Rejoice! The heavens are about to open and the seas are about to part for the grand return of the glorious Brett Favre!
Or so says Green Bay Packers president Mark Murphy. The Murph was on hand at the kickoff of the team’s annual Tailgate Tour, where he’ll be scheming of new ways to take your money. In between schemes, he also mentioned that Favre will be returning to the fold soon.
“We want to have (Favre) back in the family,” Murphy said.
“I thought he and Aaron jointly presenting the Comeback Player of the Year Award was a great first step,” Murphy said. “We’re hopeful to have (Favre) back in the fold and get him back involved in the organization soon.”
Any day that is not today is not soon enough, I say! I mean, we’re talking about the Minnesota Vikings all-time greatest player, here!
Yeah, I’m kidding. Well, kind of. Favre probably is the greatest player to ever play for that sorry-ass franchise. Of course, he’s also one of the best to play for the Packers. Certainly not THE best, but definitely one of them.
So, after years of vague statements about “we’ll retire his number… someday,” the Packers appear to have an actual timetable. We’re guessing if not this coming season, then definitely next.
Favre and Aaron Rodgers did their awkward little dance at the NFL Honors earlier this year. So they’re good. The next step would probably be to try to get Favre good with Big Ted, which may or may not ever happen.
Really, that doesn’t matter though. Teddy can just stand in the background and shut the hell up while The Murph and some others talk about Favre.
You’d think the Packers would have to bring back Mike Holmgren for something like this. Not only do we love The Walrus, but he’s currently unemployed, so there’s that.
Ok, now lets please post the link to the grass-roots effort to petition the Packer’s brass to not ever let Benedict Ferves name be remembered on any piece of Packer property.
The right thing to do would be to wait until Rodgers retires, MM & TT are both done. Then retire Favre & Rodgers’ #’s the same day…
That would stick-it to that self-absorbed son of a bitch.
Who is this Brent Farve you speak of?
Literally the best thing you have ever said on this site.
The Time is right and Brett should be back in Packers colors and allowed to do what ever the hell he wants. Well maybe not all he wants, he tried that, not good. The Packers were a Piss Poor sloppy no good guaranteed loosing team until Brett and Mike showed up. For fans to puke on the guy for not knowing how to handle the end of his career is bullshit. Look in the mirror. Many of you slobs have done far worse, and did not throw for 60000 odd fuck yards. Brett was and is a Green Bay Miracle. I still have a hang over from his Super Bowl Win. He waivered on retirement, he did not do minicamp? Who the hell cares. The used to chug beers like a fucking machine and show up on Sunday and throw for 312 and 3 scores! Brett’s Back Baby! Welcome Home..
It sounds like you are pretty angry and hungover now reading this.. Did you also know that he holds the NFL record for interceptions and fumbles? What taints my viewpoint of Brent is the way he didn’t give a shit some years and made us fans feel like we were lucky to smell his stale beer farts. If he cared half as much in his final few years as he did once the Packers moved on, it never would have happened. He saw that he wasn’t bigger than the team and he couldn’t handle it. Oh, and by the way, the dude sends pictures of his dick and molests chicks in his spare time. Such a green bay miracle! You are a Cosmic turd.
That same level of paranoia/insecurity about his job that lead to 3 billion career starts will keep him out of “the fold” until TT and MM are gone.
have ya’ll lost yor minds especially after he sold out to the rivals
No-a thousands times NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! This asshole did everythng he could to destroy our beloved Packers, and was one errant throw away from bringng the Viking to the Super Bowl, which they probably would have won. Vergiss das NIEMALS!
The Walrus is doing a weekly gig on a show out here… Mitch in the morning, 950 am, Seattle. Don’t remember which day, but if you get a chance to stream a little of it, do it. That guy has some great fucking stories… Many Packer related, of course.
The right thing to do would be to wait until Rodgers retires, MM & TT are both done. Then retire Favre & Rodgers’ #’s the same day…
That would stick-it to that self-absorbed son of a bitch.
Yeeeaah, you already said that, 1 day ago…
I’m a Packer fan not a Brent Favre fan. He didn’t win the 96′ 97′ superbowl, the Packers did. Desmond Howard was the Superbowl MVP for fucks sake! Not Brent. Brent can forever be a viking for all I care. My only concern is how well the Pack does during the 2013-14 season. Everything else is horseshit.
Why the hell with all the effort to bring him back into the “Packers family”. The guy played for the Vikings and was unapologetic for it. People keep saying that we’ll be over it in five years, but I’ve never felt that way. I’ll never get the stain of purple out of my eyes because of the dick move he pulled.
The Packers organization has a history of being very selective on retiring numbers….
#3 Tony Canadeo
#14 Don Hutson
#15 Bart Starr
#66 Ray Nitschke
#92 Reggie White
I don’t see an asshole who says the things he did about the Packers and broadcasts pics of his junk fitting in with those greater.
Not to mention that real Packers like Jim Taylor, Paul Hornung, Curly Lambeau, Jerry Kramer, Forrest Gregg have not been given that honor….
I my opinion retiring #4 needs to be left to a shareholder decision….
it just bidness
TroyMonger AKA Dipshit
What site are we on? Fumbles INT’S? A Green Bay second grader knows this. And yes there were some bad picks that cost our team, or my team anyway. That’s fucking football. Seems most here could delete the 16 years Brett was our QB. Well do so then. Where the hell would you be with the Magik Man and Infante? A shit .400 winning percentage, zero NFC north titles, 7 titles with Brett, 1 ten win season, 9 with him. 1 playoff win and use your toes mouth breathers 11 with him! As for him playing for the Queens, who cares. He couldn’t play here and the first year he played lights out. And banked some coin. Do you also feel this way about Vince? He left. Let it go. He made the Pack relevant after 30 years of pathetic ball. I forgot 3 MVP’S you SCABS!
He should have had 4 MVPs as well, giving: awarding Manning when Favre had 33 TDs and INTs and led a team that was terrible the year before almost to the Super Bowl, oh well, he was Viqueen then so it doesn’t really matter.
I wonder how many picks of Favre’s were balls that caromed off his receivers’ hands 10 yards into the air? I’m guessing at least 30, wish somebody would figure that out one day.
Good points Phatgee.
Interesting statistic re: muffed passes . I agree they should be on receiver…
But many of the critical ones were on Bert, like :
Jan. 20, 2008. Favre chucked up an ill advised pass to Donald Driver that was promptly intercepted by the Giants’ Corey Webster.
Who’s Brett Favre?