A-Rodge is actually pretty good though.
And Broadway Joe is one of the most overrated QBs in NFL history along with Elway, Aikman, and Tebow.
Really unfair to put Tebow with the others. The others could actuall play quarterback.
Like Meatloaf once said, “two outta three aint bad.”
There is no way you just lumped Elway in with Aikman and Tebow. No way.
Namath, Elway, Aikman and Tebow. Three of those are overrated and one is decidedly not. One is probably the best QB in NFL history.
Do I even need to say anything? He’s sitting next to Clay Aiken for fuck’s sake.
That was brutal.. at least Favre got to call some guy a dumb ass.
I love Clay Aiken. He’s got cute dimples!
AR stick to your day job.