The Chicago Bears need the Green Bay Packers to beat the Minnesota Vikings on Sunday to make the playoffs. Even though things are that simple, Bears receiver Brandon Marshall will not be cheering for the Packers.
Does Brandon Marshall not want to make the playoffs?
He was directly asked about cheering for the Packers and this was his response.
“I’m not cheering for anybody but the Bears,” he said. “Yeah, that’s how it is. We put ourselves in this position and right now it could be a good position. You never know how things will work out. But all we can do is beat Detroit and sit back and have a cup of coffee and see what happens at that afternoon game.”
This is really not surprising for two reasons.
1. Brandon Marshall is an idiot.
2. He has some unhealthy hatred for the Packers. You know, because they kick his ass all over the field and then tell him about it.
Last updated on December 3rd, 2014 at 09:54 am
I’m torn between two worlds here…. I want the Vikings to get smashed but I don’t want the Bears to make the Playoffs. This is a real dilemma here!
they can both lose! I believe if the Pack beats Minnesota, Detroit beats Chicago and the Redskins lose to Dallas, the Redskins get in as the 6th seed, with Dallas winning the east. Also if the Redskins and Giants win Sunday with the Vikings and Bears losing, Washington wins the east, the Giants are the 6th seed. In either case, no playoffs for either the Bears or Vikes.
I do not want the GIants to advance–I do not want any part of the Giants this year, and until the offensive line is fortified to such a point that it is not such a bad matchup.
While I will not say it mark it down as a lock, it is unlikely the Cowboys will beat the Redskins. The game is in Washington. Provided that turns out to be the case, all the Giants need is for us to win and the Bears lose.
The best scenario for the Pack is for the Bears to win an the Packers to win. The Bears would then play the 49ers in all likehlihood. They have little chance of winning that game. Beyond that, Lovey Smith is likely to retain his job if they get in. That’s good for the Pack over the long haul.
Let me get this straight. You dont want the Giants in, but the only way they would face GB would be after knocking out SF and Atl then come to Lambeau. So you dont want homefield advantage throughout, and the 2 other top seeds to lose. Great point….not really
Non-retarded Bears players/fans cheering for GB so Viqueens don’t make the playoffs……?!?
Maybe the Mayans were right – the end of the world is nigh……
Thanks for providing some light at the end of the tunnel. I did forget the Lions/Bears last outting with, what was it, 13-7 & the Lions having 4 turnovers. I find myself in a strange position of rooting for Detroit this weekend & keep in mind, I hate all things Detroit! My hatred far exceeds any I’ve ever known before.
Since the bears game is at noon, we’ll know before our game even starts whether or not we’ll be helping them with a win.
We don’t want the skins and especially the giants to get into the playoffs. I’d love for the Vikings and bears to get in. Maybe they will get lucky against some of the other playoff teams before getting to us. Then we can wax them again.
I’m so angry. My Mom kicked me out of her basement and now I have to get a real job. I’m starting at McDonalds next week. My uncle is letting me stay with him in his studio apartment until I find a place. I just turned 27 last month and finally feel like a grown up. Hooray for me. I hate the Lions.
all i gotta say is that if the packers depended on the bears to win for the pack to get in the playoffs, you better believe im gonna watch the shit outta that game and be pullin hard for the bears. for me that situation is an extension of a packer game and i will be actively cheering for the bears, as bad as it sounds and feels just to type that.
the packers trump everything. if they need help and the cost is that the annoying ass bear fans and team get to feel good about themselves one more time then so be it. that’s what im gonna pull for, no questions asked. i would expect the same from all packer fans…luckily i don’t forsee any situation even approaching that for quite some time…and hopefully ever.
Brandon Marshall’s Mommy, dresses him funny.
Everyone’s so worried about the Giants—they are playing pathetic of late on Defense. I’d be much more concerned about the other teams with good defenses who will actually make the playoffs like the ‘Hawks and Niner’s.
The Giants can turn it on once they are in. No thanks.
Niners are probably the biggest threat. I do not fear the Seahawks at Lambeau. They are a different team away, in outdoor conditions.
I’d rather see the vikings get in the playoffs than the bears but of course I want the packers to win on sunday. I do not like the other teams but I want as many of them as possible to make the playoffs because it make the division look good.
I dislike but respect the Bears. I HATE the Vikings.
I see the Vikings fan is back impersonating me again. Whoever he/she is is totally projecting themselves onto me but let me respond with kindness for one unfortunate enough to live in Minnesota:
I’m sorry your mom kicked you out but, at 27, it was time for you to leave the basement. In this economy, you should count yourself lucky you have a job at McD’s & I’m happy your uncle will put you up in his apartment cause, according to the weather channel, it’s freezing in Minnesota right now!
And yes, I hate all things Detroit!
Go Pack Go!
How ironic Aaron Rodgers is Brandon Marshall qb for the Pro Bowl.
Aaron won’t be playing in the ProBowl, he will be resting for the Super Bowl!!!
Well, I WILL be cheering for the Bears. I’d much rather play those tools again vs the VIQueens, especially at Lambeau. Wouldn’t it be great to beat their asses 7 times straight???
Theres no scenerio where Gb plays the Bears other then the NFC Championship game. Just like its the only time they could face the Giants. This stuff isnt difficult. I’m going to help everyone out.
The best case scenerio for the Packers is this.
NYG win Bears lose GB win Wash win. Then the NYG would be in and play at SF. If they beat them GB would get either Wash or Seattle in rd 2 instead of SF. Then the Giants would play ATL, and if they won Gb could host the NFC championship game. Chi has no chance of beating SF. If Wash loses and gets the 6 they have a small chance of the upset at least. If GB loses to minn then they play Minn again at Lambeau no matter what. The only chance this doesnt happen is if GB SF loses and Seattle wins. Then GB would be 3 and SF would drop to 5, but its close to impossible.
So unless you think Chicago can win at SF then you should be rooting against Chicago. SF is GBs worst matchup. We want to avoid them if at all possible. As it stands we will play them in rd 2 either at lambeau with a Vikings win or at SF with a loss. GB matches up alot better with ATL with there deep secondary against the passing attack of Atl. I think I’d rather play ATL in Atl then SF at Lambeau.
The Giants getting in is not a good scenario. They can turn it on like they did last year. Playing at Lambeau is no comfort.
The best scenario is for the Bears win. They will lose against SF, but by getting in the playoffs, it is unlikely Lovie Smith will be fired.
It would be great if the Bears and Vikings lost, but Dallas wins. That way, the Redskins would be the wild card. BUt I don’t think Dallas will win–so we need the Bears to win. If the Bears lose, te Giants will probably get in.
How can you know who SF plays? They could still lose the division to Seattle and end up a 5 seed. Too much to be decided yet.
Hey Chris Restivo,
I stand corrected! I always wondered why so many people on this site hated the Vikings. I never felt this hatred, voiced so many times over, as I equated the Vikings to the medium-sized rock in my back yard… I mean the rock never did anything, nothing! It just sat there, I suppose if I flipped it over I might find it giving shelter to a few bugs but that would be its only real impact, a perennial inert object that one would place no real expectations on. I just never thought anything of them but, as I was just made aware, the Vikings accolades include 8 NFC Championship & 4 Super Bowls appearances…. Never mind that they only have, uhm, how many titles? They are a vision of sustained excellence!