Usually when Brett Favre says something about the Green Bay Packers or his former understudy, Aaron Rodgers, it’s something stupid. More than once, Favre has come off as petty, petulant or ignorant when discussing those subjects.
But hey, people change.
NFL Network is airing a three-part interview with Favre and he apparently addressed his former backup in part two. Unlike the last time this subject came up, Favre was clearly and totally complimentary.
“Aaron Rodgers, I knew when I left, this guy has all the tools,” Favre said. “He can beat you with his feet. He’s got a great arm, extremely accurate, handles the cast around him perfect. I think that’s the key sometimes. I think that’s what (Tom) Brady has done. Regardless of who you put out there, he’s good. That to me is the mark of a good quarterback.”
The wounds are healing, people.
My first thought was someone coached Favre before he sat down for the interview. Obviously, it was taped. My second thought was, it doesn’t really matter.
We all know Favre is going to be back in the fold eventually. There’s no denying he’s one of the greatest players in Packers history. Frankly, it’s refreshing he said something positive about Rodgers.
Are we getting soft? Have we forgotten about Favre’s tenure with the stain on society that is the Minnesota Vikings?
No. Never will.
But Favre is obviously trying to work his way back into the good graces of Packers fans and we appreciate the effort.
Last updated on February 18th, 2014 at 04:42 pm
Pass the salt, just more old people fucking
an outright apology from Favre to all Packer fans for disrespecting them and being a total douche bag would be a great place to start the long process of getting back in the good graces.
Come on guys, Brett gave us a lot of great years and brought the trophy back after a lonnnnnng drought.
He had every right to play wherever he wanted to after GB.
Was the separation a bit awkward? yes, but that’s ancient history
Well, a lot of other people had a lot to do with ending the lonnnnnnnnnng drought too, but they didn’t act as if they were above the team and knowingly burn their legacy on the wrong side of the Mississippi River. Perhaps if Favre hadn’t been pretty much wrong on every move he wanted to make as de facto GM, there MIGHT be a little room to forgive, but trying to saddle the team with more Mike Sherman, over-priced aging linemen, and malcontent free agents, and then complaining in 2009 that the drafting of two QB’s “closed the door” on him (and that second pick being Matt Flynn afterall, while the first pick played for the Las Vegas Locomotives last year) doesn’t bolster his case much. He pretty much presented the Packers a lose/lose proposition – do things my way (and be pretty much where the Vikings are now) or I’m going to leave and “stick it” to you. And again, all you have to do is cross the bridge over the Mississippi, pay “tribute” to the ash heap that was once Favre’s legacy, and push on into the Twin Cities to catch a glimpse of where the Packers would be right now if Favre had gotten his way from 2005 on.
And am I getting this right? Four years ago is “ancient history” but we’re supposed to remember Favre “single handedly” turning the team around 20 years ago and intrepidly winning us a trophy 16 years ago? I guess my Favre basket has a great big hole in it so no cherry-picking for me, thanks anyway.
Favre was a Jim Kelly/Dan Fouts caliber QB, which certainly is better than not having a Kelly/Fouts QB (unless you happen to have a Montana caliber QB anyway), but in no way gave Favre license to hold the team hostage and issue ultimatums for three years (and this BEYOND the media driven waffling before hand, this is a different animal), and then get so worked up about it to quit and seek revenge when all Ted Thompson did was try and put the Packers in the best “competitive advantage” to win. It was hard enough to try and manage the modern free agent/salary cap era (the reality of which had Ron Wolf himself “hit the wall” trying to manage), much less the mess Sherman as GM left for him, and THEN, after just TWO YEARS, to manage having Super Bowl caliber teams 4 of the last 5 years, but then having to deal with Favre and his mental problems, again offering up a lose/lose situation.
In the end, Favre’s contributions ~15 years ago were too partial for the SINGULAR damage he tried to inflict against the success of this recently. Harlan, Wolf, Holmgren, White, Butler, Levens, Howard, Brown, Jones, Freeman, Bennett and A LOT more had very much to do with the turnaround and success of a half-generation ago – but is was just Favre who bellyached and cried and moaned and complained and “stuck it” to the Packers. No one else. The Goodwill that went in circa 1996 as the PARTIAL contribution had more checks written against it by Favre solo from 2005-2010. Jim Kelly couldn’t have treated the Bills the way Favre treated the Packers without lasting effects. Or Fouts against the Chargers.
Classy B.F….you know what would be even classier? A-Rod should text the ol’ gunslinger a couple of “dick pics” and tell him to suck these……..
lol !!!!!!!
my TP hero….HILARIOUS!!!!!
Judging by the content of this website and the previous three comments, the majority of people in Wisconsin are morbidly obese, semi-literate, and closet homosexuals. No wonder they love Rodgers so much… Because he blows cock.
wow, Rodgers is the MVP, please do remember that
Please don’t tell everyone Rodgers is blowing your cock.
Takes one to know one, I guess.
All Brett did was say what is already well-known and established. He would look like a fool if he said anything else. Brett likes to look smart.
Saying anything positive about A-Rod before was tantamount to admitting the Packers made a good decision in trading him. Brett couldn’t do that.
But it hardly matters now. So, better to not look stupid…
He already looks stupid, and its his own damn fault.
We’ll never forget you, Brent.
The cock-slinger can eat a dick.
omg… i cant believe that PACKERS FANS r trashing favre…. dont any of you guys even remember all of the great things he’ve done to the packers? favre will always be 1 of myy favorite packer…
I dont appreciate the effort
Last time Favre commented on Rodgers, it wasn’t an insult, a back-handed compliment at worst: he said Rodgers was a great QB and that he was surprised it took him that long to win a SB. I would like to think this was an attempt at a compliment towards A-Rodg’s ability considering it was what, his 2nd year starting?-Favre figure he was good enough to win it in his first year. His reasons for thinking this were probably: 1) the implicit-the Pack were so close, barely losing the highest-scoring postseason game in history;, 2) the explicit-he said this is the best team he’s ever been on. Yes he has been on some great teams (one that won the SB and another that made it to one, let’s not forget), but in his opinion the players on the team that loss to the giants in his last game as a Packer, were probably the most talented Packer group he’s ever known. Favre received a great deal of criticism for this interview, but I think he was trying to be as objective as possible, the media (as they did with the last 5 years of his career) over-analyzed and spun it (or presented the information in such a way that made it easy for many fans to understand it in a negative light). McCarthy himself, has said that this year’s (and last year, that team) is the best team he’s ever coach; considering almost all of the stalwarts from this year’s and last year’s teams played with Favre in his last year in GB, I’d say that’s a pretty fair and accurate statement.
As a Packer fan since I can remember (16 years +) I empathize with all fans who were dismayed and angered by Favre’s “betrayal”, from the breakup to the Vikings. But this dude was the main reason (with respect to players) the Packers reinvigorated a moribund franchise. He loved this game more than (or equal to) any athlete has ever loved his/her sport, and played with the utmost passion. Did he make some mistakes? Undoubtedly. As many as or to the caliber of pretty much any current Bengal, Cowboy, Viking, or Lion? Not even close. He’s not a violent person nor a druggie-say what you want about his painkiller addiction, but come on the dude started like 18 years in a row at the position most susceptible to injury, and played numerous seasons with severe injuries. Condonable? No. Understandable? Most definitely. Besides, he conquered that addiction.
So come on guys let’s quit with Favre-hating, it’s the mark of a petulant and spoiled fanbase-any other team in the league would have loved to have one of the greatest QBs of all-time, and the iron man of one of the most physical and dangerous jobs known to humanity.
That’s my diatribe. By the way, the site is awesome, love the quick and numerous updates (especially the viking, lion, and bear dissing)-keep me entertained for minutes a day 6 days a week. Keep it up.
Favre burned his legacy, we didn’t take it from him. It helps to frame the situation correctly before going at such length. Favre was the petulant and spoiled one, so much so that he thought he was above the team. Dealing in cold hard fact that he flushed away probably the best gig the NFL has ever seen isn’t on us. It was the Packers who gave him his 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances to make an NFL career for himself, after pretty much make a waste of his opportunity with the Falcons. And we forgave the pills, and three years of struggling early on, and the playoff washouts in the early to mid 2000’s. But try and put yourself above the team, resent not being able to be there, and then try and get revenge with a division rival? We won’t forget that, nor should we have to. It’s as much fact as all the good that he did for the team, but in proper proportion, wasn’t enough to offset the bad. It’s as simple as that. And if I overdraw my bank account, time simply doesn’t drop more in. Favre has some work to do rebuilding bridges for many Packer fans. That doesn’t mean the protocol the Packers have to follow won’t have certain ceremonies as a matter of course, but Favre burned whatever good he gave through protracted and consistently applied behavior that just doesn’t simply disappear, just because, as far as many fans are concerned. Facts are facts, good or bad, and the add and subtract with and from each other to reach a reality based conclusion. I have little desire to cherry-pick to build some sort of fantasy land, and am not “spoiled” because of it. Reality is reality. There’s no moral high ground in lobotomizing yourself to forget parts of the past you don’t like.
Put another way, circa 1978, when I’d watch the Packers lose at noon and watch the Cowboys win at 3:00, did I hope beyond hope that I could watch a personal stat gathering guy be part of a great team but eventually throw the team under the bus and try and gain revenge against it from a division rival? No, I wanted my team to the Cowboys. And Harlan and Wolf and Holmgren and White and Butler and Freeman and Brooks and Howard and Brown and Jones and Levens and Bennett and Sharper and Green and Winters and Chmura and Driver and Woodson and Raji and Matthews and Thompson and McCarthy and Rodgers AND Favre had a lot do with making that a reality. But it was just Favre that turned all that on its ear because Ted Thompson mysteriously wanted to build-up the team his way instead of the way Favre wanted to, which was to treat the team like a semi-retirement hobby shop filled with his buddies (again cue the present day Vikings by way of comparison).
Last, so much of the Favre Legend is PERSONAL based. MVP’s, streaks, and records do not win championships. Favre running up a lot of personal data, while parallel to the Packer success, isn’t the same exact SET of data. Favre was not particularly a championship caliber guy. The net between his base potency physically and his mental failures was most certainly embraceable – up until 2005. But that’s when he decided to use that fractured brain of his to be in charge of Legacy Maintenance. The massive over hype that somehow pushed him from his Fouts/Kelly position on the QB list to BEYOND Montana, with little or no correction from the local media (to keep it real) had Favre truly believing he was above the team. When that happened the end was pretty much written. And the stream of good, great, bad, and terrible happened and it got us where we are today. I have no obligation to remember some and forget some other to fill somebody else’s imperative. I watch sports to watch individuals/teams struggle against adversity, not BE the adversity. If I must honor him regardless of the adversity he provided over six full years, then I have no reason to watch sports.
No one is saying he wasnt great for the Packers, best ever, till AROD! They’re just saying he’s a dickhead douchebag… Which is undebatable! Thanks for the memories Brent!