Tuesday was Super Bowl media day, which means a bunch of clowns who know nothing about football get to ask NFL players dumb questions.
The NFL hands out more than 5,000 media credentials for this operation. Well-known football-focused powerhouses like Inside Edition get passes, for example. Meanwhile, ESPN shows up to ask guys how ticklish they are.
It’s a real focused, straight-forward affair that certainly has nothing to do with money.
The great thing about media day is this. There are always a few beautiful women on hand reporting for something like Kuwait TV or Channel 7 out of Buenos Aires. Do they know anything about football?
But they always make the place look better. Just last year we were introduced to Marisol González, a sports reporter for Televisa Deportes. That’s who you’re seeing above, by the way.
So, with that, let’s get on with this year’s crop.
(Photos: TBL)
Good work.
At last…the pentultimate definition of the term “media whore”.
Who is the paragon of the term then?
Man, those guys are hot.