What’s been going on with Jermichael Finley lately? We know you ask yourself that question on a semi-regular basis, so we’re here to tell you. The Green Bay Packers tight end is going to be getting his own documentary.
Finley was on KFAN in Minneapolis Wednesday morning with his agent Blake Baratz, talking about all kinds of stupid stuff. One of those stupid things, Baratz revealed, is a new documentary starring none other than Big Fin.
“They’re going to put on an 18-minute series on Jermichael and his life,” Baratz said. “It’s not scripted, it’s not planned. Everybody is going to see what he’s like – good, bad and indifferent. … That’s what the fans want to see. They don’t want to see the scripted press conferences.”
Actually, here’s where this gets interesting. This “documentary” is being produced by FullCircle Intermedia, a company chaired by James Brown.
No, not “It’s a Man’s World” James Brown, the other one. CBS Sports James Brown. The company’s goal is to let athletes tell their own story and define their own image. Here’s what their site has to say.
We are innovators, creators, collaborators and storytellers. A necessity to the age of the celebrity. A digital arm to a career spent shimmering under the blinding lights of scrutiny, specializing in helping professional athletes and entertainers to establish, develop and commercialize enduring digital brands for themselves as they move toward tomorrow.
Too often celebrities, athletes and entertainers are defined by outsiders, strangers and naysayers clamoring at the first opportunity to tear down an icon. Yet, far too often the outside world is in the dark when it comes to the truth of who you really are. It’s time you take back your story… It’s time you control your legacy… it’s time you define yourself.
So, in other words, Finley is paying these guys to do a documentary about him. What kind of person would do that, you ask?
Well, a person with a shitty public image. Someone who feels the need to show a different side than the persona portrayed by (or that they portray in) the media. A person like Jermichael Finley.
Interestingly, if Finley really cared so much about his public image, there’s probably a way he could improve it without having to pay someone to film a complimentary documentary about him. He could have shitcanned Baratz after he called out Aaron Rodgers for his lack of leadership during the season.
But he didn’t and Baratz refused to make nice with Rodgers on Wednesday.
“(But) really to Jermichael because he got dragged into something he had nothing to do with,” Baratz said. “That’s what I was apologetic about, not necessarily what I said. … Everyone just attached it to him because he’s said so many comments regarding Aaron Rodgers.”
Seems like exactly the kind of advisor a guy like Finley needs, doesn’t it?
Great, we can look forward to more dropped passes, non-existent blocking, and now a documentary too! All that for $8M a season. Tyler Eifert at 26 is looking better and better each day.
said Ted Thompson, “Uh, we don’t draft on need”…
If he’s the best player, why not? Finley is probably gone next year. Or we could take a player in the 1st round that we could get in the 2nd or 3rd because we should always draft on need, right?m Those first round picks are overrated.
Finley was an amazing prospect that never came close to his full potential. It’s amazing how fragile his ego is, if lebron can grow up and stop acting like a lil bitch than anyone can. Finley needs to mature and get rid of all these douchebags he surrounds himself with and possibly try and develop a reporee with Aaron.
Lebron is highly intelligent and sees the big picture, Jermichael is not so intelligent and even needs help to see the big picture.
Jermichael is such a private person and hates talking, or brining attention to himself – not sure this will be a good fit.
Your right… I do suck. But at least I’m a millionaire.
Ya. Packer Bob sucks too.
Wow, you’re hilarious. Do you use both brains cells to come up with that one?
This is probably one of the more fucked up deals I’ve seen in a long time. FinMe wants to hire someone as his modern day Goebbels to advance his image and identity. And, do it in a manner that embraces the perverted idea that a lie, no matter how outrageous, repeated often enough will become the truth.
Remember the old saw, “actions speak louder than words”? It’s been replaced by “spin speaks loudest”.
Well, of course, how do you think Obama got a 2nd term?
Because Mitt Romney is a plutocratic alien with an outmoded ?understanding of human culture, perhaps?
I think you need to substitute “human” for “welfare”.
Versus a geniocratic alien with a never-moded understanding of economics?
Good spin though.
Hahaha…Obama got a second term because #1 his campaign team is 10x that of Mitty’s and #2 Mitty spent so much time rubbing shoulders and pandering to his base (which never would’ve voted Obama anyways) that he missed out on a HUGE chance to focus on the Latin vote and steal the election out from under Obama’s nose.
If he couldn’t even beat Obama with a less than stellar first 4 years, how could he and his ragamuffins expect to better lead the nation?
Damn…back to sports…
I wanted this guy gone several seasons ago. It angers me that he is stil in green and gold. This guy is going to be a distraction (again).
I’d pay to see a documentary on Monty’s life
Starring ME!
It’s obvious that Finley has concerns about his image and that he has no problem expressing his thoughts on the matter. I know pretty much everyone thinks he is full of crap and are disappointed with his football performance the last couple of years. I have been disappointed as well. But the thing that keeps me hanging on to the hope that Finley ould turn it around…is the fact that he is so determined to change the way people view him. Not only that, but even when he played and messed up…he showed significant remorse. He was as disappointed in his play as we were…maybe more. Watch his reactions after he drops a pass….he doesn’t just shrug it off like some players do..he is clearly upset, which he should be. Yes, I know…then he would let his pride get in the way and spout off playing the blame game. This merely indicates that he is immature…it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is a bad guy. But from what I have noticed all along since the beginning of his career with the Pack…is that Jermicheal Finley does care. He wants to succeed…he wants to be a Packer…and he is trying to do better. I would rather have a player with true passion that sometimes screws up…than a player who is satisfied with his play and has no desire to improve…because he thinks he has already arrived….( Harvin, Moss, Revis, Favre) Favre was always saying in the latter part of his career..that he was comlpetely happy with how he had played…and that he had nothing to prove. Finley on the other hand, recognizes that he is NOT perfect…and he has a huge desire to do better. And I believe he will. He is making a documentary about himself…lol..it may be a bit of over-kill…but at least we know he cares what we think.
Maybe he should spend less time worrying about what people think about him and focus more on learning to block and catch the ball.
Leave the bitching and moaning to people like us. :)
I would think he realizes that by blocking and catching the ball…..we will stop bitching and moaning about him.
Super. Douchey. Move.